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Both Techno and Halo skipping stones on the lake:

Techno: I like the sound,,it just goes 'plop, plop, plop, plop.' Calms me down.

Halo quietly: Take that- fucking lake-

Halo peacefully making food and then BOOM- Techno comes up to him.

Techno: Quick, name a better duo than my trust issues and fear of abandonment-

Halo sighed: Me and you !

Techno grabbing his chest and flopping on the floor: O-okay,,

Halo:,,,I'm concerned-
Techno: I want to wake up the exact time you wake up for the rest of my life.

Halo: Why, I wake up at 5:30 am dumba-

Techno: I want to wake up on some occasions-

Techno nervously going towards Halo: Are you mad at me-?

Halo: I don't know, take a guess.

Techno: No-?

Halo giving a death smile at Techno: Take another guess.
Techno sighing: "Okay, I get it ! You've had a really hard time lately. You're stressed out, seven people di-"

Halo: "Twelve, actually."

Techno: "Not the point,,anyways- look they're dead now and whose fault is it ?"

Halo glaring at Techno: "Yours-!"

Techno: "Right, no ones."
Techno: "You've been killing people for money-?!"

Halo: "Wait- I can explain-!!"

Techno: "And all this time I've been doing it for free like a chump !"
Techno sighing: "Just how petty can you get ?"

Halo smiling: "I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about."
Techno: "I feel like I have bad luck,,,today was the worst and so was last week."

Halo: "Techno, you don't have bad luck,,"

Techno: "Oh come on Halo,,yo-"

Halo: "You're just a dumbass !"
Halo: "Techno you love me right-?"

Techno nervously: "I would normally say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don't like it-"
Halo: "Truth or dare Techno."

Techno: "Truth."

Halo: "How many hours have you slept this week ?"



Techno: "Dare,,,"

Halo: "Go to bed."

Words: 322

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