Ch. 15

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Charli is so fine without trying like - miss girl can u like share your genes but ive been thinking about starting a Anna Shumate book, Emma or maybe Eva idk

Jules Pov

I drove back to my place and Charli took aux , it was only 10 so it wasn't rlly that late but she's a home body believe it or not. I decided to call heidi so she wouldn't worry that Charli not home and I put it on Bluetooth to the jeep

ring, ring ring

c: "why r u calling my mom?


ring ring- (connecting call)


h: hello

"hi mrs.damelio"

h: hey Jules how many times do I have to tell u just call me Heidi or mom, or auntie or whatever u want

"I know I know im sorry I'll try to remember next time"

h: haha its ok hunny but what's up

"oh I just wanted to let you know Im with Charli and she was gonna stay with me tonight if u dont mind "

h: of course I don't

"ok I just didn't want u to worry

h: "thank you for thinking of that my daughter would not have told me knowing her "

I looked at Charli and she gave an offended face

"haha yeah I know she wouldn't have "

H: haha ok have fun well not too much fun dixie told me about your date together

"she what-"

H: oops did I just throw her under the bus

"haha you sure did"

h: well we can talk when u come over tommorrow I would like us to go get lunch or something Addison and dixie are coming as well as Nicole and Jaden"

(sooo Im reading this fanfic about a 3rd damelio dating Jaden sooo go with it ok Nicole based of her, the book is by @yourlocal_vscogirlSK and its called "Heartthrob J.H" ok back to the story )

"ok no problem if you'd not mind texting me and address and times we aren't late that would be great "

h: of course me and mark were thinking crossroads?

"yeah sound good to us right

c: "yup"

"oh hey Charli make sure to behave please

c: I know I know

"alrighty well ill leave you two now and ill text you Jules "

"ok thank you bye"

c: "bye mom"

"bye "

Charli  |   I Love You Forever & AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now