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Halo cussing confirmed ?! 😨😨
DNF CONFIRMED ?!?!:!:$:&/ 😨😨😨😨🤨🤨🤨
"What the fu-" Halo was about to say, "This is your new butler since the other one literally died !" Skeppy said shoving Techno towards Halo, Halo slowly turned away from Skeppy and Techno before running off, "HALO-! COME BACK-!" Skeppy yelled, he tried to go chase Halo but Halo was too fucking fast, "Ughh, Techno after him." Skeppy said panting, Skeppy then felt a whoosh go past him and saw Techno run after Halo.

"GET AWAY FROM ME-!" Halo yelled dodging Techno who was trying to grab Halo like a cat, "Ooh, but you know I cant do that." Techno said in a teasing tone, Halo almost slipped but Techno caught him. "You're such a clumsy one." Techno smiled down at Halo who was in his arms, Halo immediately jumped off of Techno, Skeppy then came running, "What the fuck, both of you guys are fast as fuck." Skeppy said panting, "Teehee." Halo said before running off again, "FUCK-"

"I can do whatever I want here." Halo said, Techno was trying to catch Halo again but Halo was on top of the roof, Techno trying to keep his balance, "You're gonna fall." Techno said, Halo smiled before throwing himself off the roof on purpose, Techno ran for him but once he saw Halo get down, landing like a cat. Halo put one leg down before putting the other one down and started running again, "Ah-!" Halo accidentally bumped into someone, "Halo- are you running away from someone again-?" George asked as he picked up some papers from the floor, "Uhm,,no." Halo said and smiled, George gave him a blank stare, George then saw a tall figure running towards them, "What the fuck-" George said before Techno tackled Halo down on the floor, "AH-!" Halo yelped, Techno was holding down Halo, "Oh I'm so sorry for you." George said go Techno, "Halo always intends to do that to make the butlers quit, he doesn't want anyone to like,,take care of him." George said, Halo hissed at George, "Had to tell him the truth Halo." George said before walking off, "Aughhh, now you're never gonna quit,," Halo groaned, Techno smirked.

Halo woke up and stretched but felt something beside him, he looked to his side and saw Techno sleeping. 'Eh, that's perfectly normal.' Halo thought. He started processing what he was seeing, he kicked Techno off of his bed, "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN MY ROOM-??!" Halo yelled, Techno got up from the floor, "Your brother let me in." Techno responded, Halo tched. Halo made sure that he lost Techno before climbing to the very top of the building where he and some other royals shared. Halo was keeping balance pretty good, staring down at people, smiling, he then saw Techno come out of the building. Halo watched Techno try to search for him, Techno could feel that someone was staring at him but he didn't know who and where the person was staring at him, Halo grinned before going down the building, he felt the cold air hit him as he was falling, he also had a bow in his left hand. Techno could hear air,,like, a strong air, he then looked up and saw Halo, "HAHAHA-!" Halo laughed before landing on his two feet, "Heya Techno." Halo said smiling, Techno was scared a little.

After that, Techno has been feeling odd whenever he's around Halo. "It's called love my friend." Dream said, the other butler, "What-" Techno was shocked, him ? Being in love LMAO- yes, indeed Techno. "Mhm, look at Halo,," Dream said pointing at Halo who was playing in the fountain with George, Technos heart flutter when he heard Halo giggle, Dream smirked. "Trust me, I know." Dream said, smiling, "Of course, I literally see you flirting with George." Techno says before waking away from him. "Halo, I think we should-" "Here-!" Halo threw water at Techno, Techno smiled before throwing some more water at Techno, George knew what feelings Techno had for Halo so he silently left.

Techno accidentally slipped while playing on the water and landed on top of Halo, Halo was laughing, "Hahaha-!! You fucking fell-!!" Halo said looking at Techno, Techno was red as an apple, silence took over them. Halo smiled at Techno before kissing him on the lips, Techno was shocked, Halo slipped away from Techn and said, "Catch me if you want another kiss-!" And ran off as fast as he could.

Techno caught him after 5 seconds, he really wanted that kiss from Halo again lol.

Worss: 759


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