\Chapter Nineteen\

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I sat at the island and watched Leon as he continued cooking, eyes roaming his back. I wanted to feel it, touch the many scars that littered his body to prove the life he was living. "Leon?" I ask his name in a small whisper. I get a hum in return from the blonde. "Where did you get all of your scars?" I ask him, watching the male pause and turn off the stove.

"I can't really say much, but I'll use a single word." Right as he locked eyes with me I answered his sentence first.

"Bioterrorism, right?" I ask him, staring into those waves of blue and nearly drowning in them. I hardly noticed him set a plate in front of me, from how dazed I'd become. I shook my head, zoning back in and looking down to see the plate. Leon took his seat to my right, nudging my bare arm with his.

"That's exactly it, you've heard of it?" He asks the question, though from his tone he's prepared for me to not like this subject.

"My father, he said there were people out there that sold viruses. Sometimes he'd watch the news, waiting for an outbreak to happen. Raccoon City, Tall Oaks... China..." I trailed off, not wanting to say much else. Leon simply looked away from me, not appearing to like this talk either. "Ah, it doesn't matter, the point is we've known forever. I've just been too innocent and loyal to my father and every cause he had that I didn't see his true colors."

"True colors?" Leon questions, cocking a brow into the air. "What do you mean?" He takes a bite of the eggs.

"Well... when I saw small, my father was like my hero. He led teach me how to hunt, I'd learn how to wield a knife in case something happened. Then one day, he stopped seeming to care about us. He'd get into fights easily with my mother, scolding each other. Then suddenly, he was acting all nice again and saying, 'soon you'll be like me, you'll harbor h the powers of a God!' He was a fool to believe such things, we would be no Gods." I scoff at the memories that flashed across the softened gaze of my eyes. "I can't exactly blame him though..."

"Everything will be alright in the end, I promise." I felt Leon's hand be laid upon the top of my own. "You're safe with me."

"But can I say the same about you? I mean..." I bit my lip for a second. "What if I am a threat? I don't want to hurt anybody..."

"Y/n..." here it comes, the softness and delicate nature he used whenever I seemed doubtful. "You aren't a threat, not to me and not to anybody else in the world. Okay?" He squeezed my hand gently and brought it up to place his lips against my knuckles. "You're perfect, Y/n. Please remember that..." he placed another kiss to my knuckles before laying our hands on the countertop.

"You seem so sure of that..." I begin, spotting the nervousness in his eyes as he ate more. "I'm happy that you're so kind to me. Thank you." I smile and lean over, pressing my lips lightly against his cheek and hearing him take in a deep breath and hold it.

I felt my heart stop beating for a moment, the kiss to my cheek lingering until he felt it necessary to remove them. Cold took their place and I turned my head to face him. I let out the breath I hadn't realized I took, then smiled. "Is that one step closer to a kiss?"

"Keep up the good work, Mr. Kennedy, and you'll get more~" he winked at my and I felt my heart spasm out of my chest. My face became a very light pink, of that I was sure.

You watch him, smiling over at him as he puts food on his fork and suddenly holds it out to you. Shocked, you nervously take the food into your mouth and remove it from the fork. The taste was, by far, better than the food your father would give you. A sparkle shined within your eyes. "Wow~" you smile at him, "it's good~"

"Then eat your food~" he stuck his tongue out at you, teasingly. You sigh, smiling widely as you take some of the food from your plate and eat it.

You sat on the couch, looking at your hands while Leon sat near you on the other end of the couch. His device was in his hands, looking over what you could see looked as though he'd be going on a mission soon. "Say Leon?" He lifts his head, looking into your eyes calmly.

"Yeah Y/n? What's up?" He doesn't love his eyes off of you as he gives you his undivided attention.

"S-so..." you trail, becoming awkwardly shy for some reason. Was asking people out this hard for others? "Ah... w-well..." you ramble and stutter out.

"Is something wrong?" He looks over your face to wait patiently.

"N-no, I'm okay... it's just... ah... would you... could we... um..." you scratch the back of your neck nervously. "Date?"

"What?" He blinked, trying to put the words together properly. "Wait... like a date? Or to date right off the bat?" His question made you nod slightly.

"G-go on a date..." you fiddle your fingers and remain flustered. "C-could we?" There is a small shine in your irises that Leon does not fail to pick up. A smile finds his lips.

"Sure we can~ it'll have to be after the mission though... ah..." now it was his time to become shy. "They want you to come with me... to make the search easier..." he looks away from me.

"What kind of mission is it?" You ask him, scooting over to sit right next to him. Sharing body heat as you leaned over to look at the device. He chuckled and went to the top, scrolling through to let you know what to expect. "What's the B.S.A.A.?" You question, looking into his eyes.

"Sometimes I forget that you've never been out in the world. It's know as the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. They fight against the terrors of bioweapons. We call them B.O.W.s for short." Leon explains to you, while you sit and soak up the new information.

"I see... what's the mission supposed to be about?" You find yourself tilting your head slightly to the left.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I'll be briefed soon while you're added to the system... to... well... acknowledge you're alive. It'll make it to where you'll be seen as an agent and people won't notice your being someone else." He starts to explain that again. "It's not a long process, I promise. It's just annoying."

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