~Chapter Forty-One~

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Two thousand reads.... Holy shit... I have only one thing to say. That would be:

ThirdThe two had eventually gone to bed for the night, curled together on the couch

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The two had eventually gone to bed for the night, curled together on the couch. Both breathing happily in their own worlds as rain lightly poured onto the roof in soothing patterns. A woman watched from outside, water logging down her black hair over her eyes as she watches them a moment longer. "You keep him safe now Leon..." she whispers, turning her head away and adjusting her coat to keep whatever remained of her warmth. She approached the front door and carefully set a basket down by the door and knocked carefully.

This stirred awake Y/n and made him groggily glare at the door. He moves out from under the slightly shorter male and moves to the front door, opening it to peer outside. The only thing he saw was someone vanishing around the corner and into an alleyway. He rolls his eyes and gets ready to close the door when a small, tiny whimper is heard. He opens the door as his heart swells with sorrow.

Sitting in front of his feet lay a small basket with the smallest child inside, hair a light grey and eyes the color of steel. Salty tears ran down the little things face and Y/n carefully lifted them out of the basket and brought them and the basket inside. A cry of pure sorrow left the baby and Leon shot up from his spot. His eyes clouded with sleep as he searched for the source.

Surprised to see the love of his life gently cradling such a fragile thing in his arms. A note in his left hand he reads aloud, voice soothing the little one. Tears stop falling and they stare up at him quietly, curiously. "My daughter Talia. I've heard of you both. I cannot take care of her, lest she remind me of her father. You'll never know me, but I beg of you to at least care and cherish my little girl. A life full of happiness is what she deserves. Please... give her that..."

His brow furrowed and he turns the paper around. "Who... what?" Leon blinks in utter confusion.

"Well Talia... are you hungry?" The baby cooes and he nods affirmatively. "Ah, of course. Let's get you situated, yes?" Leon rubs at his eyes, jaw hanging slack as Y/n sits down and cradles the baby in his lap. Reaching into the basket for a bottle and whatever remained over her formula to make a bottle. His eyes turn to Leon shyly, "can you go make the... do you know how to make baby food?" He shakes his head. The male sighs and carefully moves the baby into the blondes lap. "Keep her company." And leaves the room.

Leon looks down at her as the sudden realization kicked in, someone left their daughter on his doorstep and Y/n already accepted her. The baby watched him with her little eyes, reaching up with her hands to his face. Gently, way more than humanly possible, he lifts her into his arms and cradles the back of her head as she moves her hand along his smooth jawline.

A giggle erupts from her lips and Leon smiles sweetly. "Looks like I'm not the only one who likes your scruff~" Y/n purrs and hands him the bottle after moving back over to the basket.

"Is it supposed to be warm?" Leon asks in confusion. He's returned with a nod. Leon knew he had younger sisters, maybe he watched and learned from his mother or father. He eventually moved the basket into his lap and lifted out a small Greyish blue wolf plushie.

"This must be her little friend." He says softly with a smile. He sets it between the two as Leon carefully tries to feed the little girl. Her tiny hands wrap around the bottle as if she wanted to hold it on her own, yet was unable to. He lifts out a blanket as well. "Damn.. whoever her mother was she knew what she was doing..." he sets everything back inside the basket and turns to the dirty blonde. "Leon..."

The said male knew where this was going and despite wanting to say yes, he wasn't sure. "Y/n I don't know about this... I mean... with my job I'd never be home and I don't think that would be fair on you."

"I almost completely raised my sisters from birth, as was my duty as the second son. I'm pretty sure I could handle another little girl." He retorts and gives Leon his little pout. "Please?"

He sighs, nodding in defeat. "Fine... Jesus... we're no where near-" he's cut off the moment Jack realized there was yet another being in the house. Y/n giggles as he sniffs at her feet curiously before melting into the sweetest thing imaginable. He lightly licks her face when she finishes the bottle and stayed there to watch over her as she was burped and held gently.

The next morning!
Y/n had run off from the twos shared room and carefully cradled the small little girl that had woken him up the night prior. He played with her little toy and she giggled loudly. The sound brought butterflies to his heart and a large grin to his lips, unaware of the blonde that watched from the doorway. "Well Talia... we'll need to get you things now won't we?" He taps on his bottom lip before his eyes sparkle. "Oh~ I can't wait to tell Alice about you~"

"What all do we need?" The deep morning voice ripped through the air and caught the other male's attention. He raises his gaze from the baby and smiles as greeting to him.

"Good morning dear~" looking back down at the little girl as she tries to roll over to see Leon. "Already looking for Daddy I see~" Leon's heart skipped a beat hearing that, walking into the room and crouching down to meet the girls eyes. She smiles, nose scrunching up as a giggle left her body. "We'll need so much..." a sigh left his lips. He grabs a notepad and pen from the table and begins rambling off the list as he writes it down.

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