;Chapter Six;

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There was a hot pain that flashed through my arm and I winced slightly. The voice inside my head screamed to get off of the bed, so I listened. I scooted to the edge of the bed and let my bare feet touch the cool tile, standing up and swaying for a second. I caught myself and looked around, nothing seemed different, but I felt the cool air hitting my bare back.

Chills ran up and down my spine as the door opened and in came the small group. The doctors froze upon seeing me standing tall before them. Leon entered last, seeing me and pausing to do a double-take. "Y/n? What are you doing out of bed?!"

"I'm going to have to ask you to lay back down, sir." The doctor began and I flicked my gaze over to him, eyes narrowing.


"No? Y/n? Are you alright?" Leon looked over my form, seeing my hands practically white from how tightly I held the chair.

"I'm not going to lay here." I spoke again, eyes narrowing me on the doctor. He gulped, looking around us before going to run from me. Within an instant I was at the door, before him, closing it slowly. Leon jolted, mostly from my suddenly force and appearance beside him. "I don't want to stay here anymore..." I looked to Leon as my gaze softened. "I don't like it here..."

Leon nodded shyly, "it's alright," he reached out, his fingers brushing against my left arm as he held my forearm, "it's okay... that's perfectly okay. I'll see what I can do, for now just sit here, on the chair... okay?" He slowly moved me to the chair he'd sat in previously. I slumped into it, thinking over what was going on.

"You won't leave me here, right Leon?" I looked up slightly, meeting his eyes. He sends me back a small smile as he lets me go.

"Course not, I'll be right back. Don't... don't move okay?" Once I nod he leaves the room. The doctor runs out, followed by his companions, this leaving me with the woman that approached me slowly.

"Hello, Leon's told me about you. Y/n, right?" She took a chair and pulled it around to sit in, directly in front of me. "I'm Leon's partner, Helena Harper." She outstretched a hand and I took it carefully, shaking it calmly.

"It's nice to meet you, I don't think I ever met you." I mumbled, then gazed around the room. "It's too quiet in here, too white, too... normal..." I look down at my hands.

"I get that, it's gets old after a while. So, tell me, what's it like? Or rather, what was it like? Your old home?" She asked, trying not to get a harsh reaction from me.

"It was... home. I was raised normally, but under the impression that my family was living in a mansion where I couldn't have many friends. I was deceived into seeing the servants as human, when they were nothing more than rotten corpses, slowly decomposing and making the house reek." I blinked, thinking about this. "I guess that's just how it was, my father... he wasn't always like that..."

"I wasn't there, but from Leon's report, he was portrayed as this cruel and harsh bastard. Cold-blooded and evil." Helena stated, though she placed her right hand over my own. "It's okay, I know how hard this loss much feel. I lost my sister to a virus, from a bastard man."

"He killed my sisters and mother..." I retorted, thinking over what I'd seen of their remains. "I never got to say a real goodbye... I'd excused myself from the dinner table and went to my room... that's when it all started..." I shook my head. "He used to be nice, used to be the best father anybody could ask for... I can't remember when he changed into that man, for that was not my father."

"People change over time."

"Not always." Came my short reply. It was simple really, my father had been a hero in my eyes. My savior. My father. My friend. And now? Now he was amongst the rubble that remained of our home. My home. I gently pushed her hand off of my own, then intertwined my fingers together. "Some people don't ever change."

"Like Simmons." She gave an example, but I was confused.

"Simmons?" I ask her, eyes on hers.

"It's complicated, you wouldn't know unless you were there..." she avoided my eyes now, instead looking at the empty walls and vase. I turned my head away, leaning back in the seat.

"Complicated... that's all anything in this world is anymore." I mumbled to myself, though she had heard it.

"That's not true-"

"It is, trust me. Things go from simple, like eating and sleeping, to complicated. Like... take breathing for example. It seems so simple, in thought, but when you try and manually breathe. It's hard to get it to do so." I lean forward in my seat, gazing at my bare feet.

The door opens, but I keep my gaze away from it. I hear the sound of someone approaching, but still my gaze is on the floor. I look at the tile, seeing the little specs of grey in the white. "I spoke to Hunnigan, she said it would be okay to bring him back with us." I looked up finally, seeing Leon's calm face and slight stubble. It simply added onto the attractive agent look he had.

"I can leave this place now?" I give a hopeful look, then smile brightly when he sends a nod my way. I stand up and nod to myself. "Great, I can't stand being here any longer."

"Yes, but there's a catch to it." Leon began, sending a wave of suspicion over my body. I slightly narrow my eyes, watching him as he looked around before meeting my eyes.

"And?" I make a gesture for him to continue.

"The virus inside you is still unstable. We'll need to run tests and keep you there. No exploring. No leaving the room you're assigned, save to go and eat with us. And finally, there's to be no falling in love with anybody. Okay?"

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