Ch. 45

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Jules POV
"Whatever my albums almost ready tho"
Charli: really?
"Yeah y'all wanna see the cover?"
Jxdn: you already have a cover?
Jxdn: Travis didn't even tell me
Dixie: Jxdn no one cares let's see the cover tho
Addison: Dixie be nice please
"Haha alright look"

Jules POV"Whatever my albums almost ready tho"Charli: really?"Yeah y'all wanna see the cover?"Jxdn: you already have a cover?"Yeah"Jxdn: Travis didn't even tell me Dixie: Jxdn no one cares let's see the cover tho Addison: Dixie be nice please"Haha...

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Charli: when did you take the pictures?

"A month ago"
Nikki: I rememberrrr this I FaceTimed you in the middle of your shoot
Addison: it came out really good Jules
Dixie: yeah proud of you
Nikki: same here
Jxdn: I mean when your that talented it's hard to make something bad
"Haha Thanks u guys "
Dixie: alright well we brought board games and food so game night?
Jxdn: yes sirrr, are we keeping the same teams as always or what?
Charli: couples stay together 3 teams
"I'm fine with that"

We all ate Chick-fil-A which was what they brought and chilled playing a bunch of games and then watched movies until I was tired I got up holding onto the couch limping to my crutches
Charli: hey hey, I'm right here I could've helped you
"It's ok I got it but I'm tired"
Charli: ok I'll go up with you
"Night guys if y'all wanna crash here I don't care there's extra rooms we could go out out tomorrow morning if you want or something"
Nikki: in public?
Jxdn: can we get breakfast or something, shopping and some coffee
"Yeah I'm down with that, remember feel free to whatever you want to eat just don't finish my Red Bull's if you do your getting me more"
Nikki: purrr
Dixie: got it
"Haha alright night guys"

Everyone: goodnight
Jxdn: don't be to loud
"Shut the fuck up Jxdn"

Char: here bub let me carry u up stairs it'll be quicker

Charli carried me again upstairs and then went back down to get her phone and my crutches while I got up trying to change until I decided to take a shower I hopped over to the shower and started the water, I got undressed and then went down to open the cabinet under the sink and I saw all my razors drugs and alcohol that I hadn't thrown away. I dropped to the floor just staring at it

Charli: hey I brought u a Red Bull and thought we could watch another movie or something before we sleep or if your too ti- what r u d-doing
"I um idk i-I- I opened it to get a bag for my cast when I showered but-"
Charli: it's ok I get it let's just take this out of here and I'll help you with the bag ok
"Yeah ok?"

Charli bent down next to me taking a bag from the cabinet closing it taking me leg a wrapping it
Charli: hey you good your quiet
"Yeah I fine I'll jump in the shower now"

Her eyes flickered up and down my body
Charli: um yeah yeah ok
"Eyes up her Damelio"
Charli: haha sorry
"Your good"
She stood up helping me and I held her face stroking her cheek and kissed her
"I love you charli Damelio"
She blushed looking down and back up
Charli: I love you too
"Ok I'm showering now"

Charli POV
After Jules got in the shower I pulled everything out of her cabinet and ran downstairs
"Jxdn can u come here for second"
Jxdn: sure what's up
"What should I do with this"

*looks at whats counter*

Jxdn: damn uh Idk well we can throw out the razors um Dixie might know
"Dixie can u help us out for a sec"
Dixie: sure what's up
She walked over looking at what was on the counter
Dice: what is all thi- oh nvm
"Yeah idk what to do with it I said I'd take care of it"
Dixie: she's where?
Dixie: ok Um the throw always the razors, that's hella strong alcohol and it's expensive so dad would probably like it and then the drugs just flush them and the vaps I would keep ig idk is she quitting that too
"I think"
Dixie: well just keep it if she has with draws

Nikki: what tf are y'all so secretive over there for
"Nothing I'll be back"

I put everything in a bag leaving the apartment with my car keys, I threw the razors down the trash shoot and than I put the alcohol in my car for my dad when I go home. When I got back I ran upstairs to the restroom flushing whatever drugs she had left and that was it the vapes are in a draw downstairs. I came back to reality running back to Jules's room and the shower was still on, I walked into the restroom
"Hey r u ok"

No answer



I opened the restroom door looking through the clear shower door seeing her crying on the floor of the shower. Forgetting I had clothes on I ran i and picked her up not caring about my clothes getting wet and she held on really tight And I broke my heart
"What wrong"
She shook her head no so I left it at that
"Ok let's get you dressed"
I turned off the water grabbing a towel with one hand being it around her as I walked us to her bed and put her down I ran to her closet grabbing undergarments and running back I put them on her and grabbed one of my hoodies sliding if over her body and grabbing shorts for her, she put them on. I took of my shoes going to her bathroom cleaning up and changed into sweats and sports bra
Laying down next her and she clung on to me and I rubbed her back as she layed on me, chest to chest, her head in the crook of my neck
"U ok"
J: mhmm

She kissed my neck pulling her head up resting our foreheads together stocking my cheeks again
J: I'm ok, just a um a breakdown that's all

I connected our lips sitting up as she kissed me back and I held her waist pulling her closer to me until I pulled away
"We do-"
J: I want to
"Ok then"


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