Lab Partners

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This is my first book lmao, this book will not be edited bc I- I just don't- AHH IDK JUST ENJOY THE STORY 🤬🤬🤬‼️‼️
Also don't ask me where the liquid idea came, it was 2 am when I started working on this
Techno's POV
Geez, my partner sure is taking their sweet time. I've been here for 6 mins, my legs hurt, I should sit. After 3 mins, they finally came. " HUAH- AHHMMM, IM SO SORRY, MY TEACHER NEEDED ME, AND I ALSO HAD TO HELP ONE OF MY CLASSMATES-!" My partner said whilst putting down the items we needed. He's,,,he's kinda cute, "Oh uhm, it's alright, uhh what's your name ?" I asked him, "uhh,,,what is my name,,,OH, Halo ! My name is Halo ! Nice to meet you, hah,," he said, "Oh, nice name, my name is Techno, nice to meet you too." I said.

I was watching Halo as he put some chemicals in a glass container. His hands move so delicate. His skin looks so soft, his eyes are pretty, his pinkish lips look soft, his nail color looks cute too. "Hey Tech, were you listening ?" I heard Halo say, " Oh, uh yeah, cough, uhm." Shit. ",,, you muffin-head, I said the festival theme for this school is space/science. I need you to help me." He said while mixing these weird chemicals together. "What is this anyways ?" I asked grabbing one of the bags Halo made with the chemicals, "it's basically like,,hmm, fireworks but liquid. You can't drink it but it looks beautiful when it pops, here look." He explained while grabbing a bag too, he then got a chair, got on top of the chair and hanged the bag on top of the school ceiling. "Now we wait,," he said and sat at other chair. We waited for like maybe 25 secs and then pop ! It's glows, some got on my skin but it didn't burn or anything, it also smelt good, like flowers. I turned to Halo who was just staring at the floor where the liquid was, and then he smiled, his smile, I want to see his smile everyday, I want him to smile at me,,,gosh. "Ooh ! I just thought of something Techie, we can put the liquid in a hose and spray it when it gets kinda dark, also when the fireworks go out !" He said still smiling. "Yeah,,that'll be,,cool and beautiful. Hey, the sun is setting, can we pop one more before I pack up." I asked, "hmm,,sure !" He said and got up to get another bag of the liquid and hanged it on the school ceiling again.

pop !!

The liquid got on Halo a little, now Halo was glowing, he's glowing even more. Like an angel, so beautiful, calm, and peaceful looking. "Wow,," I mumbled. Halo didn't say anything, just stood there, not even trying to wipe the liquid off of him, "I'll clean up Techno, you can leave, see you tomorrow." He said and looked up at me and smiled before he basically kicked me out of the lab, "but my bag, I do-", the door opened again and Halo threw my bag at my face and closed the door again, "See you tomorrow, Techno !!" He semi-yelled again. I'm so confused, what just happened.

Halos POV

Great, you messed it up. I feel like yelling, anyways let's just forget about that. Wait, I need to lock the door first. As I was going to the door again, it opened, I saw Techno. SLAM.
Lock, lock, lock, lock, lock, LOCK THE DOOR !!

Phew,,,"Hey Halo, you alright ?" I heard Techno say, "Yeah, yeah ! I'm doing alright, like I said, see you tomorrow." I semi-yelled at him while getting paper towels to clean the mess we caused on the floor, "oh,,okay, see you tomorrow too." Techno said before I heard his footsteps disappear. sigh, being grouped up with the most popular guy at school is so,,stressful,,but why. As I was cleaning the liquid, I thought I heard something out the door, I'm scared. What time is it anyways ? Oh,,it's already 7 pm ?! Where did the time go, I need to hurry and clean this mess up. I quickly cleaned the liquid and got my bag, before I touched the door handle, I heard something move again. I hear something move outside, I quickly opened the door and slammed whoever's face with the door and ran for my life. You know, I don't even feel sorry for the person !! It's 7 pm, who wouldn't be scared ? Especially at school, no teachers, no janitors or students ! I quickly made it out of the school building and ran home. "Halo ! What took you forever ?" Skeppy, my brother asked while coming towards me, "I had to clean a mess I caused, sorry, is mother and father not home yet ?" I said while taking my shoes off. "No, they said they'll be late again, I bought hamburgers ! C'mon let's go eat !" Skeppy said while running to the kitchen. After eating the hamburgers, I went to my room and fell asleep. I cant wait for tomorrow,, the festival is gonna be so fun !!

Techno's POV

Ouch, my face, did I scare him ? Well like I mean it is 7 pm, no teacher, no janitors or students. Shit, I'm so dumb. I went out the school building to be welcomed by the fresh air. I went walking home and laid on my bed, all I could think is about his smile, his smile,,,that's what I'm after, the sound of his laughter too, I've heard him laugh around his friends, and giggles. Gosh, I'm really lovestruck aren't I. "HEY BIG T, DAD BOUGHT SOME FRIED RICE !" I heard my brother, Tommy yell, "coming !" I semi-yelled back. After eating the fried rice, I went back to my room and keep thinking about Halo. Halo,,,geez Halo, why are you so pretty, beautiful, and cute,,,??

The next day asf lmao

Halos POV

I was hanging around with my friends, going around each booth of the festival to buy some stuff, eat and drink, and even laughing. "Hey Halo, me and George are gonna go to the restroom, we'll be right back !" Dream told me while his arm was around George's, "Oh please, keep it to yourself, no body needed to know Dream." I told him while having my disgusted face. After they left to have their fun, I went to an ice cream booth, "Hello, yes, may I uh get the strawberry ice cream please and thank you." I told the person who was working in the ice cream booth. I got my ice cream and started walking around the festival and accidentally bumped into someone, "Oh, my apologies ! I didn't get ice cream on you did I,,?" I said and looking up just to see Techno, oh muffins, "Oh ! Techno, hi,," I said awkwardly. "Hello Halo,,, uhm how are you?" Techno asked, "I'm doing quite fine, thank you for asking, how about you?" I asked too. We had a little chat before one of our teachers called us, "Halo, Techno ! We teachers are gonna take care of the things you guys came up with, we don't want you both to miss the fun !". After a while, fireworks went out and so did the liquid me and techno did,,,it was so beautiful. I heard some kids laughing and running around like children because of the liquid, we haven't gotten rain in a while so I'm not even surprised they started acting like that, the teachers also told us to not have food since the liquid isn't edible. I started laughing too and soon grabbed Techno hands and I started turning him in circles, he was surprised at first but then started laughing with me too.

Techno's POV

Wow,,the liquid looks so beautiful, along with the fireworks too. I looked at Halo who was smiling while liquid kept dropping. He then started laughing and he then grabbed my hands, geez, his laugh is contagious so I started laughing too.We spun around and puddles soon started to form as more liquid came, I then picked up Halo and spun him around, he was laughing even more ! Geez, I love him so much. I put him down when the liquid stopped coming down, and green met red. Halo soon tip toed and soon his lips was on mine,,,AAAAAHHHHH, I MUST BE SO RED RIGHT NOW, GOSH HIS LIPS ARE SOFT, LIKE EXPECTED. He soon took his lips away from my lips and just stared up at me and slowly turned red, "I'm,,imsosorryididntmeantodotgatitwasjustbyinstictohmygoodnesspleaseforgivemetechno- "
"Woah, talk slow Halo, I cant understand you." I said while grabbing his hand, "I said I'm sorry-! I don't know why I did that, if you don't like me then I'm sorry- oh my goodness-" he said still red watching my hands touch his hands. "Well,,what a surprise Halo, I like you too." I said and smiled, he looked up at me and buried his face on my chest.

Words: 1476 (not including this and the editing thing lmao)

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