/Chapter Ten/

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There was a soft chill in the room, Leon watching your face before leaning closer to you. "You will? Truly?" His eyes never leaving yours, save to glance towards your lips before moving away from you once again.

"Yes, I'll come with you. I will also be holding you to your word." You poke his chest and he chuckled softly, taking your hands in his. The warmth that merged into your cold fingers was appreciated. You stared into his eyes for a moment, enjoying the silence again.

"That's great, I'll make sure that you're safe." He gives your hands a soft squeeze, then smiles like a little boy given candy. "God I'm so happy I have you back!" He suddenly wraps his arms around your body and hugs you. You flinch a little, and became unsure of him as he ignored your sweaty appearance from being outside.

"What?" You smirk, becoming playful again, "did you miss me?~" Leon pulls away, your faces millimeters away as he stared into your eyes. You didn't feel like moving back, rather you enjoyed the fact he was close to you.

"Of course I did..." Leon leaned away from you, clearing his throat. "Sorry..." he clasped his hands together and avoided your eyes.

You pouted, grabbing his warm, calloused yet soft hands and squeezed them. He turns to look at you, "I missed you as well, Leon. I was worried over whether or not you'd be alright..."

"You were worried for me?" Leon seemed to light up at that, knowing that despite not knowing him well... you cared for him. He cared for you the same way, like two friends would. Though, he felt his feelings growing a little stronger despite shoving them down and trying to ignore the little crush sprouting.

For you, this was much easier. You didn't realize the tiny crush, you've never known what love was despite your mother and father being loving towards one another. You looked up to that, wanted that. You've never been sure who you'd fall in love with, or why, but you never once decided it would be a man or woman. It didn't matter to you, it never did.

You mistook the feeling for that of a strong friendship, or possibly a bond for family even. It didn't effect you, not like it did with Leon. "Of course I was worried about you, Leon..." you hesitantly leaned forward to hug the slightly smaller male. Leon nudged into you, enjoying the hug that you finally chose to give him. "You're very important to me!" A smile found your face as you removed yourself.

"I'm... I'm important to you?" You spotted the pink blush on his face as he stared into your  (e/c) orbs.

"Very much so, Leon. I care for you, you're a great friend..." you smiled, but soon frowned when you saw Leon's face fall. A frown covered his lips, which he looked away to hide. "Leon?"

"I'm alright, just thinking about... something..." he moved a hand to feel your hair, seemingly curious and in need of a topic change.

"How have you been?" You ask him, seeing him smile slightly.

"I've been good, if you're worried over my mental health it's appreciated... I'm just fine~" he sent you his signature smirk and glanced at your lips, or somewhere else on your face. You couldn't tell exactly where he was looking, but you didn't really mind it too much. All you did was shrug it off.

Y/n sent the blonde a smile, "of course I'm worried for you, and care for you. You mean a lot to me, Leon. I'll always value your friendship." The (h/c) haired male noticed the other tense up and shudder as if remembering something he didn't want to. "Hey, Leon?" He doesn't answer or look at the other male. "Are you okay? If I said something you didn't like I can-"

"No." His reply was short, but it was obvious that the slightly larger male struck a nerve. Y/n bit the inside of his cheek, worried that he made the only friend he'd really made in his life angry at him. "I don't like thinking about it, that's all..." he confessed, still avoiding the others gaze.

Y/n simply opened his arms, offering the other a hug. Leon, though not sure if it would be okay, leaned into his touch. The larger male wrapped around his smaller frame and held the man closer to himself, his chin resting on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I reminded you of something that seems painful... I won't ask about it..." with that having been said, Leon attempted to remove himself from Y/n to tell him that Leon wasn't mad at him. Instead, the other male held him tighter.

"Y/n..." Leon breathes out, finally wrapping his arms around the other. He held on tightly, as though letting go would result in his friend/crush would vanish from his world forever. Y/n didn't mind, in fact it made him happy that Leon could be so clingy to him. To him, it was cute. "I... can I ask you something?" His tone is quiet, showing how shy he's suddenly become.

"Yes Leon?" The other tilts their head, waiting for him to continue.

I took in a deep breath, finally removing myself from the hug that Y/n had so gently offered me. He had struck up the painful memory of Adam, which had reminded me of that night in Tall Oaks. I couldn't bare to remember it, but yet... he understand that.

I forced out a smile and breathed out, "since you'll be coming with me... no... that's not what I want to talk about..." I internally growl at my poor choice of beginning. Y/n simply laughs quietly, his chest rising and falling with every given gesture.

"Are you alright?" He asks me, his right hand moving to move the hair away from my eye. "There~ all nice a pretty~" he had said, which brought heat up my neck and to my face.

"Thank you," I'm grateful that I didn't stutter this time around, then focused my eyes on his. "I..." I couldn't quite grasp how to word it, so I just blurted it out. "Whenever you look at me, do you get all bubbly inside? Do you see me as a friend or maybe perhaps more?" I bit the inside of my cheek rather harshly, feeling like I'd be rejected instantly.

He simply blinked, unsure how to answer. "I've never been in love before..." he spoke finally after minute. My heart raced, I'd be the first one? I quietly shut myself down, repeating that he'd never like another man. He probably liked Rebecca or Claire. Hell, he'd probably be in awe of Ada. "What does love feel like?" His question brought my back.

"You're asking me that?" I question, seeing him nod nervously and fiddle with his hands. My heart fluttered slightly, but I began thinking of how love felt to me.

"Well... for me at least..." I began, though still unsure, "I get this sensation that causes me to feel as though butterflies are flying through my gut. It makes me feel shy and flustered, especially when I'm flirted with. It also makes me feel cherished whenever I'm praised, or hurt whenever I'm ignored..." I went quiet for a moment. "It's like...." I trail off.

But Y/n continued for me.

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