:Chapter Forty-Five:

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ThirdHunnigan stood there in silence, staring around before the sound of something being forcefully knocked over caught her attention

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Hunnigan stood there in silence, staring around before the sound of something being forcefully knocked over caught her attention. Quickly she turned off her monitor and his under the desk, manually sending the information to Leon's phone through her own. With it she says, 'you're on your own this mission Leon, your goal is to save all of us here. Good luck and for the love of god, being back-up for once.' She turns the screen off and hides further from view.

"Those fucking bastards! Where are they?!" She turns on her camera quickly and goes live to Leon's device, knowing the two were probably watching in confused horror. A pair of legs passes her desk and she quickly holds her breath, not daring to take one in.

Slamming can be heard which alerts to two watching male's, both dead silent to keep her safe. "Sir! We can't locate that bitch from earlier!" One man shouts and the sound of more slamming is heard. Legs stop before Hunnigan's desk, turning her direction.

"Well... I certainly don't think you've searched very well." With that they crouch, revealing a man thought to be long dead to everyone. "Hello~" his look of utter calmness before Hunnigan is ripped from under the desk. She stands, arms tied behind her back and mouth covered with thin cloth.

The man smirks coldly and lifts up the phone, "you piece of shit!" The (h/c) haired male snaps, though goes quiet for a moment. "What do you want from us!"

"You see, dear Mr. L/n~ I'm here for you, so I do suggest if you want to see these people alive by tomorrow evening, you show up." With that the call ends and Hunnigan is forced away from the room, dragged down corridors until she reaches the room they held everyone else within. She's untied and shoved inside, landing on her hands and knees.

"Soon we'll see how capable that little agent is~" he chuckles in a vile manner before the door is slammed shut.

Leon is deadpanned shocked, not sure what to say or do as his eyes hit his lovers. Yet Y/n knew exactly what he was doing the moment the phone was snatched from Leon. "Hey-" he's handed Talia gingerly and cradles her the moment the phone is placed at the other's ear.

"Ada I need a favor from you. No, yes I'm aware... Ada please!" His pleading tone must have gotten to her as the woman seemed to agree to whatever he wanted. He continues, "Leon's HQ was attacked and they want my blood or something, I need you to help get me out if things go south. Or at least send word to the B.S.S.A for me."

"Y/n..." her voice is heard from the other end, the ravenette sitting in the back of a helicopter. She closes her eyes tightly and shakes her head, "I'll do whatever I can from here, you caught me at a not so great time..." she leans out and stares down at the island that awaited her arrival with anger. The beating wings keeping the metal bird afloat filtered through to the male.

"Anything you can do... I'd be grateful... wait... isn't that tracker still in my body from all those years ago?" He asks suddenly, making her go completely quiet.

"Yes..." she replies hesitantly, unsure how he even viewed the damn thing anymore. The male is quiet as his gaze finds Leon's for only a moment before averting elsewhere. "We can use that to track where they take you." She begins, sighing after a moment. "I can't talk much longer, my job demands I go now. I'll activate the tracker as soon as I get time, good luck until then." She clicks off the call, loving her phone into her right back pocket before leaping out of the helicopter with no remorse.

Y/n sets the clear device down, his eyes finally moving to Leon's more permanently. "I know what you're thinking and I don't want to hear it. We know what I have to do..." Leon shakes his head and reaches for the device while handing Talia back to his lover.

"We're not doing that, not until we have no other options." His argument was filled with worry, over his lover and future with him. "I just got you back, I can't afford to lose you again." He dials Chris' personal number and flees the room.

Y/n frowns and looks down and into the curious steel colored eyes peering up at him. "I'm sorry that I have to do this..." he mumbled, rocking the girl gently in his arms while he walked to the babies room. He lays her down and she watches as he leaves the room without her.

His hand rests firmly on the front door as he pauses and glances back to the living room door. Leon would come after him if he left while the blonde knew about it, but if he was left alone and had no other choice save to watch the little girl, he had no doubt he'd do whatever he could from home. It would just take longer.

With a shaky sigh he opens the door, Jack peering around the corner at him before trotting over. "Sorry boy..." he speaks softly, scratching behind his ears as he whimpers. "I'll come back, maybe not for a little bit... but I'll be back." With the small goodbye be closed the door and began walking down the street without thinking much of it.

He knew the way well, mostly form when he would watch Leon from a nearby building. His choice had already been finalized the moment his body left the house. He was going to save lives, or at the very least die in attempting to do so.

Leon was rambling on and on to Chris about needing his help and making up a plan. Chris was agreeing with Y/n's and that only made Leon's stomach hurt. The idea of giving you up to save the lives of his coworkers just wasn't good, and he refused to do it. Jack entered the living room, ears flattened and a sad look in his eyes as he climbed onto the couch and whimpered quietly.

The Next Day!
Leon had become nearly insane with fear, his companions trying desperately to calm him down. He began to ramble on again, "he just up and left yesterday! I don't know how or why or even when! He just vanished!"

"How do you know he left at all?" Claire asks, sitting at the little island. Leon held Talia in his arms and peered down at her in a much calmer stance.

"I heard Talia beginning to cry and was wondering why she was in her room. He left the house without a goodbye. No note, nothing." His bottom lip twitched and he sat himself down to properly care for the little girl. Her tiny hands reached up and cupped his face, before a toothless grin found her small pink lips.

"So he left..." Sherry was quiet now, seeming to think more and more over the idea before it dawned on her. "Where's Helena? Was she caught too?"

"I'm assuming she was... she didn't pick up when I..." he goes quiet the moment the house phone rings. Sherry gingerly takes the little girl as he goes and lifts the phone in his hand and raises it to his right ear. "Hello?"

(When you make Leon pull and Ethan from RE7)

"Oh good... I was worried they'd gotten to you too..." Helena's soft tone comforted him slightly. Then she began speaking to someone else in the room. "It's Leon... yeah..."

The brunette moves the phone back to her lips and begins to talk once more. "I met up with  Y/n like he asked me to. We're stuck inside some room together while waiting for their leader to come out. He's..." she trails off as the door swings open. "Shit..." she hangs up the phone and scrambles back over to the other in the room.

Meanwhile Leon puts the phone back onto the box and turns in his place. "Well who was it?" Claire asks as she stands up slowly, cautiously.

"Helena... she's with Y/n. I think they got caught trying to free everyone." He walks towards the table and places his hands gently onto it. "Chris we need a plan. I'm getting Y/n back."

The brunette haired male nods in agreement, despite not being in totally good terms with the man he still cared about his well-being. "We'll get him back to you Leon."

"No, I'm going too. Sherry," he turns to the woman who looks back in silence. "Can you stay here with her until we get back?"

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