Just being inlove lol

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"Ugghhh,,Halo, I'm back !" Techno called out, Halo jumped up from his place and ran towards Techno and hugged him. "Welcome home darling !!" Halo smiled, Techno hugged Halo tighter. "How was work ?" Halo asked, smiling while caressing Technos cheek, "Oh please,,it was stressful, having to carry around boxes-like about,,10 of them !!" Techno whined, Halo giggled and gave a quick kiss to Techno. "Did that make you feel better ?" Halo smiled, Techno nodded his head, "Also, are you wearing some type of Uh-", "Chapstick ? Well kinda-? Does lip balm still count as chapstick ? Eh, anyways yes and it's apple flavored." Techno said, "Ooh,,I love apples,,no wonder why your lips felt different and taste different,,may I have another kiss-?" Halo asked, Techno chuckled before giving him a kiss.

"Oh also-I made some cookies and hot chocolate since it is getting cold,," Halo said, Techno smiled, "Really ?", Halo nodded. Halo got the cookies he made and the chocolate and gave it to Techno, "I swear you should start a bakery shop,," Techno mumbled as he ate, "Haha-!! About that,," Halo said, Techno hummed. "I,,I actually got someone who would like to help me make a bakery shop,," Halo mumbled, Techno almost choked on the cookie but drank the hot chocolate to help, "REALLY-?!" Techno exclaimed, Halo nodded, "Who ?" Techno asked, "Skeppy ! Remember him ?" Halo smiled, "Ohh,,the one that made us confess to each other ? Yeahhh,," Techno said, Halo giggled, "Mhm, and he said he'll be available at,,,uhhh,," Halo thought, "Hold on." Halo got up from his seat and went to the living room where notes, papers, crumbled up paper, broken pencils, and a computer was at, also his glasses. Halo started looking through the mess and eventually found the date when Skeppy was going to visit Halo and help him, Halo put on his glasses to read a little bit more good, "Next Monday ! Which is in 2 days !" Halo said, Techno smiled, "Aight,,I think we're going to have to the clean the mess before he comes over here though." Techno said, Halo looked around and saw the mess, "Riighhtt-" Halo sighed.

Words: 360

I'm getting my motivation again LAMODHSHW

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