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"I love you charli"
C: I love you too Jules
"Mmmm r we gonna take this inside or stay out here freezing"
C: right...

We went inside and charli sat at the end of the bed as I closed the sliding door turning around meeting her eyes filled with lust.......

Jules POV
I shook my head a laughed a bit
"Alr then"

I walked up to her standing taller than her as her head leaned back so she didn't loose eye contact. Her hands moved to my thighs as I was standing and a leaned down and held her face gently
C: I'm not doing the teasing game

She crashed my lips with hers as I was taken back and I was pulled down by charli as I now sat on her lap. Our heads moving back and forth as we fought for dominance in a passionate kiss I held her face as she roamed my body with her hands and went down to the zipper of my pants fiddling with it. I pulled away both of us out of breath as I flipped us over so that I hovered over charli. She pulled me down again by my chains our lips meeting again as she ran her hand up and down my stomach
"Sit up"
She did as I said and unzipped her dress not pulling apart the kiss, laying back down I threw the dresss somewhere in the room as i I scan her body seeing her in lingerie and I shook my head at her. She pulled at my crop top as I took it off throwing it leaning back connecting my lips to her neck sucking and nipping at it until she arched her back Allowing me to slide my hand under her & i unclipped her bra as I trailed my kisses down to her chest
C: jules
C: please
"Please what"
C: just fuck me already
"Be more specific would you"
C: eat me out use your fingers 69 I don't give a fuck so what u want I'm yours

I slide my hand into her underwear rubbing her clit as she pulled my face to kiss her again. I stood up taking off my pants as I threw her underwear and moved my head inbetween her legs

Charli pov
Jules held my legs over her shoulders as she licked up and down my center


She rammed her fingers into me as I Threw my head back she moved faster and faster as I became breathless under her and this was my idea. I held her head as she sucked relentless on my clit as she went deeper with her hand I squirmed

J: do it

I released on her hand as licked her fingers and kissed me again.

J: Hmm
"I have this"

I opened the draw grabbing a dildo strap

J: u didn't
"I didn't it was fan mail
J: and that makes it better?
"Not rlly"
J: just give it to me
"Nope my turn"
J: b-

I flipped over Jules as i remover her undergarments and put on my side of the strap sliding it into me as she just looked at me

I kissed her again as I rubbed her center then lined up to her center
"U sure it's pretty long -"
J: I trust u

I slide into her as quickly as she threw her head back
"U good.."
J: I'm not a virgin charli just do whatever u want

I sped up the pace of my hips as I connected my lips to her breast she scratched my back as I went deeper and harder enjoying seeing her a vulnerable mess under me since I'm usually a bottom.....

I rubbed her clit with my thumb connected our lips again but she couldn't hold it as she let out a moan
J:I can't anymore
"Come for me then"

She came undone as I threw the strap off and made way down inbetween her legs licking her clean and plopped next to her

J: I'm not gonna be able to walk dumbass
"U said do want I wanted to"
J: .....
"That's what I thought"
J: love you
"Love you too bubby"

~time skip~

Jules POV
I woke up by sudden movement on the bed and I rubbed my eyes sitting up recalling last night as I covers my chest with the blanket seeing charli scrambling around my room
"What r u doing"
C: I have to do that video with Hailey that I forgot about this morning and I can't be late she's literally my role model plus I have hickeys all over my neck that I need to cover
"U did me worse don't go there
C: sorry not sorry but I need to take a shower can u give me clothes please
"Yeah if I can make it the the closet"
C: funny
"Yes I'll get u a outfit now hurry up"
C:ok ok

She went in the shower as I grabbed my clothes off the floor feeling sore..... if u know what I mean nvm anyways I went to my closet and changed for myself since I'm meeting with Travis at the studio to hear the last mix together of all of the songs cuz the album releases august 14 cuz 14 is my favorite number but anyways the fits I chose cuz I'm always drippy charli fit

 if u know what I mean nvm anyways I went to my closet and changed for myself since I'm meeting with Travis at the studio to hear the last mix together of all of the songs cuz the album releases august 14  cuz 14 is my favorite number but anyways ...

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jules fit

 __________Sorry it took awhileFr awkward writing that

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Sorry it took awhile
Fr awkward writing that....

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