/Chapter Thirty-Four/

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I stared into Leon's blue eyes, watching for his reaction. He seemed genuinely shocked at my question, but was quick to shrug it off. "You know better than to start something we can't finish." His attention moves from me as he eyes the stove. "Are you hungry?"

"A little..." I laid my head on the table and watched him stand up and walk towards the fridge.

"Anything in particular?" He asks, his voice soft as silk.

"Not really, no..." I noticed him glance at me from the corner of his eye.

He turns his body to face mine, directly staring me down. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... what do you mean?" I sit up straight, watching his eyes in a calm silence.

"Don't bullshit me, I know that look. What's going on?" He places his hands over mine, looking lovingly into my eyes. "Talk to me."

"No, seriously I'm fine. Nothings wrong..." I shake my head, only for his brow to furrow. He squeezes my hands lightly.

"Something's up, you can say anything." His words were filled with sweetness.

"Well... I've been thinking for a little bit now... and... and about us." His eyes softened, almost like he was thinking the worst. "About intimacy between us..." his head tilts slightly, hair falling lazily over his eyes.

"Intimacy?" The question seemed to confuse him slightly. "Sexual intimacy or just romantic?"

"Right... there's more than one... I mean sex Leon." He cringed slightly at my blurting it out. "God, you make it look stupid. Nevermind... forget I mentioned it." I turn my head away, standing up and getting ready to leave the kitchen.

"Wait wait... it's not stupid, continue." Leon carefully held my hand as he tugged me back to my seat and sat me down. "Elaborate on your thoughts. I'll get started on breakfast." He kisses my cheek, right under my right eye and walks to start cooking whatever came to his mind suddenly.

"Well... I know that I always tease you, and you don't like it. Recently I've... been thinking about what it would be feel like. Being with you intimately. We've never experienced it... at least I never have... and I just... wanna know what it's like..." I confess shyly and he side eyes me.

He remained quiet for a little while. This left me with more time to think, which wasn't all very pleasant. I hear him flip something in the pan, making my head raise further. His back was facing me, muscles seemingly relaxed from what I could see.

"Have you ever been intimate?" I ask, seeing him tense up. He shifts, sending me a small frown.

"Once, but I try not to think about it." He replies, watching my reaction worriedly.

I nod, accepting the information. "I see... so you're experienced?" I ask, looking into his eyes.

He chuckles through his nose, shaking his head with a small smile. "Hardly, I had no idea what the hell I was doing back then." He turns back to the Pan and takes out what's inside. He places the eggs he made on a plate he pulls out of the cabinet.

Playing with the hem of my shirt, I watch his back. "How about we change that one of these days?" I ask suddenly, seeing him choke on either his saliva or air. His eyes snap to me as he stares in both awe and surprise.

"Heh, smooth baby..." he shakes his head and resumes cooking. Eventually he moves on to making bacon. My mouth waters as I stare at the food he'd already made. I rest my chin on the table and sigh contently.

When he finishes he turns and walks back over to me, setting a plate before me. I sit up and wait patiently for him to say I could eat, a little dog-like trait I'd picked up after a while. He smiled as he walked around to sit next to me, kissing my temple gently.

"Go ahead and eat, okay?" His voice was soft, the small smile present on his lips. I nod vigorously and take a small bite of the food. I hum happily at the taste, and he said he couldn't cook. I smile and continue to shovel the food into my mouth as Leon eats more slowly, watching me in silence.

I paused, swallowing what was in my mouth at that moment and turned to face him. "Hey you~" I playfully nudge his shoulder as his smile grows ever so slowly. He nudged my arm back and stared back at me with the most love filled gaze I'd ever seen him offer.

I smiled and leaned closer, placing a kiss to his nose. He went cross-eyed as he watched me do so, but went normal when I moved back. "I love you..." he confesses quietly.

My nose scrunches up and I let out a small giggle, looking away with a light pink blush. "I love you too~" I turn my head and poke his cheek lightly. "So handsome~" I coo and see his face light up. I cup the side of his face and feel the smooth skin, he'd shaved yesterday. He had to look professional for his next mission briefing that was later today. He put food on his fork and offered the bite to me. I shake my head with a smile. "You need to have a full stomach for your meeting~"

"It's only one bite, I'm not giving you my whole plate." He reported in a peaceful manner. He seemed more happy today than he usually did. He had been together for a little while, but his suddenly cheery attitude has been something unusual.

"I know, I just want you to be fed is all," I utter softly, watching his face as he inches the fork closer. I shake my head again, "n-" he ignores me and gently pushes the fork into my mouth, the taste of egg falling onto my tongue. I sighed in defeat, showing he had won the little battle. I swallowed it and shook my head. "You're a doofus..."

"Well I'm yours~" he gently pushes his plate forward, a little left on the plate. It wasn't like him not to finish. Before I could ask he wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me closer to his face, lips mere millimeters apart. "You have me for whatever you want for the next five hours~ what do you wanna do first?" My face flushed a bright pink, knowing all too well what his intentions were.

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