?Chapter Fifty-Six?

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Leon watched his lover worriedly, "you've been gone for six hours..."

"Six?!" Y/n gasped, shock written on every bit of his features. "No... no no no! There's no way!" He began to shake his head and giggle. Stressfully he rolls his hand through his hair. "This isn't happening... I'm fine..."

Leon watched him with worry inside of his blue hues, seeing his lover slip further into what appeared to be on the edge of a panic attack and right into insanity. "You were gone, I couldn't find you and neither could Alice. You were genuinely gone, unless you'd just up and vanished from here and wound up somewhere else. That's not healthy, we should have that checked out."

Y/n looked back at Leon before sighing, body shaking slightly as he began to bounce his right leg. "No... I found myself in the same position I left myself in... I got dragged into some place..." a series of knocks sounded aggressively against the door, scaring the poor male.

Leon gingerly handed their daughter to him, which calmed him slightly. Once he left the kitchen the male began to cry, the poor little girl showing worry despite her young age. She reached up and held her father's face, giving him her gummy smile to cheer him up. He smiled a little at her actions, seeing how hard she was trying to make him happy.

He kissed her forehead and cried in silenced, rocking the both of them very slowly in the chair. He could hear Leon talking to someone, he could hear the keywords of their conversation. It was about his blood, his disease. He listened more closely, hearing a word he really wished hadn't been said.

"Cadou." Though it was the only word that stuck out like a fish trapped on land, it scared the death out of him. He stood up and impulsively walked through the door in the kitchen attached to the hallway, one that didn't go past the living room. He scurried down the hall and into the main bedroom and sat in the center of the bed.

Jack lifted his head from the corner of the room, sensing the man's visible distress. He bounced to his feet and was at the male's side in seconds. He'd lick at his face and snuggle close to his side, which was comforting in a way he needed most. Despite it not being Leon, he began to calm down.

That's when he opened his mouth and spilled the whole story to the dog, not knowing if he'd even understand or not. Yet Jack listened to every word, was alert to every bit of information Y/n opened up about. The Doberman seemed to get it, maybe he'd been in this situation in a past life.

(Cough cough Krauser cough cough)
When everything was emptied out he felt better. Weight had lifted form his chest, years worth of it was now gone like it never existed. Jack gave him an understanding head nod and licked the last of his tears away. Leon entered the room soon after with no knock, Chris standing right behind him.

"Everything okay?" He asks in the most worried voice, but the male doesn't respond. What shocks everyone, save dear Y/n, was the moment Jack stood on the bed with his ears pinned down and teeth barred. The deep snarl That left his throat unnerved the dirty blonde and confused the brunette and anybody else with them.

Leon enters the room with Chris, which reveals the same women as earlier. Rebecca stands in front of him, mindful of the livid dog next to him. "We got the results back, Y/n..."

"And? What's this about?" His stress levels began to rise, showing off the anxiety eating away at him. His chest began to tighten as she reached for the little girl in his arms. "What are you... what are you doing?" Jack's growl for lower, going so far as to send a warning bite the brunette female's way. She recoiled in fear as the male grew more nervous.

His eyes locked with his lover's. He pleaded for an answer and yet the moment Leon looked away from him... he knew. They were taking someone from the house. This was the end for one of them, and it made sense as to who. He scooted away from her, eyes narrowing in fear. He cradled the girl in his arms, watching them sheepishly as he cornered himself.

"What's going on?"

"Her mother... this little girl is infected with the Cadou and it's a parasite that could very well destroy the both of you. Give her to me, please don't make this difficult." Rebecca spoke softly, reaching for her again and nearly being bitten had Chris not pulled her back.

"Cadou? That's... that's what I'm infected with! He didn't do anything wrong!"

Leon snapped suddenly, blue eyes blazing. "I knew bringing her inside would end poorly. She has a strong hold over you!"

That's when something inside the male broke. He looks down at her fearful face, vanishing from that spot in a fit of black goo and appearing elsewhere at a different time. In front of him stood a large castle, the same castle he'd been to before with Simmons and Ada.

Castle Demitrescu.

Meanwhile the others left in the room panicked and ran. Even Jack had vanished when they did, leaving them alone completely. Leon fell into despair instantly, face going pale. He forcefully grabbed Chris' shoulders and turned him to face the blonde. "What the fuck?!"

Rebecca stood there quietly, face looking towards the spot Y/n had vanished from. Her right hand was held tightly to her chest as she stood there as if frozen. When he vanished she saw the look in his eyes, the pleading and scared person beneath that calm mask he always wore.

She knew then and there who he was and what was happening. She turned slowly, eyes landing on the two male's. "Where did we find him again?" Both men pause their arguing and look towards her.

"An old mansion that was coated in zombie blood. Why?" Chris began, seeing Rebecca go into her mind.

"Are you sure?" This question sparked fire in their blood, confusing them deeply as Claire and Sherry were simply perplexed.

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