:Chapter Fifty-Three:

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Everybody had left after the conversation, Y/n having told everything he knew about the virus to Chris before they left. Talia had been put to bed to take a nap, the two men alone on the living room sofa. The taller male leaned into his lover as they watched the tv in silence.

Their heartbeats were almost fully synced together, mostly from the calm joy between them. Eyes stared forward and a glance to the other would be given as well. Y/n smiles shyly, leaning forward and gently kissing Leon's cheek. The dirty blonde smirks and looks over to him, leaning them down to hover over the body of his lover.

"Now now, Mr. Kennedy~" Y/n coos up at him, reaching up and grabbing hold of his chin. "What's this for?"

He's met with love filled eyes, Leon hovering a little longer before leaning down and kissing the taller male. The kiss was gently and it was obvious that love was the supporting factor. Y/n closed his eyes, hands gingerly wrapping around his lovers neck and pulling him closer. Leon willingly moved as close as he could manage, even sitting between the male's legs. They hear his phone begin to ring,  it ignore it. Instead their lips stay locked and eyes remain closed as they shared this sweet kiss.

They pull away for air, lips nearly dark red from how long they kissed as a small chuckle leaves the larger male. Leon smiles and shyly goes back in for another, much deeper kiss. He nips his lover's bottom lip and is allowed to enter. Hands on either side of the larger male as he deepens the kiss further.

Curiously Leon's hands explore, loving along his lover's hips and waist as he carefully stripped off his shirt. Y/n pulls away, "the couch? Really?~" he pokes the others bare chest as his shirt is dropped to the floor.

"Are you saying no?" Leon retorts, seeing his lover blush a bright pink and shake his head. "May I?"

They lock eyes, staring into the others eyes. "Like... b-be intimate?" He stuttered, face darkening when Leon nodded. He bites his bottom lip and takes in a deep breath. "Yeah... l-lets do it..."

Leon nods, pressing his lips to his lover's as the male's lay back and continue their hot make-out. Tongues dancing around the other and fighting over dominance made it funny in a sense to the larger male. Leon's hands find his lover's pants, sending a glance into the (e/c) eyes while silently asking for permission yet again. It goes quiet, save for the rhythmic sound of them breathing together for the male to finally nod.

With his trousers removed, it left him nearly nude under his lover. There was a thin cloth keeping himself hidden, and even that wasn't by much. His face burned a bright pink and in a failed attempt to hide himself from embarrassment, he went to cover himself. The Dirty blonde had caught his arms and pinned them above his head, eyes staring down into the others.

"Now watch Talia wake up..." Leon mumbled, snorting through his nose before wistfully shrugging his own pants off. He kicked at one side, trying to knock them off before Y/n helped him out. A small laugh escaped his lips, seeing Leon half glare down at him.

They watched each other in a calm silence now, nearly undressed completely and at the mercy of the other partner. Y/n runs a finger down Leon's torso, eyes following it as he traced along the muscles and how defined they were. His eyes work up to Leon's blues, tugging lightly on the hem of his boxers.

"You know you could take these off~" He says softly, face a light pink again.

Smut starts here, at least that good sh-
(It's my first time openly typing smut. Forgive me if it's doodoo)

Leon takes his lover's hand and moves it to the hem of his boxers instead, "how about you take these off first?~" He smirks, thinking he'd won only for their positioning to flip. His eyes widened slightly, now being the one pinned to the couch.

"Now Mr. Kennedy~ that's not what I asked for~" he pokes the male's stomach before trailing his hands down his sides and tugging lightly on the cloth. Leon's eyes watched curiously, wondering if the male would be able to bring himself to do so. Pleasantly he was surprised to see that indeed his lover was capable of it as the male hung his boxers by a finger and dangled it around before dropping it to the floor.

He lifts himself slightly, pulling off his own boxers. Now entirely nude the two look into each other's eyes, silently asking for permission before Leon rolls the two off of the couch with a loud wheeze. Y/n laughs loudly, gasping when the dirty blonde nips his neck.

His hips are moved over Leon's waist and his arms pinned above his head once again by one of Leon's warm, calloused hands. Leon's tongue moved around his neck, teeth grazing the soft skin that seemed to be more sensitive than he ever thought it would be.

The larger male squeaked the moment Leon found the most sensitive spot on his neck, biting and abusing the spot like he's done with other spots. His free hand moves down to gently hold the male's hip, reluctantly doing the same with his other after releasing the male's hands. Leon moved lower on his lover's body, trailing kisses and marks along the (s/c) skin.

Y/n shyly wrapped his arms around the other male's neck as he continued to move lower and lower until he pressed his lips gently to the male's inner thighs. He looks up through his brow, staring right into the male's eyes with his dulled blue.

He moves back up, gently kissing his lover before lifting two fingers to his lips. "Would you like to help me?" Y/n opens his mouth, taking in the fingers and sucking on them as his tongue twirls around each digit as he pulled them out a moment after. "Are you okay to keep going?"

Y/n nods and Leon returns the nod, moving and carefully inserting a single finger. The larger male jolted, hands catching his shoulders and squeaking in surprise. They lock eyes as Leon smiles hopelessly. His brow furrows, trying to understand why it felt the unusual way it did. Leon chuckles at his confusion and tests the waters by shifting his finger ever so slightly.

This earned a surprised mewl that made the two stare at the other in dead silence. Leon grew a mischievous smirk and moved his finger around, twirling delicately and earning little gasps from his lover. Loving every second of it as he carefully added the second. He repeated his process of stretching his lover before he pulled his fingers out and added saliva to his other hand. The action confused Y/n, his brow furrowing yet again.

His face burned a dark red the moment Leon stroked himself with the hand and lined himself up. Eyes remained glued to the other's as Leon repeats his question. "Do you want this still? If it's too much tell me..." his eyes softened, watching his lover nod quickly.

"Please~" he whined, winking in a shy manner. He smiles as he pushes inside, causing the male to whimper and tense up slightly at first. Leon pushed fully inside, massaging his lovers hips to help him untense. Slowly Y/n moved his hands back to Leon's shoulders and shifted slightly. He lets out a soft whine and shifts again, only to be held firmly in place by the dirty blonde. "M-move~" he whines out, moving his legs and squeezing the blonde between them.

He chuckles and pulls out slightly, shifting back inside and making him gasp and moan softly. He begins to move slightly faster, biting into the larger male's shoulder and reaching around to stroke him. A moan filled the air, followed by a few grunts from the blonde. Y/n's moans grew louder with the more pressure and speed Leon added, doing whatever he was asked as he pulled in and out of his lover and slammed as deep as he could manage. The younger of the two was held firmly on cloud nine and could barely focus with how much pleasure Leon have him constantly.

Time stretched and the sun reached a lower state in the horizon before either male finally finished. The younger male panted heavily with his lover, staring up at him happily.

Sweat rolled down Leon's face, a small smile finding his lips as he pulled out and wiped his sweat off with the towel that had previously been draped over his shoulders. He cleaned his lover and himself before dressing the taller male and then himself. Y/n breathed out a little childish giggle, face a bright pink.

"How was that for a first time?" Leon asked, just to hear a high-pitched giggle escape the other male.

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