/Chapter Forty-Two/

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ThirdAfter an exhaustingly long day of shopping, paperwork, and more, the three finally got home

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After an exhaustingly long day of shopping, paperwork, and more, the three finally got home. Y/n carefully opened the front door, holding the small baby girl in his arms as well. Swinging it open he's greeted by Jack, who eagerly barks and wags the stubby tail he contained. The male smiled and gently rubbed behind his ears before walking into his shared bedroom with his brother.

He laid the girl down carefully, as they had no crib to lay her within, and used pillows to block her from moving around too much. The pillows were very small and unable to cause any physical harm to the child. He leans down and places a gentle, loving kiss to the top of her head. "I'll see you soon, little pup~" he hums as the girl smiles slightly.

He exits the room to see his lover sitting in the living room with everything they had. One spare bedroom, which was never used or had anything placed inside. This would serve as the babies room, being right next to their own. He sits down next to him and lightly taps his shoulder, to which the male turns over and lazily smacks his face into his shoulder.

"Is everything alright love?" Y/n asks softly, rubbing the back of his head in loving motions. His heart fluttered as he watched Leon shift to look into his eyes.

"I carried everything inside..." he grumbles, laying down tiredly on the couch. The other male nods in understanding, moving off of the couch and over to the box containing the unbuilt crib. He lifts it with ease and sends Leon a sly smile before leaving to the babies room.

As he enters the box is set down, opened and the supplies cradled out onto the carpeted floor. He kneels down and begins looking over both the instructions and the pieces of the crib itself. As he constructs it Leon enters carrying a few other things. Namely one item being a small shelf to put the baby diaper boxes on while the other things being smaller and add on to the room itself.

Soon enough in an hour everything is finished and placed, Y/n looking around in absolute wonder before looking back at Leon happily. He latched onto him and hides his face in his neck. "This was a lot of effort..." Leon pouted, wrapping his arms around his lover. They hear a small whimper and their hearts flutter. Y/n scurries from the room and enters the bedroom, seeing the little girl perfectly fine with Jack now laying next to her sleeping form. His body curled around her in a protective manner.

Leon enters behind his lover, just as he had begun to mumble. "Looks like he got here first." Jack's head lifts for a moment. "Good Boy." Y/n rewards, seeing a small tail wiggle before he lays his head back down. The male turns around and jumps slightly.

"Sorry to scare you love..." Leon apologizes and instinctively pulls the taller male in by his waist. He hides in his chest before pulling him away from the room and back to the living room. There stood the boxes of baby food they had also grabbed today. Each male lifted a box and entered the kitchen, placing the items on the shelves in order to save room before folding the boxes and putting them elsewhere.

With everything finally finished they sat on the couch in silence, leaning into the other for a small rest. Their feet had been killing them as they'd been running on them all day long. Leon nudged his shoulder and the other male looked at him quietly. "What is it?" Y/n asks, nudging Leon back. The dirty blonde chuckles and nudges him again, only for it to turn into a small nudging war.

"Should we order food or make something?" He asks, after having been nudged to the point he lay on the couch lazily. Y/n smiles and moves to snuggle the male, laying his chin on his chest as he stares back at the blonde in absolute love.

"Hm... making food would take energy... ordering food would take money... losing a little more energy couldn't hurt. What should we have?" He shifts to face away from Leon, only laying his right ear against his torso to listen to his heart beating.

The calm thumps made the taller male sigh contently, eyes drooping slightly. "I'll make chicken and rice, how does that sound?" Leon offers, seeing the sparkle that shone in Y/n's eyes as he turned back to meet those blue hues he loved to death. He nods and moves off of the male, pausing to kiss him gently and then stand up.

"It sounds pleasant~" Leon stands after a moment and nudged his lover one last time. "Don't you continue this war mister." Y/n pointed at him, though trying to sound determined and dominant he also couldn't hide the smile adorning his lips.

"Of course not~" Leon placed a hand over his heart and winked to the male before running off to the kitchen. Meanwhile the tall male decided on entering the room he shares with Leon, or in one way of saying it. Their room. He sits on the bed next to the two sleeping forms and Jack shifts to lay his head on his lap.

This was his way of demanding head scratches from the (h/c) haired male, who happily obliged. He runs his fingers around his head and scratches just behind his ears as the dog make small noises in thanks and falls asleep again. Talia shifts in her sleep, small hands grasping onto the male's free hand and tugging lightly on his index finger.

The smile that fit his lips once again appeared as he watched the two sleep soundly. Meanwhile Leon was in the kitchen carefully prepping dinner and thawing out the meat he'd end up cooking. A sigh escapes his lips, "coulda put this out earlier..." he grumbles and starts one other things.

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