(Chapter Thirty-One)

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Y/n continues to stare into the blue hues of Leon's eyes, seeing how he stared back with pure love and appreciation in his irises. He leans down slightly, placing his lips on the taller male's forehead. The latter male smiled, burrowing his face into Leon's chest and humming happily. Leon wraps his arms slightly tighter around his lover, bringing him closer to himself.

Y/n lifted his head, chin resting on the dark blonde haired male's chest. He watched him in silence until another knock sounded on the door. Leon grumbles a curse, looking over at the beige colored wood as it slowly moves open. The head of a nurse pops in as she shyly walks over to the bed. Y/n watches her for a moment, being quiet and suddenly speaks up.

His words startle Leon at first, "hello Alice." He greets, seeing her smile and run a hand through his hair. A wave of jealousy flows through Leon, though he does his best not to act on it.

She turns to face me, using her left index finger to point at the wounds on me leg and shoulder. "You, young man. Are in big trouble with your boyfriend here." She looks over to Y/n with a sly smile, seeing his face light up a little.

"So what are you doing here?" Y/n asks, trying to change the subject. His head bows slightly, leaning more weight into my body as his breathing slows a little.

"I got transferred and ended up being hired to be a nurse here, pay was better." She confesses, then looks back at me for a moment. "How're you feeling?"

"He wasn't all banged up, or well.... if he wasn't all banged up, you coulda met him in a better way." Y/n's toothy grin said it all, the heartfelt awe he held within the hue of (e/c) swirls around his eyes.

"I'd have loved to meet over coffee, but sadly we aren't under those circumstances. I heard Y/n here, was here." She makes hand gestures that I don't understand at first. "And thought he'd gotten himself in trouble." She lightly pinched his nose, making it crinkle up as he tried to free himself from her.

"Hey... stop..." he freed himself and hid his face in my arm, watching the nurse in silence as she giggled and shook her head.

She placed her hands firmly on her hips and let a calm line form on her lips. "What am I gonna do with you?" Her smile grows a little as she turns back to me. "Any pains anywhere?"

"No... I'm alright, when can we leave?" I ask, just wanting to be home with Y/n. To hold him in my arms and snuggle under the covers. I wanted that. I needed that.

"Oh no Mister, you're staying in that bed for at least a week." She points at me, poking my nose. "And if you were to go home, you wouldn't be allowed to leave you bed. Save to pee." She finished and I frowned, wanting desperately to hold my lover to myself and keep him there forever.

Y/n nudged my arm with his nose, then met my eye as I turned my gaze to him. "Why're you frowning?" He asks, poking at my bottom lip. My brow furrowed, had it been so obvious? "Don't be sad~" he shifts, his larger body hovering over mine slightly as he carefully pressed his lips to my cheek. "Be happy~" I hide the small smile creeping up as best as I can. "Nooooo..." he pouts, slumping down on the side of the bed with his arms crossed.

I couldn't help the soft chuckle that left my lips, loving to see him act so childishly. My mind went back to our age gap, thinking about it for a moment or so. "Sorry, just thinking about how badly I want to cuddle you in my bed..." I confess, my face a bright light pink as I hang my head to hide it.

I'd heard him say that. He wanted to cuddle me at home, which meant that he wanted to be home in order to keep me close to him. I smiled, gently cupping his face in my hands. I shift him to look up at me, eyes locking as we stared at each other in a nice silence. It was a peaceful silence.

"We can cuddle here, in bed together~" I offer the idea, which he takes into consideration. His eyes leave mine for a moment, staring off into the side as his lips form a thin line. I sigh, shaking my head with a smile as it hangs low afterwards. "Don't want my cuddles, Mr. Kennedy?" I teased, seeing his eyes dart back to mine.

"I do! I..." he bites his bottom lip, looking away from Alice and I. She and I exchange glances before she leaves the room.

"Leon~" he sends me a sheepish look. "I love you~" with that, he turns fully to me, only to be kissed gently. His hands shift to my hips, holding me in place as his lips mold with mine.

"Sorry to inter-" a voice cuts itself off as I slowly pull away from Leon. There's a look of irritation in his eyes that makes me chuckle dryly as I turn towards the door. Standing in the doorway was that same man from before. What was his name again? Had I even learned it? That night was such a blur, I hardly remember anything properly!

"Chris? What're you doing here?" Leon asks, sounding genuinely curious about this brunettes presence in the room. I clasp my hands together, shyly looking over my hands.

"I came to see how you were holding up, not every day that you get shot. Especially twice." He approaches the bed, sitting in a chair beside it.

"Ah, you know me. Nothing can take me down." I hear Leon say, somewhat cockily. I scoff, looking over the slight wrinkles covering my knuckles. "Okay fine. You're right, I had somebody worried sick over me."

"That's not what I meant Leon," I scold, looking over at the two men. "What I was saying happened to be that you did go down after the first shot. It was an idiot move on your part." I snap at him, trying to sound like a wise father figure despite being much younger. I knew damn well lashing out in such a manner wouldn't reap anything good, and I was right.

"What did you expect from me? To just sit by and let the enemy shoot bullet after bullet at you? You needed my help. Face it, if it weren't for me-" I shake my head, standing up. "What are you gonna do this time? Sit in the same chair and pout?"

"No." I flash him a saddened, but agitated glare. "I'm leaving." I snap, walking towards the door.

"W-wait!" Leon's suddenly fearful voice echoed through the room. "Don't leave me..." I send him a slightly hurt look and leave the room, closing the door behind me. I press my back against it, taking deep breaths as I slowly cooled down. There had been so much tension that kept building in the air, it's surprising that Alice didn't sense it.

Maybe she did and didn't want to get involved. I shrug it off, peering down the empty hallways as I try to recall which way was the exit. I turn to my left, willing myself to get lost if possible. Anything to keep me away from that room, at least for a little while. I repeated the room number over and over and over to myself internally. Letting it embed itself into the walls of my conscious to prevent from forgetting such crucial information.

1998. His room number. I stumbled across an elevator that just opened its doors to me, allowing me to step on and press lightly on the ground floor. I repeated the number again, giving myself something to think about. To distract me from the current situation. The doors open, but I don't step out.

"Damnit..." I curse under my breath when he closes the door, leaving me in silence with Chris. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, then points out something I hadn't even noticed at first.

"What was with all the tension between you two? Is everything alright?" His question puzzled me for a moment, because I didn't know there had been tension. I bit the inside of my cheek harshly, knowingly drawing blood. That was my punishment, that's what I deserved for chasing him away. No, no I deserved much worse than this.

"I didn't mean to chase him off... I..." I find myself at a loss for words, unable to properly function without Y/n beside me. I chased him away. He left me. He's gone. Where's he going to go? Panic flooded my veins, making me shift slightly.

"Hey, you're not supposed to be going anywhere. What's going on?" Chris kept me on my back, looking worriedly over at me.

"He has no where to go except for with Alice. I can't lose him again Chris... I just... I just got him back." I looked to the door, being mindful of the confusion that just hit Chris like a train.

"Do you want me to go get-" before he could finish I grab his free hand and squeeze the life out of it.


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