\Chapter Forty-Three\

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Wish my dad cared about me like this fr

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Wish my dad cared about me like this fr. #mentallyabusivedadsquadassemble! Ethan went through literal hell for his daughter and I have to give him credit for all of that hard work!

After dinner was over with, Leon and Y/n laid Talia in her crib and returned to their own room. The shorter male closed the door gently and laid on the bed while the latter male completely missed. Y/n landed chest down against the carpeted bedroom floor with a small noise of pain as he lay there. "Ah, love the floor. Perfect. Mhm."

Leon's head moves over the edge to peer down at him before lifting him carefully up and into his body. "I'm much more comfortable than the floor~" The larger male nods into his neck and lightly peppers kisses onto it. The dirty blonde haired male chuckles deeply, happily holding onto the other male.

Y/n suddenly pulls back and stares down at him with love and a hidden emotion Leon deciphered quickly. That look of lust had returned. "You're very much more comfortable~" he purrs shifting to have a leg on either side of Leon's waist. He lowered himself down carefully, making sure not to discomfort or harm the male.

Leon shudders and waits for his next move. Hands carefully finding his hips and rubbing over them with his thumbs sweetly. The (h/c) haired male smiles like a tiny little child, nose scrunching up in a playful manner as he laid down on top of Leon. To anybody else it would seem like Y/n was crushing the small male, but he wasn't. In fact he was lighter than Leon ever really expected him to be.

They lay like that for a while, then hear a soft panting noise from next to them. Both heads turned to the dog as he stared up at them expectantly. Leon rolls to where his lover would lay on his side, legs still wrapped around Leon's waist. He held his head against his own neck and played with his hair. "Goodnight Jack." Leon spoke quietly.

Jack wasn't having this, leaping onto the bed and nuzzling the back of Leon's neck. The blonde whined, holding his lover closer to himself. The dog barked at him, hitting his nose against the back of the male's head.

"Jack." Leon snaps, pointing off of the bed and over to a dog bed in the corner. "Bed." The dog growls at him. Leon snaps his gaze behind him. "What?" His tone is cold as the dog hits him with his paw, which had rammed into his shoulder. He barks again.

"Is something wrong Jack?" Y/n asks, raising his head a little. Leon glared at the dog. "Leon be nice to him. Come here baby~" he pushes the blonde away to make room for the dog and cradles him in his chest. "Such a good boy~" the dog licks at his face as chuckles leave his lips.

He catches Leon's eye from the corner of his own. The lost puppy gaze he was sent warmed his heart up. He offers his left hand and runs it through Leon's hair. "No. No touch." He seats at his hand and rolls onto his other side.

Y/n frowned and retracted his hand. What had gotten into his lover all of a sudden? "Leon?" He huffs in response, signaling he was only half listening to him. "Forget it... it's not important anyway..." Jack whines and jumps off of the bed, laying in his own bed. Y/n turns onto his side to face away from Leon, still pouting slightly in silence.

A sigh leaves Leon's throat as he rolls over and wraps his arms gently around his lover and snuggled into his neck. At the exact moment he did so a sob filled the air as Talia began to cry. Y/n immediately sat up and rushed from the room, leaving Leon alone and shook in his very own bed.

The male enters the babies room and moves over to her, lifting her out of the crib. "Hush now~ I'm here~" his deep voice was like a lullaby to the little girl, as if he was really her father. He gently rocked her back and forth, bouncing very carefully while keeping her neck in a safe hold. He moves around the room to the small rocking chair and sits down with her cradled in his left arm.

He reaches onto the small table and lifts up a book. (*Evil Sounds.*) Village of Shadows. He sets the book on his right leg and opens it up. His eyes fall upon the page before glancing to the cracked open door. They narrow slightly and he twirls his finger, the door closing on its own.

He clears his throat, "this was a story my father used to read to me when I was a little boy." And so he begins telling Talia the story he's learned when he was younger. It was one of the few things he had noticed in the village as he explored it thoroughly. The pages brought back his childhood, as if he'd lived in this village of shadows with all of its monsters.

Talia, with her little eyes watching curiously as he spoke, wondered over the monsters and wondering why they would be scary. Her little mind refused to see them as monsters, but as something different. More... human-like. People. Normal, living, breathing people.

He gets halfway through the story before the door creaks open to reveal Leon and Jack. "What the hell are you reading?" He asks, eyes furrowed. He opens the door more and Jack raced inside and over to the newly sleeping baby.

"The story a friend of my father always liked to read to me when he was there. It was a friend of his' who lived in the village Chris destroyed." Y/n replies calmly, placing a mark in the book and laying it on the table before carefully placing the little girl in the crib.

"It's a scary story." Leon retorts, "I could hear it from the baby monitor. Why would you read that to her? She's too young for these kinds of stories."

Y/n's eyes snap up to meet the blue he adored. Yet he wasn't going to hear any of it. "You just don't like anything do you Leon?" His tone has become uncharacteristically cold and dark. He stood straight, "it's a family thing, you wouldn't get it." He goes to leave the room before a hand clasps his.

He turns and looks at the man, staring him down for a moment. "Hey... let's not get mad about this... she's too little for these..."

"Yeah? And I was beaten when I was young, it's either scary stories over being beaten... who would have the worse childhood?" He argues back, his tone deadly as he rips his hand away and leaves.

Leon sighs and hangs his head, shaking it before running after his lover. He found him sitting on the edge of the bed, playing with his feet while hiding half of his face behind his legs. "Y/n..." Leon begins in a soft tone as he approaches and joins him. He nudged his body and sighs calmly. "I love you..."

The male smirked and turned to him, "prove it then~"

Leon smirks in return and tugs the male down and onto the bed, cuddling his body and suffocating him in warmth. "I don't need to~" he replies coolly and snuggles as close as he possibly can.

"That's very true, Mr. Kennedy~" Y/n responds happily, holding his closer. "And I love you too~"

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