\Chapter Fifty-One\

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Y/n (finally coming back to first person after forever!)
I watched the three women for a moment, then smile warmly. "It's been quite some time hasn't it? Can I get you anything to drink? Or your friend?" I glance over my shoulder at the younger male, to see his eyes go wide and shake his head wildly with a stutter.

"N-no! I'm o-okay! Thank you!" His face becomes dusted with shades of pink and red as he avoids my eyes. I shrug and turn back to the others, seeing them smile right back at me.

"I'll go help Leon. Wanna come with me Rebecca?" Sherry asked softly, standing up. The brunette nods, following her as they vanished into the kitchen to hound poor Leon.

"Im sorry about my brother," Claire states suddenly. My eyes dart to meet hers, locking in place as if I were a deer caught in headlights. "For everything he's put you through. He's just so stubborn headed and pushy." She shakes her head, hair swaying with the graceful movements.

"He's just... well... hm..." I couldn't think of a proper term before letting out a sigh. "Touchy. He's touchy, but in like a prickly bear than actual touching. He seems easy to anger and is likely to hold a grudge, which explains why he and I did not get along at first or probably now." I pout, my bottom lip sticking out slightly.

"He's just anxious about you, about the virus contained within your body. What do you think of it?" She asks softly, catching my eye.

"Of Zephyr? She's alright I suppose." At her confusion I elaborate quickly. "That's the voice in my head that's part of the virus! She's been keeping me in order!" I explain quickly, worried that she'd be uncomfortable with me.

She seems to understand, nodding slowly as she stood up. "Well~ I'm gonna take you up on that drink offer!" I smile and stand up, hands at my sides as I gesture for her to enter before myself. As we enter I spot Leon being pinned in the corner by the two women. "Guys?"

The trio turn their heads to Claire and Leon audibly sighs. "Hey, leave my babe alone~" I tease, noting the bright pink that dusts his face. They step away from him and take seats at the table, "what were you hounding him about anyway?"

"We wanted details on your wedding!" Sherry exclaimed excitedly.

"Well shit, I'd like to hear them too..." I joked, sending a wink Leon's way. He sighs, head shaking as he walks to the fridge to get himself a beer. "Now Leon..." I reach over the table and take it from him, "no."

He takes the bottle back and opens it, looking me dead in the eye as he takes a long drink. "Yes." He argues, but I shut him down with a single look towards the floor. Refusing to meet his eye and instead focusing my attention to the table, running my finger delicately over it.

He sighs, taking another drink before pushing it over the table to me. I glance up at him curiously, but see him leaning over to instead ruffle my hair. I groan, batting at his hand to stop him. "Leon!"

A heavy knock hits the door and makes me jump, back hitting the table as I spun around. "I thought you said you came alone..?" Leon questions, moving to hand Talia to me. Quickly I cradled her close to my chest, adjusting her small clothes to fit her more comfortably.

"That's it though..." Rebecca began, "we did."

"Then who is at the door? Cole never knocks that aggressively and Alice's knock is petite." I elaborate without needing to, eyes scanning the doorway. I offer Claire the baby in my arms, which she graciously takes and smiles widely in awe. "Let's go see who it is..."

"No, I want you to stay in the kitchen..." Leon retorts, hands gingerly placed on my shoulders as he held me there.

"I can't always look helpless Leon... my bloods a ticking-" the knock sounded again. A sparkle shine in my eye, "a little impatient are we?" I moved around Leon and scurried to the door before he could catch me. I opened the door a crack and stared at the person outside.

The male that was standing previously next to the door, who decided to look out of curiosity as well, watched the person sweat. I opened the door fully, "hello, can I help you?"

They let out a heavy wheeze, sighing in relief as their hands fly to their knees. They collapse slightly, but are caught by myself. I help them inside and lay them down on the couch. Leon enters the living room as I push past into the kitchen. "Who is it?" Claire asks, cuddling Talia closer.

"I'm not sure actually... maybe Leon can find out..." I grab a glass and pour water inside, walking back out to set it beside them on the table. Leon ushers me back into the kitchen as he begins to speak with the man. "Odd behavior out of Leon... oh well... how have you three been? It's been a while anyway..."

Sherry smiled, looking down at her hands. "I've been doing good, missions are pretty tough though." Her blue eyes travel to meet my own (e/c) orbs.

"At least you're getting stronger!" I smiled widely, showing off determination.

"I've been testing different viruses to try and maintain a cure..." Rebecca says, "even if you don't want to be cured, the world would still benefit."

If the blood is stable. Zephyr's voice mutters, messing with my head as always. My body shudders, rolling my shoulders back and forth to comfort myself in a way. "What if it's not contagious?"

"It can't be, Leon and Talia are just fine..." Claire replies, "or... that's not what you mean, is it?"

"Not entirely, no... what I'm saying is, what if the virus isn't actually a normal one? Like what if there's a chance that it couldn't ever affect another person? If it's all kinds of viruses mixed together... wouldn't that cancel some of them out?" I turn my head back to Rebecca, seeing her lost in her mind.

"There's only one way to find out." She replies, a determined glint in her eyes.

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