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Halo was playing the piano, waiting for Techno to come home. Halo stopped playing the piano when he heard a knock at the front door. Halo got up and opened it, "Techno-?!" Halo said as he saw Techno covered in blood, Techno didn't respond and went up to their room.

"Kiss me." Techno said as he laid down on their bed, Halo went to him and gave him a kiss. Techno smiled, "I was about to die." Techno said, Halo stopped giving kisses to Techno and looked at him. "W-what do you mean-?" Halo asked, Techno got Halos cheeks and kissed him again, Halo pulled away. "Techno-!" Halo whined, "I want more kisses." Techno said, frowning. "Aren't you hurt though-? Do you feel better ?" Halo asked, Techno then dragged Halo with him on their bed, "Hurt ? I'm not hurt." Techno said, now on top of Halo, Halo was shocked. "But the blood-!" Halo said as he wiped some blood off of Techno, "Oh,,,I never said it was my blood though." Techno said and nuzzled his nose to Halo, "But you said you almost died-?!" Halo said, "Yeah, from the lack of kisses." Techno chuckled, "You muffin head,,you scared me for a moment when you said that." Halo sighed, "Sorry, didn't mean to." Techno said and gave a small peck to Halos lips. "You should go take a shower Techno, you reek of blood." Halo said, scrunching his nose, Techno frowned, "Will you come with me ?" Techno asked, Halo sighed. "Fine but no funny stuff okay ?" Halo said and booped Technos nose, Techno smiled.

"That was so warm,,," Techno said and flopped on their bed, "I know right, it felt like we were in the hot springs or something." Halo said and laid next to Techno, curling his tail around him. They took a really hot, warm, hell of a bath. Halo sighed and cuddled more into Techno, Techno smiled and also cuddled closer to Halo.

Words: 328

I have school now gotta blast ö

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