(Chapter Forty-Seven)

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Ah fuck it. Let's go! Also I guess trigger warning because- yeah- you'll see-
Y/n had eventually fallen asleep, head resting atop of his lover's. The ride was peaceful, people chatting over the loud helicopter that only seemed quiet while inside the metal bird. Chris turned in his seat to glance back at Ada, seeing the woman hide the same colored vial Y/n had earlier in her hip pouch. He looked away before she could notice him.

He sends a cautious glance at a few select others, knowing they saw what she did as well. His gaze traveled back to the sleeping couple, watching the taller male's eyes shoot open as a look of pain flashes through him. He grits his teeth and looks anywhere except for Chris. His struggling woke up Leon, worrying the dirty blonde. "Y/n?"

"He's fine, the virus likes to send waves of pain through his body. It'll do that when something unwanted is added into his body or simply when he's injured on the inside." Ada spoke coldly, leaning over the seat and pressing her cold fingertips in his hair. "It's nothing he can't handle... isn't that right?"

His nose scrunches up as it feels like fire burning the inside of his body. He knew all too well what was happening, which is why the last thing he remembers clearly seeing is falling out of the helicopter on his own willing terms. Hundreds of feet in the air, wind flowing over his body as he traveled downwards. Picking up speed until the mutation finished and landed in the trees of a small forest.

He turns human, hands on his head as he screams out in pain. Collapsing to his knees and screaming louder, almost heard by the people hundreds of feet above him. The pain only seemed to increase as time stretched longer. Ada walked to the edge of the helicopter and frowned, "it's rejecting him."

"What's rejecting him?" Leon asks, standing up suddenly. Chris snatches her by the collar of her red jacket, holding her off of the edge of the metal bird. "Chris!"

"What did you do to him?!" The brunette snarls in her face, shaking her. Feet almost dangling in the air. Hands holding his in attempt to save herself. Suddenly a smirk finds her lips as he lets his hands go. Leaning further out of the helicopter with arms spread eagle.

"Go ahead. Drop me." Her playful tone reaches his ears and he roughly shakes her and slams her to the floor of the helicopter. She coughs and takes off her hip pouch. "The cure, is in here." Leon reaches down for it, only for it to brush his fingertips as she throws it out of the opening. As her distraction Ada leapt off of the other side of the helicopter and began her own fall.

Meanwhile you were almost fully mutated, eyes wide in genuine fear. You watched the helicopter as it circled you a hundred times over and possibly even more, then you saw her. Ada. You stood shakily and began to limpishly run towards the area she'd land, catching her body after she rag dolls from the trees and everything else.

Body falling into your awaiting arms as you knelt down, unable to stand on your own any longer. You heard the helicopter land and be turned off, then people shouting out your name. You reached in the direction you knew heartily Leon was. Pain shot through your body and you screamed out, letting Ada fall to the forest floor.

"We found him!" You heard a soldier shout, running until you were surrounded like always. Eyes bloodshot and blood burning in your veins as you glanced down at the woman you'd caught. Her expression was quiet and calm, eyes closed in silence. She was waiting to be killed, yet when it never happened her brown eyes opened.

"Don't move!" Chris snarls, gun trained on Ada. Your eyes dance around everyone, suddenly having fear overtake your body. You begin to hyperventilate, afraid of all these people around you. Memories burning to ashes as you continued to mutate.

Ada tries to sit up, a bullet piercing her right thigh. She yells out in pain, bringing the male back for a moment.

"Ada!" He calls her name, but it's not his voice. It's distorted and inhuman. Her hues meet his terrified ones, reaching her hand out to cup his cheek.

"I know it hurts... I know..." she shifts to hold his face fully. A bullet pierces into her side, though not fatal unless left untreated for hours. Her eyes close and she lets out a forced breath. "Fucking prick..." her eyes soften when she sees the fear in your eyes. "Tell me how it's affecting you... okay?"

"I... I can't... I can't breathe!" You cry out, clawing at your throat as a thick crimson spills from your parted lips. Eyes burning with tears, you continue on. "I can't remember anything!"

Her eyes soften and she pulls him into a hug, uncaring if his blood got on her. "I know... it's okay... I'm right here..." her eyes close as her own tears fall onto his back. "You'll remember us. You're going to be fine." She lies softly, kissing his forehead. Hands grip her shoulders and push her onto the ground as a bullet is shot through her forehead.

His eyes grow wider, "ADA!" He coughs, beginning to choke on his own blood. He continues to claw at his throat, scratching the skin until the muscle and tissue underneath is visible. Leon rushes from the crowd, fear etched in his body as he slides to the ground.

The male looks over at him, looking over his face confused. "Y/n..."

"Who are you?"

Who are you?

Who... are... you...?

Y/n shot up in a bed, eyes bloodshot and terrified. Chest heavy up and down, Leon there to hold his biceps. "It's just a nightmare! It's okay... you're okay..." he holds his lover to himself and Y/n sobs quietly into his bare chest. Y/n look around himself and hears a baby sobbing quietly from the room next door. "Talia... I'll take care of her, stay here. I'll be right back." With such he kisses the male's forehead and leaves the room.

"Was all of that a bad dream?" Y/n questions himself as he swings his legs over the edge of the bed. He walks towards the bathroom and enters, turning on the faucet and splashing freezing cold water onto his face. Staring into the mirror and the face that stared back in silence. "A nightmare... so weird..." He shakes his head and dries off his face, glancing back to the mirror and yelling out.

In the reflection was himself, the bloodied and dying self. His eyes were wide in genuine horror on both sides of the mirror. "Two sides of the same coin." The voice in his head finally spoke again, calming him slightly. "We'll restart and stay alive. Events changed. It's been a week since they took you home with no injuries. What you had was a nightmare."

"And Ada?" You question quietly.

"Sitting by the phone worrying for you. As she always is."

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