:Chapter Twenty-Nine:

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It had gone quiet after the third bullet, no longer sounding anything. Ada snapped to her feet, quick to rush into the room after Y/n. Leon stood, leaned on Andrew and utterly horrified. He couldn't see anything that had happened, and immediately believed the worse case had happened.

The two slowly make their way to the others, entering and seeing Rico down for the count. His chest rose and fell slowly, two bullet wounds littered his left leg and right shoulder. Y/n held him up, propped him against himself. Where'd the third bullet go?

"Y/n..." Leon spoke breathlessly, finally taking air into his lungs. The Captain was leaned against the wall, hand over her chest. She was breathing quickly, almost like she'd been spooked.

"It's alright, we're all alright." He looks over at the blonde, smiling to him. "I'm okay Leon."

The blonde haired male felt a wave of relief flood over his body. "Thank god..." Ann finally stepped into gear, running over and lifting one of Rico's arms.

"I just saved your ass, you buying us drinks later?" Rico asked, staring at Y/n. The other male smiles back shyly, then glances to Ann. She huffs, throwing her arms up slightly.

"I owe him drinks anyway, why not?" Y/n took his other arm and they slowly made their way far from the enemy.

Leon lay in a bed within the infirmary, having not been allowed to leave. He wanted his lover, even though he knew he was still on the mission. His heart aches for him, fear and anxiety filling his veins as all he could really do was wait.

I sat, leaned against the wall. "How much farther are we going?" I ask, looking at Ann. It was just the four of us now, after sending off Leon and Rico back to HQ. Ada kneeled beside me, right hand on my shoulder. Ann turned her head, looking suspiciously between the ravenette and I.

"Just a little further, then you can go cuddle with Leon." She spoke, which was nice to hear we'd be able to leave soon. Ada's hand lingered a moment too long, slowly squeezing the shoulder tightly.

"We're not alone." She says, scaring the rest of us. She'd been quiet after I ran into that room.

"Do you see anything suspicious?" Andrew asked, his head turned to us.

"Yeah, a woman who's hand has been on someone's shoulder too long." Ann snapped, eyes locked on the hand. Ada's grip tightened, bringing slight pain to the muscle.

"Ada..." I whined, reaching over to loosen her grip. "That hurts..." her eyes snap to my shoulder, grip loosening.

"I'm sorry, Y/n..." her voice whispers out, having leaned next to my ear.

"He's taken, you know!" Ann scolded the ravenette, but is ultimately ignored once again.

"Do you think it'll bruise? I don't want Leon going apeshit on me." She gently rubs the spot she'd squeezed earlier, then moves away from me slightly. "Let's get what you need and send you off to Leon, yeah?" She smiles at me as I nod, running after her like a lost dog.

What I don't see from my action is Ann glaring at Ada, determined to make her see I wasn't interested in her. I also couldn't see the hesitant look in Andrew's eyes as he follows behind the Captain.

Who does that bitch in red think she is?! Trying to take Leon's boy toy away from him! I glared at her back, taking her guts. Who was this Ada anyway? I stormed after the two, making it my personal goal to make them hate each other by the time this mission was over.

A Day Later! Leon
I lay in the bed, holding Y/n's sleeping body to mine. Ada sat in a chair by the bed, head resting on my lover's thigh as she snores quietly. The two of them sleeping so peacefully made me smile, thinking of all the things they went through.

When they came back, that Captain they had was killed. They wouldn't disclose how it happened though.

Ada~ during the final part of the mission!
I stood in the doorway, blocking the Captain's view of Y/n as he worked quietly. His gaze was pressed on opening a door while trying not to blow himself up. I calmly spoke through it, walking him through what to do. He worked diligently, which made this faster and more efficient.

Soon enough and he'd finished, looking back at me with a dorky grin. "I did it~" his smile only grew as he hid his face from view. The action was rather adorable in my opinion, earning a smile from me.

I'm shoved out of the way by that woman, only to bump into Andrew as he shifted to block my impact with the wall. I looked at him for a moment, "thank you..." then I moved away from him.

"Listen bitch!" That woman yelled out, gaining our attention.

"Ann, she's not a bitch. She's my friend." Y/n defended, being his usual calm self. He stood tall, towering over the woman as she looked up at him.

"She's trying to flirt with you!" She argues, only to be returned with a confused look.

"No she's not, Ada's been a friend of mine since I was little. Why are you saying this about her?" I could feel his anger slowly bubbling up in his body, getting annoyed with her. I smiled slightly, enjoying the refreshing defense he gave me. This reminded me of Leon for a moment, before I shook it out of my thoughts.

"Why would I be flirting with him? He's taken." I try to calm the tension that continued to rise.

"Yeah, she's just trying to keep him safe for Leon...." Andrew added.

"That's what she wants us to think! I bet their sleeping together and that Leon doesn't know!" Ann screamed out, going absolutely insane.

"I'm very much a virgin, thank you very much." Y/n snapped at her, his arms crossing over his chest.

"And now you lie too, huh? I knew it! I'm telling Leon when we g-" a gunshot echoed through the room, Ann falling limp to the ground as she couldn't speak. I looked at Andrew behind me, seeing that he held a gun tightly in his grip, knuckles going white.

"I'm sorry Captain, but you're insane..." he grumbled, letting his arm fall slightly. The Captain began to choke on her blood, dying soon afterwards as her eyes closed. "A-anybody asks a-and I didn't do anything! O-okay?"

"I didn't see anything." Y/n replied coolly, pulling a pair of sunglasses out of his vest and putting them on his face. "Didn't see jack shite." He turns and begins walking to the item and picking it up. "Anybody asks, we say we won't disclose the information. No body can force it out of us, no?"

"Right." Andrew replied, putting his gun back into its holster. "Let's get out of here."

Ada, current time!
I opened my eyes, sitting up at the memory. "Fuck..." I shook my head and then locked eyes with Leon. Y/n slept soundly, pressed against his body for warmth.

"You alright?" He asks softly, watching me.

"I'm fine, just thinking about what happened. I should go, tell Y/n I hope to see him again soon." I picked up my jacket and walked out of the room, quickly pacing down the hallway and running from this place.

I sat there in silence, holding my dear to myself. "I wonder what happened..." I mutter, then kiss the top of Y/n's head. "I love you..." I feel him smile against my arm, shifting closer to me.

"I love you too."

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