Barista and florist,,?

285 20 4

Techno was working as usual, being tired even tho he just drank 3 fucking coffees-, he was on his phone since it was his break. "Yo Techno, you're back up." Puffy said, Techno looked up and sighed, "Also I won't be here for the rest of the day, I'm busy, sorry." Puffy said whilst putting her jacket on and getting her bag, Techno nodded. After Puffy left, he let out a big sigh, wondering why everyone was so busy. He was patiently waiting for a customer to enter the coffee shop, he was crouching to look at the drinks some of the other workers had, 'Why do they even bring beer in a coffee shop,,' Techno thought.

Ding ding

Techno heard the doorbell ring, "Uhm, can you hold on a sec-?" Techno said, "Uhm sure." Techno heard the customer say, 'he sounds cute-' Techno thought. Techno got up and looked at the customer.

Halo was standing in the middle of the coffee shop, fiddling with the plastic bad where flowers were kept in. "Oh,,,Uhm welcome-" Techno said, Halo looked at Techno, Techno blushed and looked away from Halo. "I'm here to drop off the flowers,,this shop ordered,," Halo said, Techno looked at the flowers, they were pretty indeed,,just like the person who was holding them-. "Oh, I don't remember anyone ordering,,,wait- nevermind someone did order them. Thank you very much." Techno said as Halo gave Techno the flowers, Halo nodded. Before Halo left Techno asked him, "Do you want some coffee-?", Halo turned around. "Uhm- I forgot to bring my wallet, sorry." Halo said, "That's alright, I'll give it to you for free, plus aren't you the one who gives us pretty flowers ?" Techno smiled a little at him, Halo thought about it before nodding. Techno and Halo both talked to each other as Halo was drinking his coffee, "Thank you for the coffee uhm,,,Tech,,no-" Halo said as he read Technos name tag, Techno nodded, "No problem." Techno said, "My name is Halo by the way." Halo said and smiled at Techno.

Halo left and Techno basically started blushing, "Ahh-!! He was so cute oh my fucking- I'm gonna die from his pretty looks-!" Techno said, covering his face. The next day, Puffy went up to Techno in the front. "Is that,,the florist-?" Puffy said, Techno was drawing Halo with some coffee on the table smiling until Puffy came. "Uhm no-?" Techno said, "Haha-! That is him-!! Please you like Halo-?!" Puffy laughed, Techno covered her mouth, "SHHH-!! He might be here any moment-!!" Techno semi-yelled, "What's going on-?" Sam asked, "He likes the florist,,Halo-!!" Puffy said, Sam was shocked. "I do not-!!" Techno blushed, "Woah-? Really-?!" Sam said, also laughing. Halo witnessed the whole thing, Halo smiled before setting down the flowers in the table where Techno drew him, since they were too busy teasing Techno, Halo decided to leave a note.

"I DONT LIKE HIM-!!!" Techno yelled, almost every worker was laughing, "Technooo,,you're falling in love !!" Quackity said, Techno glared. "You guys are so- DID YOU GUYS NOT HEAR OR SEE HALO COME IN-?!" George yelled, everyone went silent. They all looked in the front of the store and saw flowers they ordered. Techno went up to the table to see if Halo accidentally destroyed the paper he drew in but he didn't. Techno saw a number, his phone number. "HE LEFT HIS PHONE NUMBER-!!" Puffy said looking over Techno shoulders. Techno left work early to call Halo but when he did, Halo didn't answer, all he heard was his voicemail.

"Hello-! Halo isn't currently at the phone, he's either working or asleep, sorry. Please call again later or leave a message after the bell." Techno heard a bell ring and left a message, "Heyy,,it's me, Techno from the coffee shop, uhm question- did you hear what we said about you-? That's all uhm bye-!" Techno said and stopped, Techno threw his phone to his bed and jumped on the bed and screamed into his pillow. After minutes, he heard his phone ring, he got it and looked at the number. "Shit-" Techno said and answered the call, "Hello Techno, sorry I didn't call I was sending flowers to other shops- but yes I did hear everything-." Halo said, Techno was blushing, he never heard Halos voice so clear, "Including the-", "Yes,,including the you liking me." Halo said. Silence came, Halo was worried, "Uhm Techno you still there-?" Halo asked, "Yeah- sorry. Uhm I'm sorry you had to hear all of that, if I made you uncomfortable by saying I like you uh please let me know-" Techno said whilst rubbing his face, "Oh no-! It's alright I'm not uncomfortable,,because actually I,,I also like you." Halo said, Techno jumped from his bed, "Really-?!" He said, "Mhm,," Halo hummed. Techno was happy he almost yelled into his pillow again, "Oh- that's nice uhm,,do you maybe wanna-", "I'd love to Techno." Halo said, Techno was surprised that Halo knew what he was going to say, "Alrighty,,I'll pick you up, okay ?" Techno said smiling, "Alright,," Halo softly said before hanging up, Techno smiled and so was Halo, they both couldn't sleep after the call.

Words: 879

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