/Chapter Fifty-Eight/

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Third, (when is it ever different at this point?)
As the three worked hard to crack the little case they had given themselves and find the missing man and child, they are only led to more questions than they started with. Every little lead would bring more curious things that they couldn't place. As they learned more about the Man they were searching tirelessly for they failed to see what was right in front of them. Him.


Y/n had gotten used to the little castle over the next few weeks, going so far as to meet Mother Miranda and be accepted into their little family as yet another member of her growing family. She disliked the baby he kept with him, but never said anything of it.

He sat in a chair, supporting a curious little girl in his lap as he spoke with Donna. Tho r young black haired woman hung her head slightly, her face hidden constantly by a black veil. Y/n didn't mind this, he understood what the parasite had done to her and sympathized with it.

"You must miss him, this man you talk about so much..." Donna begins suddenly, dragging the man from his thoughts. She was referring to Leon and he knew that impulsively. "What was he like?"

"Leon? Ah, he's this stubborn blonde haired male that works hard to get what he wants and needs. He doesn't take anything from anybody... he would have been my husband." Donna's head lifted to watch the man's face as she frowned slightly. "I wonder if he's still searching for me..."

A small smile found her parted lips briefly, "if he's as stubborn as you say... I don't think he'll ever stop searching for you." Y/n nods approvingly and looked down at the small baby, who was happily eating on her own now. "He really seems to love you..."

"He does..." the male smiled for the first time in a while, his fangs protruding from the top and lightly piercing his bottom lip. "He'll stop at nothing to get us back... isn't that right Tal?" The Little girl raised her head to the man and smiled. She had little teeth appearing one by one, which he adored to no end. He hugged her closer and let her continue to eat as he went on and talked for an hour or two longer with the woman.

Three years later! (That Long?! Yes I know!)
A small four year old, if not a hint older, ran down the castle corridor with a happy grin on her face. She rushed into her father's room, seeing the man as he tiredly shifted his gaze to her form. She bounced on her little feet, silver hair flying every which way as she did so. "Papa! The Duke said there's a man here to see us!"

"A man?" Y/n asked calmly, seeing her nod wildly. She grabbed his wrist and tugged him along through the halls, gaining the attention of the three sisters as they followed curiously behind them and stopped when the door opened. Y/n hissed at the cold that rushed inside, hugging at his arms as light primer Ed his irises. He'd been sleeping in the day and she'd woken him up.

Standing outside was a man in full gear, a small handgun in his hand as he stared at the man in genuine shock before looking down at Talia. "Y/n? T-Talia?"

Y/n tilted his head to the side, confused at how this man knew his name. He could hear the sisters voices as they watched from afar. "And you are?"

"Me? You don't... remember me?" His voice broke slightly, eyes refusing to meet his now.

The brunette turned and looked around the snowy terrain before staring Y/n down. "Am I supposed... wait now that I think about it..." Chris stared at him with hopeful eyes, having had the world go back a few years in time. "Hm... your..." he leaned against the second closed door and snapped his fingers before a light bulb lit up. "Chris Redfield. A friend of Leon and I... why are you here?"

"I'm here because something in our timeline was fake. There are gaps in our memories that we filled in with fake ones. You have to trust me when I say this place is completely destroyed. There is no castle, no people here. It shifted and began to melt around him, Talia clutching onto his arm in fear.

"Papa? What's happening?" His eyes grew wide realizing not only had be put himself under a mirage, but his daughter too. He looked down to Talia as everything fell into place, hearing the deaths and sounds of destruction before the town blew up and became bright. Then it was as it was when he'd been there the first time.

He pursed his lips and lifted the young girl into his arms and stared around. "Do you remember it all now?" Y/n simply nods, looking around. "Good, now come on." He turned and went to walk off, stopping a few feet away and turning back when he didn't see him following. "Y/n? Is something wrong?"

"I..." he looked down at Talia, then walked briskly over to Chris and handed her to him. "I can't come with you..."

"Papa?" Talia panicked, reaching back for him before clutching onto the familiar man. The moment Chris curses and turns away to leave him behind scared her further. She looked up at the man and spoke up quickly, "why isn't Daddy coming with us? Papa!"

Y/n felt his heart drop, remembering his father and how Wesker turned him into a monster and in turn his father did the same to him. Like father like son. He turned back to the ruined castle and let himself fall victim to another fake life, yet couldn't make it correct. He stepped back outside and looked around.

"You should go with them, you know how to keep the virus at bay. Perhaps you deserve a fresh start instead?" Duke's voice startled the man, seeing the larger man holding a small vial in his hand. "Wouldn't you like to be free?"

Y/n was left with no response. He stared quietly for another long while and heard the helicopter's loud noises.

Meanwhile Leon sat in the helicopter with his daughter, so small and curious. She'd recognized him immediately and began to cry that Y/n wasn't coming with them. Leon fiddled with his engagement ring, he'd gotten them matching ones after all. He thoughts about all the good times he's had with the male as the helicopter began to rise.

Before it could reach the air fully a body slammed into the metal floor and heaved heavily. "Leon!" The dirty blonde's eyes widened at the sight of his disheveled fiancé. The smile that broke out on their faces made Rebecca and Chris smile to each other. "I'm coming home and I won't be a problem anymore. See?" He held up a vial and Injected himself with it, restoring the virus to its original state.

So you want to be free, yes? I can allow that. It's been a fun few years. With that he grew weary and shifted to one of the seats and leaned against the shorter male. "I love you Y/n... you fucking idiot!"

The male smiled and sighed, "yeah... I know... I love you too..." With that he fell into a small slumber as Rebecca lifted up the virus sample and looked it over.

"It's a cure for sure..." she looked at the sleeping male. "And he's still alive."

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