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Jules POV
Nessa made/helped me eat once our food was here and I drank the coffee happily and then grabbed one of the vapes plopping on her couch

N: didn't You have a studio session today
"I canceled it "
N: why
"Not in the mood or in the right mindset to make the best work I can although I can write a shit ton of lyrics right now "
N: then go do it idk how lyrics come to use so easily the first thing I came up with is "I'm in pain"
"Haha luv that for u ness" I took another hit while I stared at her ceiling
N: yeah
"U ever feel like there a voice in the back of your head who just wants u to fail and it gets so loud that it's hard to ignore"
N: yeah all the time but there's also another voice who says the opposite
"True" then I took another hit just thinking
N: jeezus slow the fuck down I'm gonna hide all the vapes u bought u can keep that one tho I guess
N: yes Jules
"No nessa"
N: Im doing it anyways
"I'm to lazy to get up and stop u so whatever I guess I think imma head out in a bit"
N: alr
"Did I tell u Travis signed me to his label"
N: no fucken way that big
N: why aren't u excited
"I am I just.... u think I may have got into a relationship to fast without fixing my mental health"
N: Jules I think if it was someone who didn't know u for that long then yea but it's charli
"But I just don't wanna hurt her nessa"
N: I think you'll hurt her more if u push her away she's already worried abt u
"She is "
N: yeah why wouldn't she be
"I don't know"
N: She texted me ya know like I said earlier she just doesn't want to push u to talk to her abt it she wants u to come to her but u being u will not do that"
"Should I go talk to her"
N: I mean yeah but u are already starting to look high
"I know that's why my thoughts are coming out of my head into my mouth as words"
N: weirdo
"Am not"
N: your not but maybe a little bit
"Shut up"
N: okie anyways I have studio time in an hour so stay here or do whatever imma get a real outfit on
She went upstairs while I kept using the vape I know shouldn't but I did I layed there until nessa came back down and I was just in my head thinking abt everything my mind rlly does overflow
N: Jules you've been In that position for at least 45 min get up
N: because u need to get up
I went to the restroom and my eyes looked at kinda red I didn't think it was that bad I didn't do much but I did take glasses from nessa and i waited until she was ready so we can leave at the same time and I headed to target to pass some time before going home and picked up some records for my collection, grocery's snacks and what not I also bought a soccer ball since I haven't played in a while well since covid i mean before that I would play club since I didn't go to high school my last year and technically this is going to be my freshman year for collage and I haven't committed to any scholarships idk if I'm even going to collage yet so there's another thing to think abt, great anyways besides weight training and stuff I haven't been doing clinics so I thought I'd pick it up to practice a little Anna would prob play with me or Noah but he's dixies ex so prob not he's a nice guy but no. Anyways I was driving back home and there was a mess of  paparazzi outside my apartment complex Great, I went into the parking structure and headed up to the penthouse. I walked in and charli was on the couch
"Oh hey bubba I didn't know u were here"
C: yeah I got here like 5 minutes ago here let me help you
We put away stuff in the kitchen and I saw her pick up the soccer ball
C: u gonna play again
"I Don't know I'm technically a senior since I'm year older and graduated early and I have scholarships but I don't know what I'm doing "
C: u have scholarships?!? Why didn't u tell anyone
"I don't know if I'm even going to collage yet
C: i get that but I've seen u play and your rlly good Jules and if u have a full ride then I think u should do it ya know
"Yeah I know but then where does that leave this career I'm doing now ya know I already juggle my photo shoots, music, sponsors, then social life like with u and now I'm gonna add school and soccer I don't know if I can do it all char
C:I believe u can and if that means sacrificing time with my cute girlfriend I would but it's your decision just sleep on it u still have some time bubby
"Yeah I guess"
C: Anna called
C: " yeah"
"What she say "
C: she said that I better treat U right and she misses u
" sounds like her"
C: yeah, why do u still have glasses on Jules
" cuz"
C: cuz why
"Cuz I'm zooted ha"
C: r u kidding or r u serious
"Why don't u take them off and see damelio"
I turned to her leaning against the counter and she stepped in front of me touching my face and I moved her hair behind her ear. She slowly removed the glasses revealing my closed eyes
C: Jules open your eyes
"Hmm no"
C: jules
"Fine fine" I opened my eyes meeting charli's eyes as she held my face still,felt like she was staring down into my soul
" your not mad r u "
C: no why would I be
C: well I'm jot a hypocrite so I'm not gonna judge u if that's what u thought but I just I don't want u to use this as a way out your feelings ya know
"Yeah I know"
C: can I be honest
C: I think this right here is the way u know how to cope but it's not healthy for u mentally because u never face it my love and I just want u to be happy
" yeah I get that and I want to be happy too, with you"
C: well then u need to talk to me about these things were officially a 'team' now u and me against the worldddd
C: i love making u laugh
" and I love how adorable u are "
C: baby
C: can I at least know who offered u scholarships
"Yeah off the top of my head i was offered 2 full rides and 4 two years"
C: who offered full rides
" Michigan and UCLA"
C: UCLA offered u a full ride?!?!
"Ha uh yeah they did"
C: that's just- wow that's amazing I have the hottest soccer playerrrrr as my girlfriend period.
"Shush before j take away my house key I gave u"
C: u wouldn't even
"Your right but anyways imma gonna shower and change"
C: can I join
"No "
C: please
C: why
C: then just let me join
"Fine no silly business tho damelio "
C: no promises your too stunning
"Yeah right hurry up"
C: yayyy

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