(Chapter Twenty-Three)

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While I held onto Y/n's arms he smiled up at me, "hey you~" came from his slightly parted lips in a soft, content manner. "What're you gonna do with me, Mr. Kennedy?" He flashed me a shy smile and winked at me.

I couldn't help the low chuckle that left my lips, "for just waking up, you sure as hell can run..." I mutter, hugging his larger body to my own. "Not that I mind~ we have, shit... today and tomorrow until we head to work?" I question quietly, my brow knitting together as I thought about it. Memories of yesterday flooded my mind, the small journey we went on, calling it a date while we kissed in the rain. A small smile found my lips, I'd been doing that recently with him. He just had that effect I suppose.

"I think that's what you told her, and you said the date would have to be after~" he gently rubs his hands over the back of mine. "And what? Will I eventually be a Mr. Kennedy too?" He questions, sending me a sly smile over his shoulder. "Or perhaps you'll become a L/n."

"Think it would suit me?" I ask, sending back a small smirk.

"Hardly, I rather like Kennedy. It suits you very well~" he lightly pinches the bridge of my nose and then proceeds to grab my chin.

"Y/n?" I ask, but before I can ask anything else I'm met with his soft, gentle lips pressing against my own. I close my eyes, letting myself lean closer into the kiss, despite us being crouched down on the floor. He pulls away first and shyly holds one of my hands.

"I like you very much, Leon..." he confesses quietly.

"You can say love, you know~" I place my free hand on one of his. "I love you too, Y/n. Very much." He looks up, locking eyes with me and smiling slightly.

"You love me?" The small smile just grew and grew after that. "I like that. I love you, Leon~" he leans up and kisses the tip of my nose, causing me to go cross-eyed momentarily. He lets out the softest sounding sigh, content with being next to me like this. Truthfully, I was glad to be next to him also. I pulled his body into my lap and lay my head calmly onto his shoulder.

"We can eat in a moment..." I digress, "but I want to remain in this position for a little while..." I nuzzle closer to his neck, placing a soft kiss to it.

"Well, I do like being held~" came his sweet voice, sounding like candy. I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders as he leaned against my head. "I like sitting like this..." came his calm confession. I smiled against the skin of his neck, nodding in agreement.

"Let's just stay like this for a while..." as my breath ran along the bare skin, I felt him shiver and take in air as his breathing began to hitch. "Is everything alright?" The shivering slightly continued as I pulled my head back. "Are you cold? I'll get-"

"I'm not c-cold..." he stutters out, his face a very light, dull pink.

"Then why are you shaking? Is something wrong?" I look over his face as he shyly avoids my eyes. "Y/n?" I ask his name softly, hearing him hum softly as his eyes merge into my own.

"You have this strange effect on me, where my body wants more than cuddles... it's weird... I don't quite understand it, but I don't wish to explore this yet... in case it's what I assume it is..." he rubs my shoulders with soft motions. I sigh, a little more of a groan as I let him continue. "Does this feel better? Have you ever been massaged?"

"It's nice, but what about you?" I return the question to him.

"I've had one before, not very welcomed... well I had to have it after what happened..." he spoke, yet didn't go into detail.

"Care to explain?" I watch his eyes momentarily as he stops and stares into my eyes. The (e/c) hues drag me into a state where I'm conscious, but drowning.

"When I was little I nearly broke my back. My muscles had been so tense after that, which resulted in my needing therapy and more to help me. I hated it... I don't like it, I never did..." he quietly mumbled, making me frown slightly.

"That must have been tough on you, at least you can still walk..." I tried cheering him up, but he shook his head and hugged me.

"It would've killed me from where I fell... had muscle memory not saved me..." came his softened reply. He'd almost died when he was young? I felt a more strong urge to protect him with my life now than I previously had.

"How old were you when this occurred?" I question, but feel like I've over-stepped my boundary.

"Like I said, I was little... maybe seven or eight... I was small for sure..." I felt my heart ache at this, knowing I wasn't there to protect him when he was younger. Then it dawned on me, how old even was he?

"Not to sound creepy... but ah... how old are you exactly?" I question quietly, looking over his face.

"Well I'm not seven, clearly." He mused the idea, but didn't smile. "I'm twenty three years old." He confides, looking down at his hands. "How old are you?" He asks, staring into my eyes.

"I'm thirty six..." I bit the inside of my cheek, he was so young compared to me.

"Hm..." he placed a finger to his bottom lip, thinking over this. "That makes a thirteen year age gap between you and I, Mr. Kennedy." He playfully pokes my chest.

"That's a long gap..." I confess, though he shrugs.

"I've seen longer. Like a sixteen year old sleeping with a forty year old man... it happens." Came his calm response. I stared at him in utter horror as he continued, "that's pedophila. That's a twenty four year age gap Leon, that's more than ours."

"It's still close to it." I argue.

"Yeah, by eleven years..." came his slightly annoyed tone. "That's still a nine year difference. Calm down cowboy, no need to get all worked up over it. And besides, you let this," he gestured with his hand between us. "Happen between us."

"That's not..." I let out a huff of breath that hit his face. He stared through it, maintaining eye contact.

"Leon... what's so bad about it? It's not like I'm twelve..." I saw a slight look of hurt flash through his eyes as he finally looked away. "Do you not like that?"

"Y/n... I..." I bit my lip and hold him closer to myself. "No... no I do like this. What we have. Y/n I love you." I pressed my lips to his forehead and held him tightly to my chest. "Fuck it's not like that..."

He shyly hugged back, his face hidden in my chest. "You love me? Despite how apart we are?" He hesitantly asked, making the burning feeling in my heart increase.


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