Love potion

898 43 10

Fluff teehee
Characters included: Dream, Tommy, Techno, and Halo teehee (I'm trying something new)
Also there is cussing here, there's gonna be some cussing in some of the chapters
Techno's POV

"Ooh what's this,??" I asked Dream who was making potions, "Oh- WAIT DONT TOUCH THAT- GIVE IT BACK-!" He yelled trying to grab the potion but I already put it in my inventory, "No, bye !" I said and leaving his house.

          "SHIT- FUCK YOU TECHNO!"

I heard him yell. I went to a local park and took the potion out, "What is this though ? Like,,,I can drink it, it doesn't look poisonous,,,well, kinda,,welp, you might never know unless you try !" I say to myself and drank it,,I feel strange ?? Wha-

Halos POV

I was trying to look for Techno to give him some stuff that might be useful to him. I found him in the park, plopped down on the grass, well, his face on the grass. "Hey Techno ! I was looking for you ! I thought tha-" I said going towards him until he grabbed my hands, which made the stuff I got for him fall to the grass. "Uhm Techno ?? You alright ?" I asked looking up at his face, "Halo,,I love you so much, hey why don't we go on a date right now ? I'll treat you ?" He asked. "What." I said still smiling because,,what ?? He just stared at me, I took my hands away from his and picked up the stuff I got for him off the ground. "Uhm, here ?" I told him and gave him the basket. "He just stared at me and the basket until he threw the basket away. "I don't care about that right now, what I do care is you." He said before carrying me in bridal style. "Ah ! Techno what- why'd you throw away the stuff ?!" I asked while struggling to not fall off his arms since he was moving weird. "Oh Halo !!! Have I told you how much I love you ??" He said putting his nose to mine, I flushed.
Look- I like him, a lot actually but ahhhHHHH !! I never expected this to happen to me- usually I'll dream about it but it's actually happening; right now-!
"Uhm yes, you actually have, not only once but like twice ?" I said, "Damn Techno ! Never thought you'd carry your crush in bridal style !" I heard Tommy yell, Techno put me down and grabbed my hands again. Touchy too much for a "Blood god". "Hey Halo, I love you so much." He said, wait, his eyes look more red than usual. "Nice to know Techno." I said taking my hands out of his hands again and walking towards the woods where I usually practice my archery. "Haloooo,,,I love you so so so very much,,you know that right !!" I heard Techno say. I threw an arrow at a tree, it made a loud thunk noise, I also noticed that the hit was much more harder than it usually was. "That was hot." I heard Techno say, I blushed. "TECHNO STOP !" I yelled at him just for him to smile. He then came towards me and grabbed my hands once again, "Oh c'mon,,you know you love me,," he said, I just stared at him.

Techno's POV

I was holding Halos hand ? Why though, "Techno,,this is like the 3rd time you grabbed my hands and told me you love me, I get it." Halo said looking up at me, "What." I said and letting go of his hands, "Oh my goodness. Techno, you're such a muffin-head." Halo said and got his bow and targeted at a tree.

                           THUNK !!

"What type of arrow am I using geez, I'm hitting the trees much harder." Halo said, okay but why was that kinda hot. "Techno you drank a love potion didn't you ?" I heard Halo say before shooting another arrow at a tree. "Uhm I guess." I said fidgeting with my hands. Shit what did I say- I hope I didn't do anything embarrassing-. "No wonder, you were so touchy, you kept touching my hands and even carried me in bridal style, Tommy saw." He said trying to fix something from his bow, "HE SAW ??" I semi-yelled, "Yeah,,.never thought a blood god would have a crush on a half-demon like me." Halo said and finished fixing his bow and shot another arrow. It was so silent, you could literally hear other people talking and Halo shooting his arrows. "So,,?" I asked Halo, "So what ??" He responded stopping his arrow he was about to shoot, ",,,mmmmmm,,never mind-." I said and sat on the grass. "It's getting kinda late don't you think ?" Halo asked shooting another arrow again, "Uh yeah." I responded. Halo stopped shooting his arrows and got his stuff, before he left the woods he said, "oh and by the way, I'll gladly go on the date with you, local park, 5 pm." He said looking at me and left running.

                    "FUCK YEAH !!"

I yelled, jumping around like a bunny. The next day, I went to Dreams house. "What do you want ?" He said clearly sounding mad, "I just wanted to say thank you for the love potion, I think I just got myself a boyfriend." I said smirking. I got kicked out. As expected !


Words: 874
My hands hurt so fucking much help
It's also 3 am,,,teehee

TEEHEE (Techhalo one shots asf)Where stories live. Discover now