When will I see you again

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"You know I'll see you again."

"Promise ?"

"Promise !"


Techno woke up from his dream by the alarm, "Ugh,,I keep getting that same 'dream' everyday,,but who is that person." Techno said as he yawned and did his morning scratches, he sat in his bed for a while, staring at his bookshelves. He went to his bathroom and brushed his teeth and washed his face, he went to his kitchen and made breakfast for himself, he then heard a notification from his phone, he picked it up. 'Dude ! Where are you ? You're gonna be fucking late' the text said, from Dream. Techno immediately turned off the stove and went to his room again and got dressed.

"He's always so fucking late." Dream said turning off his phone, "Language,," Halo said quietly, "Oh- sorry I forgot." Dream said scratching his cheek, "Hey guys ! We didn't miss anything did we ?" Dream and Halo heard Sapnap say, Karl and Quackity were also with him, "Nope,,and Technos still late." Dream said checking his phone, 'Techno,,sounds familiar.' Halo thought. They waited for Techno and when Techno finally came, Halo was in the bathroom. "Dude,,what the fuck. You come just when Halo goes to the bathroom ?" Sapnap says, "Who- who's Halo-?" Techno asked, "Sapnap-!" Dream said, Sapnap shrugged.

Halo was looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, he stopped and started washing his hands, after he left the bathroom he went back to Dream and the others. "Oh-? Who's this,,," Halo said softly, "He's Techno, the one we were waiting for." Dream said smiling, Halo looked at Techno, their eyes met. "Nice to meet you,,," Halo said softly and smiled, Techno blushed. Techno would not stop staring at Halo whenever he had the chance, Halo didn't seem to notice which was good for Techno.

"I had fun today guys." Halo said smiling at all of them, "Same,,it took all- my energy-!" Sapnap said yawning, "I'm so tired now, it was really fun and chaotic tonight !" Quackity said grinning whilst stretching, all of them said their goodbyes and went separate ways but Techno didn't. "Why are still here ?" Halo asked Techno who was sitting beside him on a bench, "I don't know,,actually, it's because I have nothing else to do and you're the only one who hasn't left." Techno said closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Halo giggled, "And what if I leave ?" Halo said smiling, "Well, that's alright with me I guess." Techno said smiling a little, even though Techno had his eyes closed, he could feel that Halo was staring at him. Techno opened his eyes and met green ones, Halo stared a little more until he turned around, "It's pretty out here isn't it ?" Halo said smiling, Techno nodded, they fell into a comfortable silence.

"Do you wanna go somewhere ?" Techno said getting up, Halo looked up at him and nodded, they went to an arcade. Halo was laughing, "Hahaha-! Techno you look silly-!" Halo said taking off the pig mask off of Techno, Techno grinned but stopped after realizing how close Halo and him were, Halo didn't seem to notice and turned away, "Oh, let's go over here." Halo said grabbing Technos hand, Techno blushed.
"I had fun again today Techno." Halo said smiling up at Techno, "Ahhh,,so did I." Techno said, "Welp,,I think we should be going now, it's 12 am." Halo said looking at his phone, "Really ?" Techno said getting close to Halos phone, Halo nodded.

"You know I'll see you again." Halo said and smiled before leaving, Techno then realized, the person that was in his dream was,,Halo.

"He doesn't remember huh." Halo said to himself petting Rat, Rat just shuffled in her sleep, Halo smiled. Halo got his phone and saw photos and videos of Techno and him before he left, either from the present or past, he then saw a video he had never seen, he clicked play and,

• "I like you Halo-!" Techno said blushing, "H-huh-?! Techno ? Are you alright-?" Halo said, one hand over his mouth, "I-Of course I'm alright-! Halo-! Stop trying to change the subject, I like you okay-?" Techno said still blushing and sweating, Halo didn't know what to do or say, he thought Techno was lying or he lost a bet to someone. ",,Technoblade." Halo said softly, Techno flinched, he never heard Halo call him by his full name. "I'll,,I'll think about it, give me some time ?" Halo said smiling a little, Techno was disappointed, he took a deep breath and sighed, "Sure,,if you don't like me it's alright but we'll still be friends right ?" Techno said, Halo nodded. •

Halo didn't know what to say, the video replayed until Halo turned off his phone, "I never gave him a answer huh." Halo said blushing, "Ahh,,what do I do-?" Halo said into his pillow, blushing. He then fell asleep on accident. Techno was overthinking and couldn't go to sleep lol, he tried but Halo kept popping in his head, he gave up on sleeping and went on his phone, he saw pics and videos of him and Halo doing arcade games, 'Halos pretty good at shooting.' Techno said looking at a video of Halo shooting an 'arrow' at a target.

Halo woke up and did his morning stretches and scratches, he laid back down on his bed and checked what time it was, '9:29 am,, I'll go get some coffee.' Halo thought while yawing, he brushed his hair, washed his face and brushed his teeth before leaving. "Hello-! Halo ?", "Hello, good morning." Halo said tiredly, he was still tired and sat on a stool and put his head down on the table, "Halo, order something at least." Halo heard a familiar voice say, "I wanna go back to sleep,,,why did I get up,," Halo weeped, he then put his head up and saw Techno, ",,,Good morning Techno." Halo said tiredly, "You already said good morning to me." Techno said, "What will your order be ?" Techno asked.

After Technos shift was over, both him and Halo went hanging out again, "Oh and just so you know, same." Halo said to Techno whilst drinking his coffee, Techno was confused. "Halo if you're still tired you can go back home." Techno said worriedly, Halo yawned and toon out his phone, getting the video he saw yesterday at night. "Oh- uhh,," Techno said when the video finished, Halo giggled, Halo got Technos hand and started walking again. Techno was smiling so fucking big.

Words: 1097

Hnnngggg idk

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