Arent you forgetting something ?

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Hey besties 🤩‼️
——————————————————"Darling,,wake up you're gonna be late for work." Halo said softly to his sleeping husband, "mmm,,I don't wanna go to work." Techno said, "Well you're gonna have to, I have to take care of Daniel because you don't know how to take care of children." Halo said frowning at Techno, Techno stayed still in bed before taking Halo in the bed with him, "Nope, nope, nope !" Halo said taking himself out of Techno's grasp, Halo walked out of their room to go to the kitchen again, "Oh c'mon,,Halo please." Techno said getting up following Halo.

Techno ate the food Halo did and got ready for work, Techno saw Halo I'm the living room 'dancing' with their child, singing something Techno doesn't recognize. Techno walked towards them and nuzzled to Halo, "You're gonna be late for work,,we can cuddle after work m'kay ?" Halo said kissing Techno, "Can I say goodbye to Daniel though ?" Techno said, Halo nodded. "Bye kid, be good for your dad." Techno said to Daniel smiling, Daniel giggled getting Techno's face, playing with his face actually. "Okay buddy- I gotta leave now sorry." Techno said getting his sons hands off of him, Techno was about to leave until Halo called out, "Aren't you forgetting something Techno ?", Techno turned around and started kissing Halo, Halo flushed, "Techno- honey I meant this-." Halo said giving Techno his keys for the car, "Oh,,well whatever." Techno said grabbing his keys and kissing Halo one last time before leaving.

Words: 251
I woke up at 3 am and here I am 🧍🏻
I also got the child's name from Blood Born (?) I think idk but yeah 😎

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