Ch. 47

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Charli POV
We finally made it to the door and we walked in and then we ordered and got a table outside. We were all talking but Jules was a little quiet fiddling with her fingers under the table next to me. I put my hand over hers continuing to taking to Dixie as she flipped her hand locking fingers

"Mammoth sounds fun tho if we do a trip"
Dixie: that's what I'm saying but everyone wants to go to the beach
Jxdn: because who doesn't want to go to the the Bahamas?!
Nikki: chill we probably won't even go on a trip until Jules gets her cast off
Addison: true that's fair so that means you gotta wait anyways
Dixie: but as of now let's vote
"Dixie who cares, we might change our minds in 3 months"
Jules: if you can't decide just do both
Dixie: ....... *points at Jules* bestie has a point
Jxdn: problem solved
Addison: anywaysss
Dixie: say hi to the vlog
Jules: where tf was the camera
Dixie: In my bag
"Sneaky link"
Addison: I can be your sneaky link
Dixie: hey keep the YouTube pg please
Addison: Jules just cussed
Dixie: will bleap it out
Addison: whatever
Dixie: jk I love you bub
Jxdn: ok ew
"Tf Dixie being a simp?"
Nikki: why is it weird when you give affection Dixieeee
Jules: cuz she acts like she's hard all the time and she's a fucken dick to ppl but next thing u know she's the biggest bitch ever 
Dixie: wow ok just fucken cuss over and over again
Jules: just saying pixie your sensitive and I can see right through you
Addison: true she's a simp
Dixie: just gang up on me then
Addison: haha sorry luv
Jxdn: alr anywayssss I think our food ready I'll be back
Nikki: Jules gives me low key main character vibes
"She doesn't have to try she just is the main character"
Dixie: unlike you charli such a try hard main character
"Hey don't be fucken rude Dixie.... Hahaha"
Dixie: your so funny haha 😐
Jules: love you both I mean *cough* charli more but this is your fight don't include me I'm just drinking water
Dixie: wow you love her more
Charli: u have your own girlfriend
Dixie: but she's my best friend
Charli: ok Addison is my best friend doesn't mean she likes me more than you
Dixie: uh better not
Addison: I'll end up liking her more with this attitude
Nikki: she told youuu
Dixie: everyone hates meee vlog
Jules: I don't hate you but I don't love you more than charli 😙
Dixie: 🥲
Jules: haha hey guys welcome back to Dixie's vlog we're here at urth cafe look record the paparazzi recording us Dixie

Dixie flipped the camera as we laughed as they noticed we saw them. I slipped my hand out of Jules's and placed it on her thigh

Jules POV
After we ate and filmed funny bits for Dixie's vlog we decided to get coffee at philzzzzzz once we were leaving some fans came up to us as we took pictures videos and signed stuff and then we walked to Philz while paparazzi just filmed us walking

"Look I don't mean to be rude but content wise you could ask me questions not just me walking with crutches haha"
Charli moved her hand from my waist walking by the street side instead of me
Pap1: haha sorry so Jules how's was your lunch date
"Good good, triple date ya know"
Pap1: nice
Pap2: loved the new song do we got a date yet for the album or any teasers
"Umm not yet but albums name is 'Paranoia' so be ready for that and the billboard as well but keep up on my socials for updates"
Pap 3: hey charli how have u been
Charli: hi guys yeah I've been good what about you
Pap3:good good thx for asking
Pap: where are y'all headed to
"Coffee at philz right here"
Pap2: nice how have u guys been since the accident
"Good thankful god was watching over us ya know it could of been a lot worse not trying to be corny with that but it could've really bad ya know"
Pap4: have u found to person form the hit and run
"Sorry I can't talk about that"
Pap: no problem
Pap2: how's the leg tho what about your scholarship to ucla we saw that the schools soccer team had posted you before this
"Oh well my leg is better just recovery ya know but soccer went down the drain unfortunately"
Pap 1: that sucks sad to hear that

paparazzi were still recording us as we walked and they asked the others stuff

Fan: hi Jules can I get a picture
"Of course what's your name?"
Fan: Sophia
"Well your very pretty Sofia let's take that picture for you"
Fan: can I get charli in it too
"Yeah fs, ba- charli
Charli: yes
"Can we get u in this picture"
Charli: yea of course

The little girl took the picture and she looked around 9ish

Sophia: I heard that
"Heard what"

Charli had walked over to other fans already

Sophia: you called her babe...
"Did i or are you hearing things"
Sophia: funny
"Haha alright we'll our secret?"
Sophia: deal
"Alr your moms waiting for you"
Sophia: ok bye thankyou
"Of course"

More fans came until we made it into Philz which felt like forever with these dumb ass crutches I slowed the group down. We got in line and ordered our coffees. I sat down in one of the high bar stools and charli stood in between my legs since I wasn't sitting correctly at the table

Charli:I love you enough to betray Dunkin' ya know
"Haha I do know now"

I put my phone down wrapping my arms above her shoulders

"Careful what you do these are glass windows and I'm sure ppl are still outside Damelio"
Charli: what r u gonna do abt it if I just choose to kiss u
"Umm swerve you"
Charli: uh- you wouldn't
"Haha your right I'd kiss you back probably but I suggest u don't"
Charli: but I want to
"How bad"
Charli: really bad
Dixie: hey love birds pack it up coffee is ready
Charli: shut up Dixie
Dixie: dang

I laughed and then before charli left she kissed me

"No u didn't"
Chalri: I did

We all got up a charli waited for me
"These dumb ass crutches take me longer and I slow everyone down it's not a good look"
Charli: hey it's ok I'll carry u if you want Jxdn can take the crutches and Addison could hold our drinks
"I'll be fine"
Charli: hey just let me
Charli: please

I looked away seeing ppl staring through the doors and I smiled

Charli: yayyy ok Jxdn get your ass over hereeee
Jxdn: what's up
Charli: Carry Jules's crutches I'm gonna carry her
Jxdn: alr I tell Nikki to take your drinks then
Charli: Thankyou
Jxdn: of course

Charli: mmk piggy back ride or my favorite way
"Your favorite way is to risky for paparazzi so I'll say piggy back ride"
Charli: haha alr

We walked back to the car being met with the same amount of ppl as the last and then we got in
Jxdn: k so we still down to go shopping?
Nikki: yup
Charli: yeah
Dixie: mhmm
Jxdn: alr I was thinking melrose? Anywhere else u wanna go
" melrose is fine"
Jxdn: alr melrose it is

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