\Chapter Three\

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I stood up suddenly, startling the red head, though in tone it appeared more brown, next to me. "My apologies, but you all seem in quite a hurry that I assumed you wanted me to lead the way." I shifted to look around the room, at the blood and gore that remained. "It used to be so beautiful here..." I looked at the ground, a frown on my features before shaking my head and turning on my heels. I began walking forward, "tis this way, we'll be outside soon enough." As my boots hit the ground, I swore I could hear the alluring sound of my youngest sister, sitting at the piano and playing her favorite tunes. I slowed my walk, enjoying the sound that filled my ears.

A hand clasped my shoulder and I turned to my right, spotting my father's calm gaze as I locked eyes with his (e/c) eyes. He sent me a small smile, "now you're back. I'm glad to see that your dazing off wasn't anything serious. Be careful, you'll drop the knife in your hands." I looked at my hands, at the knife I held. Why was I holding a knife? He pointed ahead of me, at a small practice dummy that looked familiar. "Slash across the chest here." He made the motion with his hands, with my following with the knife and cutting the area.

"Have I done well?" I looked to my father, desperate for his approval.

"Pay attention (Y/n)." He spoke, grabbing onto my shoulders and shaking me slightly. "(Y/n)." His voice became distorted and slowly began to change as his facial features fell off of him like he was decomposing right before my very eyes. "(Y/n)!"

And with a blink of an eye, Leon took his place. His hands were on my shoulders, looking into my eyes with his own. "Are you alright? You looked dazed and you weren't responding... is everything alright?" I bit my lip, unsure how to explain what had just happened.

"For a moment, it was as if I were lost in the clouds... clouds sent from the depths of hell with acid rains that cloud judgement and blind the innocent." I mumbled, removing his hands as I made my way to lead once again. I approached the door to the kitchen and opened it slowly. Laying on the ground were several bodies, mostly from people I knew well. "Mother... sisters..." I spoke, eyes on the corpses. Leon approached, looking over my shoulders. "But where is fath-" I didn't get permission to finish as the door slammed open from the outside and revealed the slender and pissed expression of my father. "Oh, there you are." Leon looked at me, then grabbed onto my shoulders and roughly tugged me away from the kitchen. A bullet hole, rather several in fact, drew a face into the door I once held open.

"Are you insane?! He was about to kill you!" Leon snapped at me and I looked at him, shaking my head.

"Father doesn't kill, he just hunts..." I mumbled, looking at the door.

"Soon enough you shall see the true nature of your father." The voice spoke, walking through the door and revealing my father. "I never should have kept you." He ran towards me, causing me to yelp and flinch backwards.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, voice full of innocence. His face softened and he stopped in front of me, his hands resting on my shoulders as he watched my face.

"So it seems you don't know, not yet. Do you see the beauty of the walls and floors? Are they covered in blood?" He gestured around us and I quickly looked about us.

"Just the same glittered gold and silver as always, Father. Nothing has changed. Why are mother and my sisters lying on the floor? They'll become ill..." I spoke, letting myself become lost to the false reality to prove that I was not aware.

He rested his hands upon my shoulders, the palms heavier than normal. He must assume I see him the same, with his face constructed to be fit as a god and those same (e/c) eyes that bore into my own. "You'll get to join them soon enough. There are threats here, my son. Your... failure of a brother was one of them." He spoke.

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