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"My apologies Techno,," Halo whispered, "But,,I guess it was never meant to be huh." Halo whispered and pushed himself away from Techno, "H-Halo-? Why,,why would you,," Techno stuttered as he held his chest, blood gushing out, Halo smiled, "It was the egg, if only you listened. This wouldn't have happen if you only just listened !" Halo smiled and shrugged, Techno frowned. Halo got close to Techno again and caressed his cheek, "Sorry deary,," Halo whispered again, Technos vision started unfocusing, "I- I thought,,Halo." Techno grunted, Techno saw the more egg vines go around Halo, Techno sighed. Techno 'hugged' Halo, Halo gasped. Now Halo had a hole in his chest too, "You're going with me." Techno said and put the knife deep into Halos back, Halo yelled and pushed Techno off of him. "Maybe it,,it's for the best." Techno said and smiled at Halo, Halo fell to the ground, Techno noticed that he stabbed him even more than he wanted to do, "Ahaha,,maybe it is." Halo mumbled.

Halo was on the ground, desperately trying to stop the bleeding but failed. Techno wasn't trying at all. Antfrost came into the room where they were at and gasped at the sight, other people came too, "What-?! Whats happening ?!" Puffy said, Halo looked up. Halo snapped out of the eggs possession and more blood started coming out, "Shit-! What did you guys do to each other-?!", "You idiots !", "What do we do-?!", "Destroy the egg first !", Halo heard people yelling and running around, Halo looked at Techno, Techno fell next to Halo, "Tech-? What,," Halo was surprised, "Here,,take this. I was planning on giving it to you without getting stabbed but haha,," Techno chuckled and gave Halo a rose hairpin, Halo took it slowly. Halo smiled at Techno before tears started running down, Techno smiled back.

"Uhm,,I'm afraid you dropped this sir ?", Techno turned around, a beautiful guy was handing him a rose hairpin. "Oh- uhm yes sorry." Techno apologized and took the hairpin from Halo, Halo smiled at Techno, Techno got a familiar feeling. "This might sound weird, but wanna get drinks or lunch ?" Techno asked Halo, Halo seemed surprised, "Oh, really ? I'd love to." Halo smiled, Techno started leading Halo to a small restaurant. After they ate and drank a little, they were heading home, Halo didn't drink too much but Techno did.

Halo stared at Techno as he had difficulty on walking, "Haha-! You look funny." Halo laughed, Technos started laughing too. Halo took Techno to his house by Techno poorly giving him directions, Halo searched Technos pocket to get the keys before going inside, Halo laid Techno on his couch and left the keys on the table. "I'm sorry Techno. For what I did in the past, please forgive me." Halo mumbled as he touched Technos head, taking some hair out of his face. Before Halo left, he left a note.

Words: 489

Idk tbh

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