;Chapter Forty-Six;

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Y/n raced down the hallway, Helena not far behind him as they reached the entryway

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Y/n raced down the hallway, Helena not far behind him as they reached the entryway. It had been a week since she called Leon, a week since he heard what was going on. Y/n could feel the tracker under his skin, feel it moving around and telling Ada and anyone else she allowed to know exactly where he was. Some weird place in China.

Just when he thought his share of traveling the globe would be over with, at least he wasn't alone. The two paused and stopped to rest inside of a little office-like room. The male of the two slumped against the wall and slid to the floor as the woman barred the door and joined him, sitting herself next to him.

She shifted, taking the clip out of her gun to check how much ammunition was still i side before pushing it back in and cocking it back. "You know, I never got to really meet you save from the hospital. We didn't get off on a good start either." She turns her body to properly face the man. "My name is Helena Harper, I'm Agent Kennedy's partner. Was anyway, he's a lone wolf after all." She smiles and sighs, shaking her head. "And don't start, I know we've already met. I just want to make it better."

"I'm Y/n L/n. I'm Leon's lover and I hope we can be good friends." He replies, turning his head to her as they shake hands. "I guess this makes you my partner in crime until we're out of here, huh?" He smirks and leans his head against the cold stone wall behind himself.

"You miss him, don't you?" She asks suddenly, which earns her a shy glance from the h/l h/c haired male.

"I..." the sound of something slamming against the door in front of them keeps the confrontation from happening. They shoot to their feet and wind around the room to the other door, quietly opening it and closing it behind them.

Boots equally slamming against the tile floor, caked and covered in layer upon layer of crimson blood. Y/n used this as he slid around a corner to allow Helena to move ahead of himself, which caused a wave of memories to hit him suddenly. He shakes them free from his head and runs swiftly after the brunette.

A gunshot pierced the air, narrowly missing the male's head. A warning shot. Yet from whom, he skidded to a stop and pulled Helena's body behind his. Eyes narrowed, mutation ready to be reactivated. He could hear someone set down their gun and not a moment later Ada appeared.

His jaw hung slack, surprise written in his features. "I thought you were busy!"

She smiles, averting her chocolate eyes for a moment before staring the male down. "That was a week ago. Leon was taking too long, so I came to get you myself." She strides towards him as several sets of boots slam against tile and within moments the trio are surrounded.

It sent a wave of safety over the man, seeing the logo he knew well. Especially that calm, inviting bear of a man. Chris stood there, gun trained only on Ada with eyes narrowed in suspicion. Y/n was quick to tug her behind himself as well.

"Chris." The male greeted, seeing the brunette lower his assault rifle and sigh. The barrel aimed towards the ground now, showing off a more relaxed look across his face.

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