/Chapter Twenty-Six/

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The girl looked terrified, eyes darting between Leon and I. "Boyfriend? I apologize, I didn't realize you were taken." She looks at me, stepping closer. "I also apologize to you for what I called you, I didn't realize that you were this important to one of the best agents we have here."

"One of them?" Leon scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Sure." He takes my hand and gently pulls me along down the hall.

"It's okay!" I call back, seeing her smile a little bit. She nods and leave down the hallway. I turn to walk after Leon, dragging his arm close and hugging it to my chest. Despite my being taller than Leon, people seemed to act like I was the smaller male.

"Who does she think she is? Being a bitch over my baby. You are not a freak." He held my shoulders, pulling me down slightly for a rough kiss. He then pushed me back gently, staring into my eyes. "Never."

"Leon..." I give him a large grin, eyes dancing away from his as my face heated up. "I'm your baby?" I look back into those hues as he nods. His face is deadpanned serious, though I find it adorable how the tiniest little smile breaks through anyway. "Don't call people bitches, that's mean."

"Calling people freaks is worse." Leon shot back, making me shrug my shoulder.

"Just something I'll get used to after a while, it's not gonna get to me anytime soon." I wrap my arms around his shoulders, leaning down to cuddle him happily. "I love you, thank you for standing up for me~" my lips brush against his ear, accidentally as I was a little too close to him.

Along with the warm breath, I feel him shudder from below me. His hands wind around my waist, pulling me closer to his body as he hides his face in my chest. "I love you too..." I can feel him say, sounding muffled as it left his mouth. He pulls away after a moment and looks up and into my eyes. "I want to sleep and hold you as close as I possibly can... but we don't have the time right now..." he frowned, then held my hand as we walked where he'd been leading us. I'd already forgotten, as per usual.

(Timeskip! Three hours into mission!)
I tripped, ramming my right shoulder into the cement wall of the house we'd been hiding behind. Pain surged through it, the muscle not liking the feeling of being squished so aggressively. I use my left hand to carefully push away, slowly to relieve pressure and not to cause anymore pain than I was already in.

I jogged to the front of the house, pistol held tightly in my right hand. I rushed past, entering the building after the other two. They had looked at me worriedly when I'd tripped previously, but were either too shy or too scared of me to help. The three of us search around, looking for the other two members in our group.

I held my gun at the ready, always prepared for a fight. I'd learned the lesson of not being able to shoot earlier. We'd lost a member in the squad a few hours ago, one of the first out of many people's deaths. I hoped Leon was doing fine. I hadn't noticed one of the two had approached, until I felt a shy tap on my shoulder.

"Are you thinking about him?" It was a feminine voice. I turned my head, recognizing the woman as the one from three hours ago. She looked away afterward, then I noticed a small patch of crimson on her cheek. I used my right thumb to brush away whatever remained that was wet. "I'm sorry about what I said to you, really I am. I didn't mean to..."

"It's alright, you didn't know. I'd call myself a freak too if I didn't know better..." I smiled at her, showing my warm and bubbly nature. I hadn't realized she'd been the fourth member that trailed behind me. "And to be honest, yeah... I can't stop thinking about him... I'm worried for him..."

"He's our best agent, top of his class. He's fine, I'm sure of it. Hell, I'll even bet on it." I looked her dead in the eye as she continued. "If he comes back with even a small scratch on him, I'll owe you drinks. If not, then you pay for them. Deal?"

I thought about it, but took her hand in mine and shook it. "I only hope that you're right."

I flinched at the gunfire, hiding behind the cover that was slowly becoming nothing more than dust. A few of us turned to our group leader, waiting for her orders. Instead she sat there, face void of emotions and almost as if she wasn't sure what to do herself. So they turned to me, which happened on occasion because of my reputation.

"I have a plan." I begin, all of them training their ears on me as I spoke up.

We managed to escape the gunfire, my having a few bruises and maybe a scrap or two on my body. I thought about Y/n, his beautiful eyes. His smile. Everything. I smiled a little, thinking he must be having a blast wherever he was.

Being held down by gunfire wasn't fun in the slightest. In fact, I rather hated it. We found that our captain had been killed and the second-in-command was injured fatally. Luckily, we managed to patch him up to the best of our ability.

I sat leaned against the wall, the man's arm around my shoulder as I waited for our next move. I was given the signal to move ahead, dragging the male with me as we made it to the next cover. I'd learned the girls name, it was Annabeth Storm. She'd asked that I'd call her Ann though, for a shorter conversation starter.

She became our second, leading us as the orders were given to her. The goal was to make rendezvous with the other team, so far we'd managed to get halfway to them before the gunfire stopped us from going any farther. "Oh god damnit!" Ann snapped, hiding behind cover. She raised a hand to her earpiece and shouted into it. "Hunnigan we're pinned down! We need back-up and now! We've got the..." she sent me a glance and smiled. "We have Y/n and the injured second in command, our leader... she didn't make it..." I looked to the ground, my eyes closing.

It was to give her a moment of silence, something I thought would be nice. Hunnigan's voice rang out in my earpiece, "alright, I'm sending HQ your coordinates! Hang in there team." I could hear her frantic typing.

I adjusted the man's arm, feeling him wince and let out a choked whimper. "Fuck... this hurts..." I gently leaned down, helping to prop him up against the wall. His hand moved to his side, the one he'd been shot in, and he held it tightly.

I was about to sit next to him, when I felt my heart stop beating. "Y/n!" Leon's voice rang through the air, followed by the sounds of gunfire.

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