(Chapter Fifty-Five)

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(I had decided to take a small break because updating once a day was getting a little more complicated! I didn't die though! 😌)
Y/n felt like the world stopped at that moment, left hand delicately moving up to press around the entry wound before a yell of both pain and alarm filled the room. Lucielle grabbed him by his shoulder and dragged him away from the creature. "What the fuck?! This isn't supposed to be real!"

"Welcome back to reality!" She retorted as they continued to sprint down the hall.

"We have to leave!"

"We can't!"

He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, clutching onto his right shoulder in genuine pain before falling to his knees. "Why can't we leave?"

"Every time we reach the door we're attacked by another monster. They charge at us from outside! We're being hunted and someone needs one of us to remember something!" She helps him to his feet, pulling him with her and into their Mother's room. Lucielle closed the door and locked them inside.

"Remember what? If we had a clue we could understand!" Y/n shouted, looking around the room and seeing his mother. He went to rush over to her awaiting embrace before he stopped dead center in the room as a flash from his memory played. Her body sprawled across the kitchen floor while his father stepped over her.

He shook his head, that was what had happened in his memories and none of this could be real. It can't be real! He is pulled towards the little vanity that was pressed against the wall, sitting in the little chair as his shirt was forcefully removed.

Blood trickled from the open wound on both sides, running the length of his bare arm. Once it reached the tips of his fingers it dropped to the floor in little patterns. His mother was quick to grab a towel and press it against the wound and bark orders at his sisters.

They scattered through the room and quickly came back with several different items. One Y/n knew at a single glance. It was the type of alcohol you could drink, but would stop; or slow, the bleeding in an open wound. The bottle was opened with a loud pop and he grit his teeth, knowing well what came next.

The liquid was poured over his shoulder, rolling down and into the wound. He hissed and but the inside of his cheek as he slammed his balled up fist against his thigh. "Fuck that burns!"

"Oh shush you, there have been far worse things that hurt you. Like the Cadou that Mother Miranda graciously gave us." His mother spoke and he sighed, nodding quietly as he went paler than he was if that was even possible.

Cadou. That was the virus he had just taken a dose of in his false dream. The area around him began to melt, freeing him of whatever plagued him. He found himself sitting on the floor in the kitchen alone like he was. There was just one little problem. The wound he had was still there.

He quickly stood to his feet and rushed to the mirror, looking over himself. He looked as if he'd run a marathon and seemed to be a more ashy color than he was. A sigh escaped him as he peered over the wound and decided to clean and wrap it before making sure the food was warm enough.

As he walked past Talia's bedroom he could hear talking, making him curious. He opened the door a crack and looked inside expertly to see Leon talking to the sleeping girl. There was a small smile on her face that melted his heart even further. His little Kennedys'. He excused himself without a sound and entered the bathroom, closing the door and crouching to open the cabinet under the sink.

He took the little box out and set it on the side of the sink and opened it, grabbing a bandage and taking the hoodie off. Luckily no blood had been put onto it, but the threat remained even so. He began to wrap the wound quickly, not wanting to worry Leon or be questioned.

When he reached the end he tied it off, tucking it under the very bottom to keep it in place. With that done he slid the hoodie back on and crept out of the bathroom and tried to get back to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" Leon's deep voice echoed through the hall and startled the poor male. He jumped and turned to face him, the dirty blonde carrying the little girl in his arms as her Grey eyes stared Y/n down before a happy giggle left her.

"What are you...? What do you mean?" He counters the question, turning and rushing off towards the kitchen. In a frenzie he warmed the food and set it in proper places before setting it on the table to eat. "Foods done!"

Leon entered a few minutes after, blue eyes scanning his lover's face for any information he could get. "What happened to your shoulder?"

"My...?" Y/n sighed and turned his head away from the blonde, kicking at his feet. "Let's just say... you wouldn't believe me if I told you." With that he took a seat in one of the chair and began to shovel food into his mouth. Leon set Talia in her little booster seat and sat on her other side.

"We live in a world filled with monsters, I'm sure I'll believe you." He retorts, leaning back in his seat with a casual look before taking a bite out of the food he was given. "Good job on this."

"Well..." He taps his fork over his food for a brief second. "I saw... Im not exactly sure what it was, but I was being chased by myself... the nearly mutated version of myself Leon and I was scared... I got stabbed by some prickish freak of nature and had alcohol poured over the open wound to stop the bleeding. Then I was told what I'd injected into myself and found out it was already inside my body. I don't know what to make of this... of any of it..."

Leon placed his right hand over his lover's, having swapped hands with the fork quickly. "It's going to be alright, at least you're back."

Y/n went silent, then stared Leon dead in the eye. "What do you mean, 'back'?"

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