(Chapter Seven)

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I stared at Leon, "I'm not allowed to love? Really?" I sent him a small frown before rolling my eyes, "not that I'd like anybody anyhow." I slowly put my hands in the front pockets of the dark navy blue jeans I wore. I looked to the closed blinds, watching them momentarily. "Just as long as I'm out of this place."

"Good to hear, I'll get things sorted out and we can leave soon." Leon's voice was soft, but it held a hidden emotion. One I couldn't quite read as his eyes darted away quickly. "I'll be back in a moment, Helena? Are you coming with me or staying with him?" The woman nods, standing up. She walks to the blonde's side and the two of them leave me all alone. I looked around myself, then slowly approach the closed window. I lift the blinds, loosing vision from the bright light from outside.

When my eyes adjust, I see the white, fluffy clouds that patrolled the sky. The sky itself was an innocent baby blue, and held no sign of future storms. I smiled slightly, looking over the buildings that surrounded the hospital. There were people that walked around, couples and their kids making their way peacefully to the park that lay in the center of the town square.

"It's nice outside, isn't it?" I snap my gaze behind me, seeing the same nurse from yesterday.

"Yes, it is. Aren't you here at night?" My question made her smile. She nods and walks to stand next to me.

"It's still early, not time enough to switch out just yet." She looked over the town beside me. "What's the first thing you want to do when you get out there?"

"I don't know quite yet..." I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking over what Leon had said. There's be no leaving unless it was time to eat, which meant I was locked in another room. From one room to another. "Maybe read or write..." I open my eyes and watch the cars around us slow and become nothing more than slight blurs.

"Well," she checks her watch, "I should be going now, time to clock out and go home to my husband and son." She sends me a kind smile. I look over at her, locking gazes with her.

"You've a family? What are they like?" It was pure curiosity that fueled the question. Her smile only grew.

"They're the sweetest bunch, sometimes I think my husband is also a tiny little boy. My son, well, he's four now." Alice spoke, looking away from the window.

"That sounds ni-" I'm cut off by the sound of a crash being heard below us. "What was that?" The building rattled, shifting slightly. Once the tremors ceased, we exchanged glances and ran for the door. I looked around us, feeling the floor below is crumbling as we ran for the stairs.

I hear a yelp from behind and turn quickly, catching Alice before she can fall into the empty ground behind us. The floor had collapsed outside of the stairwell, signaling the fall would have injured or killed her. She looked horrified by the thought and quickly composed herself. "We need to get out of here, come on!" With that, the two of us made the slow decline down the stairs.

"What floor are we on?" I asked quickly, wondering. "Was it the fourth? It looked like the fourth."

"Fifth, but close enough." She slowed down, next to the door that said third floor. "We need to go down a little more, but... but what if there's danger? Why else would something crash into the building? Where did it crash? What was it?" She started asking all these strange questions, that I could not answer.

I placed my hands on her shoulders, "honestly, I don't know. Right now we need to get the hell out of here. Okay? I'll keep you safe." She nods and points to the door.

"This is the third floor, we have your things on this floor. Follow me." She opened the door, rushing inside as I followed. The floor trembled, cracking slightly. I ignored it as I followed her into a small locker room, then was guided to my gear. I quickly put the things onto myself, despite the lack of a shirt.

I had no time to put one on, before the tile below our feet trembled again. "It's not safe here, we need to go. Now!" Placing my gun in the holster, we ran for the stairwell again. There was fire slowly making its way down the stairs, from the floors above us. I scurried down the stairs, jumping whenever I was given the chance to.

Alice was less quick than I was, but still seemed nervous to be in a life threatening situation. We made it to the ground floor and opened the door, but the two of us were not prepared for the sight that lay before our very eyes. There were people eating people. Just like back home in the mansion. It made my gut twist, where were Leon and Helena? Had they made it out yet? I grabbed, though gently, Alice's hand and began making my way past the feasting creatures. I could hear the woman's soft gagging and slight sobbing as we made it to the doors.

Outside was no safer, people raced down the street. Cars ran people over within seconds, leaving the two of us worried. "Today was my last day here..." she mumbled, crying into her hands, "I'm glad my family moved earlier this week..." she held onto my right arm as I guided her forward and away from danger. Or as much of it as I could manage.

"I understand that you're scared, but we need to focus on a way out of here." I moved my hand to help guide her in front of me, my eyes scanning the area for any walking corpses that decided on making us its lunch.

"There's so many of those things..." her crying grew louder, likely to attract unwanted attention. I hugged her smaller body to my own and kept up my guard.

Shirtless in the apocalypse was one thing, but having to defend someone else that couldn't do so themself while being shirtless? That was another thing. "I get it, things are scary. This shit went to hell so quickly, I get it. We gotta keep moving, crying will get us caught up in more danger." She pulled away and nodded hesitantly. I held my hand out to her, my left hand. "Do you trust me?"

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