I dont want to be your friend

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* lip bite* this is long lmao-
Uh I just came up with this at 1 am and uhm yeah
Characters included: Skeppy, Tommy and idk who else I'm too tired to check FUCK-
Oh yeah there will be cussing 🤩👆‼️
Also not edited
Techno and Halo were friends since elementary school, now they're in high school.

Techno was waiting for Halo in the library where they were supposed to be working on a project together, Techno was just scrolling through his phone until he heard someone call his name, he looked up and saw Halo running towards him.

"No running !" Techno heard a teacher yell, Halo almost fell because he didn't see the teacher and got scared, "Oh, sorry ma'am !" Halo said to the teacher and walked fast towards Techno. "Hah, you got in trouble,," Techno teased, "Shut up,,also I'm sorry I was late, Skeppy was being a muffin-head." Halo said whilst taking out his papers, computer and binders. "Wait, Skeppy ? Who's Skeppy ?" Techno asked Halo, "Ah,,guess I never told you huh." Halo said and looked at Techno, "Skeppy is a friend I made in the first day of school ! He was kinda new ? I don't know but we're friends !" Halo said smiling. Techno just stared at Halo and Halo stared back, "welp, we should get started on the project." Halo said and opened his computer.

"Hey Halo, wanna hang out later today ?" Techno asked Halo who was getting stuff out of his locker, "ah, sorry Techno but I'm hanging out with Skeppy today ! Maybe some other time ?" Halo said and smiled apologetically, "Oh that's fine, I guess." Techno said trying not to sound sad.

This went on for the next few days.

'Skeppy this, Skeppy that, Skeppy WHATEVER !!' Techno thought while doing his homework, 'I just want to hang out with Halo,,I miss him.' Techno thought, "Hey Big T ! Foods ready !" Techno heard his brother yell close, "Okay, I'll be down there later !" Techno yelled, after he heard that Tommy was gone, he banged his head on his desk.

"What happened to your head." Tubbo asked, "Oh it's nothing don't worry about it." Techno said and ate his baked potato, "Hey Techno, how's Halo ?" Techno's dad asked, Techno stopped munching on his food, took his plate out of the way, and slammed his head on the dinner table. "What the fuck ?" Tommy said.

Techno saw Halo talking to Skeppy on his way to his classroom, "Good morning Halo." Techno said as he walked past Halo, Techno expected nothing back from him but he felt someone get on top of his back. "ACK !" Techno yelled, "TECHIEEE !!! I WAS FREE YESTERDAY AND I SENT YOU A MESSAGE ASKING IF YOU WANTED TO HANG OUT BUT YOU NEVEr responded,," Halo semi-yelled at Techno and got quiet in the end, "What ? You did ? I was probably busy, sorry." Techno said and turned around to see Halo gripping on his bag, looking sad. "It's alright, I understand." Halo said, "Look, how about we hang out today ? I have to tell you something anyways." Techno said and grabbed Halos hands, "Really ?" Halo asked, "Yeah, we could also go to your favorite bakery store." Techno said and smiled at Halo.

After school Halo and Techno met up at the school gates, "Come on." Techno said and grabbed one of Halos hand, Techno dragged Halo to his favorite bakery and Halo ordered some muffins. After he got his muffins, Techno took him to a forest. "Wow,,,! It's so pretty here Techno !" Halo said while eating one of his muffins, "I know right, it's also so refreshing,,," Techno said and sat down on the grass, Halo did the same. After a peaceful silence, Techno spoke up, "Hey Halo," Techno asked, "Yeah ?" Halo responded, "How do you see Skeppy as ?" Techno asked and stared at the grass frowning, Halo got worried, "he's my friend of course but that doesn't mean you're not my friend !" Halo said and smiled trying to make Techno happy, "You're my best friend Techno ! We've been friends since elementary school ! I would never replace you ! Techno,,we made a promise that we'd be best friends forever-!" Halo was about to say more stuff but got interrupted by Techno, "I don't want to be your best friend Halo !" Techno yelled still staring at the grass, ",,what,,??" Halo asked sounding being even more worried, "I wanna be your lover,,I wanna hold you close to me, I want to cuddle with you, I want to kiss you, I want to share our moments together, I wanna marry you,,,!" Techno said now staring at Halo but looked back at the grass and mumbled the last part so Halo couldn't hear, Halo didn't hear it. ",,you're,,you're being serious right now, right ?" Halo said sounding worried but hopeful, "Yeah,,I'm always serious Halo." Techno said and stared at Halo, Techno saw that Halo was blushing, "ahhhhhhhhhh,,,,Techno I swear to muffins, if you're joking I'm gonna yell." Halo said covering his face with his hands, "Halo, I'm not joking, I liked you since 2nd grade." Techno said still staring at Halo, "really ?!" Halo said and sprang his head up, "Yeah,," Techno said, "well uhm, uhh how do I sa- actually no, uhmmm,,,I- iwannabeyouoveraswell." Halo said and said the last part fast. "What ?" Techno said, confused, "I said I wanna be your lover too !!" Halo semi-yelled at him, "pfft- Halo- please, I just confessed to you, why do you have to be nervous ?" Techno asked, "Well, what if you were joking ? That's why." Halo said frowning, "why would I ever joke about that ?" Techno asked, ",,,Techno I hate you." Halo said, "Halo you just confessed to me, what-?" Techno said and laughed a little. They just kept teasing each other.

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