?Chapter Forty?

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Holy shit, I almost the same length as my other story, which has fifty-four parts! 👀

Holy shit, I almost the same length as my other story, which has fifty-four parts! 👀

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I lay there in calm silence, arms wrapped firmly around my lovers waist. His attention was entirely on Jack's sleeping form as he listened to my heart beating from his left ear. A hum escaped his lips, making it known he's talking now.

"Oh god... how I've missed this..." he wraps his strong, muscular arms around my body and holds me tightly. He's gentle enough to not break me, but tense enough to refrain from leaving him alone. He buries his nose in my chest and breathes happily. "How badly I've missed you too~"

Jack's head lifts, hearing a quiet whine from him. The sound of Y/n's deep chuckle caused butterflies to well in my stomach. I moved my hands to play with his hair, twirling the (h/l) hair in my fingers.

"I've missed you too buddy, don't worry~" Jack barks approvingly and lays his head back on his paws and returns to his nap.

He shifts so that our faces were mere inches apart. There's a look of both mischief and pure love within the tides of (e/c) running rampant around his irises. I break the silence with a soft, tender and loving kiss that he happily returns. I move one hand to cup his cheek and the other to hold the back of his head as I deepen the kiss, or try to.

Upon licking his bottom lip he refused me, instead moving to do the same with my own. Stubbornly I refuse him, wanting to get my way instead. His arms shift and squeeze my hips gently, before he roughly tugs on my lip. He pulls away and sends me his saddest little pout he could manage before I sigh and part my lips.

Almost as if he were a small puppy with his tail wagging about a mile a minute, he slammed his lips back onto mine passionately and let his tongue enter my mouth. Impulses by his actions I fought back to show any dominance I had left, which all left the moment his left leg moved between my legs.

He pulls up, leaving a thick line of saliva from our lips, which ended up running down my chin after it broke in the middle. He glanced down over my body before a low, seductive chuckle left his lips. "What's this here? Hm?" His teasing manners only made it worse as he places his hand over the warmth in my crotch. "Someone seems excited~"

"Fuck you..." I breathe out heavily. The smirk that started to tug at his lip revealed itself finally as his cat-like eyes met my own.

"I think that's what your body already wants to do~" his smooth response caught me off guard, normally he'd never tease me like this. Be the dominant one was always my job, my place in our relationship. Yet at that same point, here he was being the Alpha male and I was at his mercy. "I wonder what kinds of things you'd do for me~" he was practically purring with his voice filled with silk and laced indefinitely with honey.

"Nothing~" came my smooth reply as I roll us over, pinning his hands to the sides of his head. Yet that smirk never leaves his smug face. He tilts his head away from me, hiding his eyes from mine. I growl and gently bite his collarbone, causing him to gasp and look back at me. "Don't you dare look away from me..."

"Yes sir~" he purrs out, staring up at me innocently. It's quiet for another moment before I shake my head and pull away. "Don't be shy Leon, give the people what they want~"

"And what would that be?" I'm suddenly pulled by the collar of my shirt on top of the male, resting quietly between his thighs as we lock eyes. "We're not doing this right now." I argue back, trying to push away as his legs tighten around my waist.

His fake little pout returns, "and why not?" He flutters his lashes and sends me a shy look. Almost as if he were embarrassed that I told him no. His face grew to be a light shade of pink, watching me in silence as I think. Why is he acting out like this? I wonder as he rolls his hips into my own. I tense and growl under my breath.

"You better quit~" I nip at his right shoulder, leaving a dark blackish blue mark on his skin. A giggle leaves his lips and immediately he's back to his normally playful self. My eyes soften and I lean down to kiss him sweetly, pouring all of my love into it. He responds slowly, returning the love-filled kiss with his own.

Once we pull away he wraps his arms around the back of my neck and pulls me down on top of him. "Cuddle me~" the chuckle leaves my lips and I nod, burrowing my face in his neck and breathe in his scent.

"God I love you..." I murmured softly, feeling his soft fingers rub my nape gingerly as to jot cause discomfort. His head leaned against my own as the only sounds in the room were the tv, Jack's semi-loud snoring, and our quiet breathing.

"I love you too Leon~ More than you'll ever know~" he kisses my cheek and sweetly wrapped himself around me. Finally I let my weight down on his torso, feeling him happily holding me closely. One of his hands carefully played with the hair at the top of my nape, the other rubbing circles on my back in the most soothing manner Y/n's ever used.

Slowly I'm brought to sleep by these actions. Breathing slowing down and the world around me becoming shadowed with darkness. I could hear the gentle humming my lover did as he continued his actions.

Almost 2k reads.... Holy fucking shit you guys- 

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