/Chapter Two/

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"He's dead? How can this be? He said... no he promised he'd come back. You're lying! You have to be!" I averted my gaze to the ground, feeling my heart start breaking at the thought of my brother's untimely demise. "How... how did he... what happened?" I looked into the eyes of the blonde haired male.

"He had gotten bitten and found us just outside. We were setting the charges when he begged us to come and get you out of here. I'm sorry for your loss, but we need to get moving. These corpses aren't going to blow themselves up." With such the, with nearing up to around maybe thirteen people, group walked away from me. I hung my head, trying to wrap my conscious around everything that was going on.

"My parents..." I mumbled to myself, then jumped when a small hand was placed on my shoulder.

"You're the only survivor here, he said." Her eyes held different emotions that swirled within the irises. "I understand that you're scared and don't know how to feel about all of this, and that's perfectly fine. We need to move though, alright?" Her lips moved calmly, holding a kind and gentle tone as she spoke to me. Her short brown hair wasn't long enough to cover her eyes, but it wasn't short enough to be considered shaved either. I found myself biting my lip and nodding sadly.

"Y-yeah, okay..." she sent me a reassuring nod and removed her hand to catch up to the others. I stood there for a moment longer, before feeling eyes drilling into my side. I glanced at the corpses, meeting their eyes as they slowly went back to feasting on the corpse they had. Did they not know I see them? Is this something to do with how I was raised? Do they train zombies now? What is happening?! How is any of this possible?! I abruptly shook my head and jogged after the group of people. "My apologies, I got lost in thought."

"Yeah, well we aren't going to wait on you. So try and keep up." The very muscular brunette haired male spoke up. His voice was deep, and the demand in it made me sigh.

"So pushy... not a sign of fun or life in any of you." I mumbled, mostly to myself. I heard a giggle and turned to look at the female from moments ago.

"Hey! Not all of us are that bad!" She playfully punched my shoulder, though it wasn't hard enough to leave a bruise or be considered painful. I smiled and looked towards my feet for a moment.

"Yes, well, Madame you wound me." I feigned hurt and looked away from her. Her giggles grew a little louder and she covered her mouth quickly with her left hand.

"Have you never spoken to a woman before?" The blonde haired creature asked. I looked back at him and stuck my tongue out.

"Only my sisters and mother, I've never met another woman otherwise. I wasn't allowed to leave the house." I pointed this out and frowned. "I wonder if they were already dead too..."

"You're brother mentioned them in mumbles, but he said it was too late for them. That's when he turned..." the woman placed her hand on my shoulder again and sent a sympathetic smile up at me. "Ah, I'm Rebecca. It's nice to meet you."

"It's an absolute pleasure to meet a kind lady like yourself, Miss Rebecca." My response was laced in tones ranging with sweetness to a calm reaction. She was lovely, sure, but I wouldn't claim her as my type. Perhaps maybe, but I wouldn't know. I've only ever had male friends in my life. She smiled again and averted her gaze, looking instead at the other two leading males. They glared back at me and I sent them smirks. "And the two of you gentleman are?" I spoke, purring casually as I spoke.

The brunette continued to glare at me and remain silent as the dirty blonde kept his gaze away now. "Leon." Was all the blonde said.

"It's a nice name, yeah? Gives me those secretly queer tingles~" I was purely joking, with my eyes closed, that I completely missed his glance back at me. I opened my eyes to see nobody moving, which resulted in my nearly slamming into the two men.

"The halls are completely flooded with these fucking things..." the brunette growled and I nudged between them to look. In front of us, had at least thirty slumped corpses. Some feeding on others, some actually dead. I cleared my throat to gather the attention. I stepped in front of the group and hesitantly opened my mouth.

"Kind of you to finally join us, (Y/n)." A voice rang out into the air and caught my words in my throat. I stepped back, bumping into something as I looked around us.

"Who's there?!" My voice was nothing more than a squeaking toy for dogs.

"That's something you don't need to know. You've been bad lately, and for that? For this, you will be punished greatly. The zombies will see to it that you join your brother soon." With that said and done, the corpses began to stir. Only they didn't charge at me or the people behind me. Instead, they began walking away from us and leaving me confused and slightly uncomfortable.

"Why aren't they attacking us?" I ask, glancing at the people behind me.

"I don't know, but we aren't staying here to find out. Let's go." The brunette shoved me away from him and my bare right arm slid on the blood covered wall. I slipped and nearly fell backwards had I not caught my footing in time.

"So rough, I'll assume he's unmarried, no?" My words were like a frozen knife cutting through a stick of butter, only it gets caught halfway through. The man turned his head and snapped at me suddenly.

"Would you just shut up and keep your mouth closed? Nobody wants to hear you talk over and over and over again! Stay quiet!" His voice was dark and held venom within. I averted my gaze, feeling like my own father had just yelled at me. Which happened often as I was never the perfect child he wanted me to become. All I did was hesitantly nod in response, to hear him sigh. "Just... stop being aggravating." With such I heard his heavy footsteps leading away. My gaze still remained on the bloodied carpet under my feet.

"Yes sir." My voice was far too quiet to be heard as I rose my head and followed slowly behind them. None looked back at me and I averted any gaze that did sneak a glance at me. Instead I focused on the wallpaper I knew so well. Running my hand over the silver and feeling how old it truly was. My own boots made small contacts with the carpet. The blood making small splashes and squelching whenever someone would step on a certain part. What unnerved me wasn't the sound, but rather that the halls were now empty. Where had they all gone?

I stepped a little faster and caught up to be at the back of the group. Two soldiers stood on either side of me, eyes traveling around the corridor as I listened to the sound. Glass suddenly shattered and a shriek was heard. I looked around myself, wondering which window it was. "Where did that come from?!" I heard the female soldier ask the other. The brunette gave the order to stop moving.

"The windows are always boarded up, nothing should be in here." Was my words, walking to stand behind him. "What is it?" I stood on my toes to peer over him. On the ground there was a body, freshly killed and drained of life. I weaseled past the two men and walked over to it, crouching down on the blood soaked flooring. This was where the entry hall was. The massive ballroom type of area that was filled with tables and the piano in the far back corner. The tiles were a stunning gold and silver lined with black. It was in a golden umbrella type pattern that I never understood.

Calmly I placed my fingers to his neck, feeling for a pulse and found none, as I was prepared for. I nodded to myself and looked over their features, it had appeared they died recently and were struggling against something. "Isn't that our pilot?" Another female asked. "Chris what do we do?" I looked over to see a girl with long brown hair, pulled back in a ponytail and some pieces framed her face. She sent me a glance and walked over to the corpse and I. "Is there any other ways to leave this place? The front door is blocked now..." she looked to the door and I followed after her, gaze locking on the tables that had been pushed there to block something from getting in. Or for us from getting out.

"Through the servants entrance, it's in the kitchen on the East wing."

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