-Chapter Thirty-Six-

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Everything had become disastrous for the soldiers, even worse for Leon. Seeing his lover's body mutate into the creation sent straight from Hell scared him shitless. What set it off? Why now? His heart rate massively increased, making an ache and burn fill his chest cavity.

Worry flooded his veins like a toxic poison, only adding on to the crippling anxiety. No one fired at Y/n, keeping their guns at bay as the two creatures fought each other off. He stepped backwards, staring in both fear as well as awe at the battle.

Black goo-like blood littered the ground every time that one of them left a nasty wound on the other. This went on for half an hour before Y/n came out victorious, but scared everybody and made them gag when he ripped into his father's body and ate him slowly.

Antagonizing slowly. He licked his lips afterwards, body shrinking and returning to the state it originally was. He sat there, entirely nude for the world to see, completely disoriented. His eyes were wide in horror and confusion as he placed his small fingers over his eyes.

Leon went to run forward, but was stopped by the barrel of Chris' gun. "We can't know for sure he's safe. We'll have to do testing." His words felt like acid against both lover's ears. Burning into their souls and scarring the poor (h/c) haired male. He turned his eyes shyly to meet with Leon's steel blues.

That's when he saw her. He barely had time to move before a body tackled him off to the side. He yelled out, feeling his ribs crack under the impact. His body felt dangerously broken and being trampled on helped nothing. "Ada!" Leon growled, glaring sharply at the ravenette that pulled the male up by his shoulders.

Eyes locked quietly, staring calmly towards each other passively. "Ada..." his eyes soften a little, starting to come out of the tiny shell he pushed himself into. "Where did you come from?"

"I overheard you got taken, can you really expect me to stay away?" The smile that found the woman's pink lips felt sweeter than it should be. Yet this went over Y/n's head, like the bullet that was shot at them. He yelped and recoiled, flinching down into her body.

Ada turned her head around, searching for the culprit. The man she'd need to kill, but was disappointed when she noted they were hidden behind a pillar. "You should really leash your dogs." Ada retorts rudely, helping Y/n to his feet. He staggered, only slightly as the lethargy in his aching legs attacked in full bloom.

"Y/n!" Leon called out, which was returned by the curious look from the taller male. He raised his right hand tiredly, waving shyly to the male. Leon's eyes were worry filled, showing off how scared the entire ordeal had made him.

Ada took both of the male's free hands, pulling him with her down the hall and back the way he had come. Guns clicking into their loading positions were heard echoing through the empty room. Yet he didn't care at the moment. "Where are we going?"

Ada sent a look over her shoulder, aimed directly at Leon. "We're going home, Y/n." The words confused the male, but he figured she meant she'd be taking him back to Leon's house.

If only he hadn't been so foolish.

Three years later!
Y/n stood next to Ada in front of the news cast. Behind the camera and in a hushed whisper the ravenette spoke. "Are you ready to do this?" She asks softly, seeing him take in a heavy breath and nod.

It always talked about how Ada kidnapped him, which was true in a sense and yet it wasn't. He had gone with her willingly and no one tried to stop them, that part wasn't true. Chris' squad tried opening fire multiple times on the duo.

Leon had been hit the worst though, being forced away from the one person that made him feel whole again. He sits at his kitchen table, having moved again to avoid Chris and everyone else he knew. A small glass in his right hand, filled to the brim with the strongest whiskey he could find.

Dying wasn't something he cared about at this point, thinking Ada would keep him safe was the last thing he really wanted. He had asked her to keep him safe from any kind of harm, but to be dragged away wasn't what he wanted. He downed the alcohol, feeling it burn his already sore throat.

His heart aches for his lover, wondering over what was happening to him. He chuckled tiredly, standing with a heavy sway. "Happy anniversary Y/n." He mutters, leaving the glass on the table and stumbling into the living room. He turned the news on, curious to see what was going on around him for once.

There was an opening line that really got him going. "A black haired woman was spotted a few days ago near (insert street, town, and state.) What her motives are with the poor man she took with her by force is still unknown. We-" the woman's head shoots up the second the sound of a door slamming open could be heard.

A woman, dressed in all red and wearing that signature red lipstick made his heart slip a beat. Ada. She pushes the woman out of the way and takes her spot in the chair, clearing her throat with ease. "Come along." The sweetness in her tone, followed by the hand gesture confused Leon. He sat forward, staring worriedly at the screen. Then he appeared. The love of his life that had been missing for years.

He stood next to her, near the table as he hesitantly looked towards the door. "Do I say it? Or do you?" This sent a shiver down his spine, wondering what they discussed. Then it hit him, the news woman smiled and leaned to the side, having run around and whispered into his ear. He made a small little 'o' and nodded shyly. His eyes lift to the camera, almost as if he were looking into Leon's eyes.

"Are you ready?" Ada's question only made his curiosity burn stronger.

"Come on already!" He growled, staring at the tv.

Y/n adjusted his stance and folded his arms behind his back. "Hello Leon, if you're currently watching the news you'll see me. First I want to start off with this, ah... today marks the day we met all those years ago. An anniversary, as well as three years together."

"Mhm. Keep going." Her soothing tone began to anger Leon, making him anxious now.

"Now on to the harder thing..." he closed his eyes and shakily breathes out. Leon feels his chest tighten.

"Please... don't leave me like she did...." he placed his right hand over his heart as it aches in his chest and pounded in his ears. Jack's whimpering didn't help in the slightest.

"No matter where I look, you seem to be invisible. It's safe to say I'm worried for you, just as our friends are. I'd love to stay and chat, but..." a door slams open, drawing his attention from the camera. A shout fills the air and a bullet flies passed his right cheek, scratching the soft skin as it landed comfortably in the wall behind him.

"Don't move!" Leon's chest tightened at the voice. It belonged to Chris. He could hear the gun suddenly shake in an aggressive manner. Chris wasn't okay with searching for the two. He was pissed. "I SAID DON'T MOVE!" Came from his throat as Y/n shifted to turn to Ada.

His eyes suddenly go back to the camera. A smirk finds his lips and he lets his teeth glow in the light from above them, revealing the sharpened canines. "I'll see you soon Leon~" the suddenly playful tone confused him, until he saw the flash bang go off and just like three years ago. Y/n was gone.

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