?Chapter Eight?

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Alice, though how hesitant she was over the whole ordeal, placed her small peach hand in his. "I do..." Her silver eyes looked around them, at the fires and carnage around them.

Everything seemed to spin, Y/n's hand had tightened around her's and he began running towards the city limits at the bridge. It wasn't a large city, though it wasn't small either. Alice knew these streets, she was raised here. She pushed her legs faster, running slightly ahead as the male followed after her quickly.

"We should go through the sewers, it should be safer there." With such she ran into the street, bending down and attempting to move the small manhole cover. Y/n dropped to his knees, aiding her in the attempt to get somewhere far from here. A car was heard, speeding down the street that they stood in.

The male dropped the cover, instead choosing to tackle the woman out of the road. He shifted, making sure he took the blunt of the impact as they rolled on the sidewalk and out of the way. The car zoomed past them, nothing but a blur as it crashed into an oncoming bus.

"As much as I like the idea of getting out of here, we'll have to keep running above ground for the time being. Are you alright?" He turned his head to the woman, seeing her nod. He stood, dusting himself off as she sat there astounded. Y/n had saved her within a matter of seconds, any later and they'd have been run over and nothing but splatters against the asphalt. He held his hand down to her, catching her gaze.

She placed her hand into his, being pulled to her feet and looked over for injuries. "I should be making sure that you're alright. Not vice versa..." she joked, smiling afterwards. The    (h/c) haired male sent a small smirk, slowly guiding her to lead him once again. Two figures ran from the alleyway, the main male quick to pull Alice behind himself. Two guns aimed at him, from a man and a woman.

"Leon!" Y/n called out, recognizing the blonde male.

"Y/n? How did you get out of the hospital?" Leon looked him over, but seemed nervous about his attire. "Why are you shirtless?"

"Oh you know, being chased out of a collapsing building gave me no time. The usual." They looked around, eyes locking onto corpses that noticed them. "We've got to get moving, now!" He helped Alice run past the two, making sure that she remained safe and sound.

"Y/n!" Leon called out, the sounds of his shoes hitting the cement as well as Helena's could be heard. They caught up quickly, then slowed down and moved next to the male. Alice slowed to a slight jog, moving to climb over a stopped vehicle.

"So, where are you two heading?" Helena asked, grabbing Y/n's shoulder.

"We're getting the hell out of this city. It's gone to hell." Y/n stated bluntly. "What are you guys gonna do?" Alice made a squeak noise, dragging his attention away and over to her. A zombie had crawled out of the car she climbed across and was approaching her. The male bounced over the car, barely touching the hood of it and made sure to knock the corpse off its feet.

"Hey! We're going for the cathedral here! Make sure you two get out safe!" Leon began, but looked away. Y/n noticed he had more to say, but was shy to say it. Helena also noted this from her partner.

"Leon? What is it?" The other male asks, shoving a knife into its temple and letting it drop to the ground. He removed his blade, cleaning it and staining the pants that had previously been clean.

"I want you to stay safe, you hear me? Don't wander off too far..." Leon placed his hands on the hood of the car, though he impulsively tapped his fingers against the shining metal. Y/n approached the car, placing his hands on the metal as well.

"I hear you, we'll meet again, right?" His head tilted, looking into the eyes of the blonde. Leon felt the urge to move over the car and hug him, make sure that he's safe no matter what, but his job refused to let this happen. He pushed off the car, looking into the (e/c) eyes of the other.

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