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Charli POV
I woke up against Jules's back spooning her and she was still sleeping so I gently moved and took a picture and posted it

Charli POVI woke up against Jules's back spooning her and she was still sleeping so I gently moved and took a picture and posted it

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I scrolled down the discovery page looking at edits until I kept getting dms so opened them they all responded to the photo

Dixie Damelio

Why tf she have no
clothes on charli

Hmmm well ya know 😏😻

Uh- charli

U asked Dick-sea now bye

Nessa Barrett
Someone's tired 👀
What can I say I mean...
Dang charli can be a top ok I underestimated u
Haha nah let's just say I am a bottom most of the time😪
Dang I'm bottom energy 😭
Yeah haha alr ttyl char
Ttyl ness 

Madi Monro
Get it bae as u should
Did that tho 🥱
Girl she looks exhausted
Cuz she is
Ok baddie

Heidi Damelio
Charli damelio
Yes mom ?...
Can she walk right still
I'm asking we have to film a damelio family dinner for the YouTube
Oh my- I luv u, but she's asleep still idk
Haha alr hunny see u later today for the video

There were more I responded to and then I opened some dms from fans as well which was fun it was already 9am so I decided to wake Jules up. She was on her back now and I crawled under the blanket and started to leave kisses on her stomach, I didn't leave any hickies considering there were already quite a bit from last nights events... I trailed my kisses up her body to her chest and she started to stir awake. I made my way up her collar bone, to the side of her neck & behind her earlobe and whispered
"Morning pretty girl"
She blushed so hard, she hid her face in my neck as she sat up with me straddling her.
J: morning princess
I rubbed the back of her neck below her hair and slid my hands to either side of her face locking eyes with her. God her green eyes I get so lost in every time I look at her, I leaned in & kissed her, i pecked her nose then kissed her forehead. She slid her arms around my waist & held me closer to her, our bare bodies against each other, I moved a piece of hair behind her ear staring at her
"I love u"
J: I luv you too
"Your beautiful u know"
J: your gorgeous u know"
I let out I a giggle as I played with her hair
J: soo?
"What r u doing today"
J: oh well coffee run, studio time, grocery shopping, P.O. Box pick up, bohoo photo shoot
J: yeah can't forget tho that I don't actually do all that in one day, I have a assistant for a reason so i don't over schedule myself anddddd
J: today's our one month I didn't forget
"Idk if you barely remember or u knew "
J: well considering the shoot is for the two of us and that I got u gifts and the Damelio dinner is marked on my calendar with one month❤️ on it"
"Your memory is working... I know sometimes u forget the simplest things but u remember how to solve a rubix cube "
J: that is indeed something I would do, but I wouldn't forget this
"Well let's get ready then?"
J:ok shower?

Charli  |   I Love You Forever & AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now