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Jules POV
After we got coffe I took Sara back to min and i grappled the keys to the Range Rover and gave them to her so she has some sort of transportation while she's here. Then I headed to this photo shoot for Calvin Klein that starts in 30 min and will at least take me 20 to get there with traffic so

Ring ring

It's my manager gio

Gio 👨‍💻
"Yo wassup"
G: yo u on your way to the shoot right
"Yes sirr"
G: alr sounds good Jules
"Why are we doing all this befor the album again"
G: it's good publicity that your name is everywhere when the album comes out
"Right, is this a solo shoot?"
G: I believe sooo, I'm not fs but I'll text you
"Alr thx gio see u at my party?"
G: ofc wouldn't miss it
"Alr bye"
G: bye

Charli POV
Im chilling in Jules's room on my phone and it's been like an hour, I ate cereal, made coffee and then got ready and now my sister is late again to pick me up

Calling Dixie
Dixie 😒
D:"What charli"
"Where r u"
D: I'm like a block away chill I wasn't getting us dunkin, just head to the parking lot
D: mmk

End of call

I headed downstairs and we took off to the studio to record the podcast episode
D:how's Jules
"U saw her yesterday"
D: Ik but she was having fun it's just Sara brings up some old memories for her yk
"Yeah I think she's on she hasn't said anything or been weird
D: that good let's hope it stays that way
"U think it won't"
D: I really don't know
"What does mom think"
d: idk she didn't tell me anything when I saw her this morning
" Alr"

~time skip~
We got to the studio and we're barely abt to record after setting up and we did the intro already
D: so charli has a girlfriendddddd
"So does dixieeeee"
D: shut up let me speak
"Uh- let me speak"
D: no, anyways so who's your girlfriend for those who don't know
"Everyone knows"
D: not everyone cares enough to know charli
"Shut up I'm dating Jules Bree Dunn
She's an amazing singer songwriter, athlete, model she's just good at everything "
D: that is indeed true and how did u start dating I think the fans deserve to know charli
" she was your bestfriend who caught feeling for and decided she like me more than you"
D: not trueee
"Keep telling yourself that"
D: uh well addi likes me more
" I duh she's dating your dumbass"
D: is this like a be mean to Dixie podcast or
"Let me interview you so Dixie how's the music I heard your featured on my girlfriends album
D: " I ammmmm charli I heard your gonna be in another music video"
"Spoilerrrr alert"
D: did I open my mouth to soon oh cut that out I spoiled it are you surprised tho
"No I was hoping I was in another video "
D: oh were you

Jules POV
I needed up doing to shoot solo and then olivia like Loki is Ponton came and we did some together and I asked abt Kai and told her that I'm looking forward to seeing her at the party so anyways these r the photossss

Jules POVI needed up doing to shoot solo and then olivia like Loki is Ponton came and we did some together and I asked abt Kai and told her that I'm looking forward to seeing her at the party so anyways these r the photossss

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Anyways I'm driving to meet trav right now and the studio with some ppl who have ideas for the album billboards which should be fun~time skip~

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Anyways I'm driving to meet trav right now and the studio with some ppl who have ideas for the album billboards which should be fun
~time skip~

"I want something that's different and makes u look like oh shit that's actually dope yk I think that's the overall vibe of the the album like it's different but it works as it's own genre"
Trav: what if half is like some dope black and whit phot and the other half is a bold fucken photo
Meeting ppl: we have two fs billboards in Hollywood areas that are available so let's see what we can do
Meeting ppl 2: we already have sunset blvd billboard reserved fs and we got her some shoots tomm
"Alr who the project director and editor

Meeting ppl: that would be Ryan and Chloe they'll be there Tomm with you to go through there visions with you, be know they Really grasped what you wanted and put and idea to it so i thinks it's gonna be awesome

Gio: so what about the music videos we want to put out after the album
Meeting ppl: how many videos r u thinking

" most of the collabs like mgk,Justin, Jxdn, Nessa, Madison, Dixie and then I want fs another video with charli being we already recorded one but I want them to come out slowly after so that's it's like, it's not over there's more and more"

Meeting ppl: how many songs do U have Jules?
" I have 22"

Meeting ppl: ok so what if hear me out, you realease a 15 song album and then realease and plus album with all of the songs"

Meeting ppl: like what justin did
"I mean that cool I'm not sure if thats what I wanna do tho yk"

Trav: I agree I think it's important that the body of work stays together

Meeting ppl: alr sounds good it was nice meeting with you don't forget that music video will be out tomorrow night with that girl of yours

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