ch. 7

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Jules pov

i walk into dixies room and there both on there phones

D: "finally weve been waiting to start another game, where did you guys go?"
" i took her to dunkin."

D: "we literally went this morning it hasn't even been three hours."
" i know idk how her little body can cansume 6-8 cups of coffee a day."

k: "maybe stop feeding her addiction."
me and dixie just looked at eachother thinking the same thing "absouluty not"

K: "why not?"
"your lucky you havn't seen charli without caffiene , its scary."

d: "tell me about it k anyways enough about my sister we can play fortnight,call of duty, fifa 20, rocket league, red dead redemption, uhhh i think thats all i have."

"doesn't matter just pick one"

K: "well you two are actually good at video games and i kinda suck, so the game im actually decent at is fornight so i say we play that."

D: "alright"

D: "i have the pc, my tv and somone can play in charli's room or downstairs or mobil."

"eww mobile sucks i don't care tbh tho."

K: "ill do mobil so we can stay together ."

D: "alright ill take pc, y/n you can have the xbox"


time skip to 4:00pm and there all still play and being brainwashed

(btw it was 12:00 when they started) still
Jules POV

not long after we started playing i heard comotion in the house so i assumed it was just the girls coming to hang with charli. we played fortnight for a good 2 hours then we played red dead redemption but kate kept complaing that she sucked so we played fifa for the next 2 hours. charli came in with me not noticing and she sat on my lap but i kept yelling at dixie

"dumb ass why don't you just pass the ball"

d: "you wouldn't have made it either shut up"

charli then sat on my lap and i rubbed her back with one hand until we started playing again and she put her head in my neck so i started to whisper talk to her while dixi and kate were argueing now "where r the girls?"

c: "in my room"
"oh then why are you with me, not that i dont want you here but"

C: " i just had a question for you plus i just wanted to be in your arms for a little bit"
"aww you miss me ?"
C: "how could i not"
"k stop being cute, what your question bubs?"
c:" i wanted to know what i should where like casual, dressy or dressy casual?"
"i'd say dressy casual but comfortable."
C: "ok , this is why being gay is so much better."


C: "if i asked a guy that they wouldv'e been like 'idk' or 'whatever you want' , like im asking for and answer?"

i just laughed at her "ya ok "

C: " i mean thats just one benefit ."

"ok go get ready now dork."
C:" no i want to stay a little longer."

"ok thats fine, do you know what time it is ?"
she pulled her phone from her back jean pocket and said

C: "4:28"
"ok thx."
C: "mhmm imma text the girls so they can pick ourfits for me."
"oh is there anthing in particular u want me to wear?"

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