⚠️Ch. 46 ⚠️

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I connected our lips sitting up as she kissed me back and I held her waist pulling her closer to me until I pulled away
"We do-"
J: I'm want to
"Ok then"

Jules POV
I connected our lips again as charli's hands started to roam my body our heads moving back and forth as we both fought for dominance over the other. I slide one of my hand from her jaw to her stomach making shapes around her abs playing with the hem of her sweats. Her kisses got sloppy as she got inpatient and I slide my hand into her pants down to her heat and she gasped pulling away from me hiding in my neck. I slowly rubbed her clit as she sucked on my neck and I sped up my hand movements until took my hand out and pulled her body further down  the bed so she was laying down and I took off her sweats and shirt as she layed down and pulled my face back to her and flipped us over removing my clothing as well. I pulled her face back down to me as our lips connected again and her hand slowly slid down to my center and I held her wrist stopping her and she met my eyes confused.I removed my undergarments as well as tugging at hers Leaving both our bodies bear as she stared at me I pulled her chin up meeting her eyes

C: how abt we try something new luv?
"I'm all yours"

Charli threw one of her legs over mine, my thigh in between her center but she slide further up or heats meeting ✂️✂️✂️ she rubbed my clit as I threw my head back and then she removed her hand replacing it with her body moving back and forth as we rubbed against each other and she sped up.
"Fuck me"
She went fast taking one of my Breast into her hand sliding her fingers in my mouth as I sucked on them. After a while I started shaking and she knew I was close
C: hold it Jules
She went faster as she was almost at her climax as well and I couldn't hold it any longer
"I can't"
C: come for me now
I let go as she slide her fingers in me again deeper this from tho pumping into me harder and harder as she squirted releasing as well. My back arched as she wasn't stopping her hand movements and my center became sensitive as she smirked at my squirming under her
She moved her body so her head was in between my thighs and her finger still going deep an hard into me repeatedly
"I can't anymore please"
C: wait
She stuck her tounge into me as I shivered trying not to let go again
C : ok
I released over her mouth as she continued to eat me out humming at the taste cleaning me up and kissing up my body again
C: I love you so much Jules
"I love your too charli"
She connected our lips as I could taste myself and she pulled away moving to the side laying on her back. I rolled over connecting our bare chest with my head in her neck as I drift off to sleep

~ time skip~

Charli POV
Last night was something.... To say the least I woke up and Jules wasn't on me anymore I was facing her back as she was till asleep so I grabbed my phone checking the time 9:37 AM and then took a picture of her back cuz her tattoo are ... oof make me feel some type of way

I scrolled threw Instagram after I posted that and just chilled until there was a knock

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I scrolled threw Instagram after I posted that and just chilled until there was a knock. I scrambled out of bed grabbing one of her hoodies and shorts and underwear opening the door looking like a mess

Nikki: looks like some actually did have some fun last night
" shut up Nikki what's do u want"
Nikki: was just gonna let u know we wanted to head out in 30 so hurry up

I closed the door seeing Jules stir awake and sit up pulling the blanket to her chest
"Good morning baby"
J: mhmm morning I swear you fucked me up
"Haha sorry"
J: no no don't be
"No well they wanna head out in 30 so we gotta hurry and get ready"
J: ughhhhh ok

We both got dressed and ready for breakfast and shopping day and these were the fits

We both got dressed and ready for breakfast and shopping day and these were the fits

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Jules POV We walked downstairs of course Me using the crutches and they were all Chillen on the phones Jxdn: look who decided to show up let's get This show on the road I made reservations "Ok damn"Jxdn: not that your hungry Jules you probably got...

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Jules POV
We walked downstairs of course Me using the crutches and they were all Chillen on the phones
Jxdn: look who decided to show up let's get This show on the road I made reservations
"Ok damn"
Jxdn: not that your hungry Jules you probably got some last night

I gave him a death stare as he laughed

Dixie: nah charli's a screamer and we heard nothing so Mrs.Jules over there is probably hungry
Charli: just shut up would you
Nikki: haha sorry
Addison: you guys are so immature
Nikki: says screaming number 2
Addison: Nikki!
Nikki: wasn't lying tho at least Dixie can do something right
Dixie: shut up ass hole
"Ok everyone shut up and let's go before I change my mind and wanna stay home"
Jxdn: u heard the women

Charli POV
We all got in Jules new Range Rover and Jxdn drove cuz well u know Jules broke her leg

Jxdn. Nikki.
Jules. Charli
Dixie. Addison

We pulled up to the urth cafe and I helped Jules out of the car as we got the side walk and walked torwards the restaurant.A few minutes later we were bombarded with paparazzi and questions,to many I couldn't even comprehend one and jules stared to get shaky so she was anxious
"Please give us some space we're just trying to walk"
Jxdn: yo some personal space for them please
Pap 1: just trying to do our job
Pap 3: u ok Jules? Whats going on with Nessa
Pap2: are you dating again

"Did you not just here what we said please just let her be"

Pap3: fans wanna know is that a hickey Jules?
Pap2: who's it from
Pap4: love the album teaser Jules
Juless: Thankyou

We finally made it to the door and we walked in and then we ordered and got a table outside


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