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Charli POV
Jules had held my hand the whole way home so I took a picture and posted it on Instagram

idk what social media will say it'll probably be on tiktok room but I'm happy that's all the matters

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idk what social media will say it'll probably be on tiktok room but I'm happy that's all the matters. Although I had a break down the other day I honestly worry abt Jules sometimes she can be a very closed off person at times and just brush things off but I they hurt her and that hurts me but idk how to talk to her abt it without her shutting me out be I need to idk when but I will. Anyways the hype house was pretty fun ig I haven't seen them in a while. She dropped me off but she couldn't stay cuz of her schedule tomm she said so I said goodnight to my parents and head to my room for bed

Jules POV
Alr so I lied but it's not for a bad reason but I need nessa soo
Ness 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🎤
Nice to hear from u stranger why r u calling me 1 am
Cuz I know your awake, I miss u, I need to fill u in on my life and talk to you so what r u doing now
Uh alr well I'm just watching tv u wanna come here or do I go to yours
Uhhh can I borrow clothes
Like I'm gonna say no just get your ass over here u always take my clothes anyways
Jeez see u in 10 loser
U did not just call me a loser
I did bye
J- 🔚
I threw my phone in the passenger seat and pulled out of charli's driveway and headed to nessa's but I went to the drug store first and pick up snacks and a couple vapes idk why but I did .

I barged into nessas apartment
"I'm here bi-och"
No answer
I walked upstairs to her room and nowhere but I saw her bathroom door closed so I knocked
"Ness I'm here"
N: u-umm ok j-just g-give me a sec
"Open the door ness your lying when u stutter and you voice goes higher"
N: Jules I-
"Open the fucken door nessa "

She opened the door her eyes were bloodshot red with tears, dark circles, and I saw a blade on the counter
I hugged her and she clung on to me as she let more tears come
"Nessa I told u to call me when u have these thoughts u knew I was coming"
N: I know I'm sorry
"It's ok I just hate seeing u hurt"
N: and I hate seeing u hurt
"I -"
N: Jules I love u but I can see in your eyes somethings wrong I know u, just like u know me
"Ness I know another time but rn I need u to look at me "
She made eye contact and I grabbed her wrist and pulled up the sleeves of her hoodies revealing multiple cuts
"Oh Nessa common into the bathroom"

Nessas POV
We went into the bathroom and she grabbed the first aid
J: ness I need u to take off your clothes
I slide of my hoodie revealing more cuts
And I saw a tear slip from her face
"Please don't cry"
J: Srry can u just sit on the counter
I sat down and she started cleaning my wrists with rubbing alcohol it didn't sting the bad I looked down at her as she focused it and I saw a hickey on her neck looking down at her
J: yeah
"Who the special lady or gentleman that gave u a hickey"
J: what
"Jules i see the mark clearly " I picked her neck and she swatted my hand
"So who is it"
J: guess
"Well do I know them"
J: mhmm
I was trying to think of who I knew that she liked
J: wth no doesn't she have another boyfriend already
"Griffin "
J: no the Guy won't quite trying tho
"Is it a guy at least tell me that"
J: no
"So girlsss ooo ...... wait no way "
"U told her"
J: well it's confusing that why I came over here dumb ass
"Oh so what r u guys"
J: well we're dating now
"Awww that's cute "
J: yeah yeah how's josh u guys still off or u on again
"I told him I needed a break for my mental health"
J: as u should, love yourself before u can love him
"But Jules "
J: what u lied to him
"Well it's true I my mental health need plenty of working on but I also don't think we work anymore and I like someone else if I'm being honest"
J: what-??who
"You haha"
J: I mean bae , But rlly who
"Thats for me to know they are taken anyways I don't wanna be a home wrecker"
J: yeah I don't even wanna know anyways I bought snack they're in your kitchen
"Thx "
J: Alrighty im done there's none on your legs is there
J: Promise
J: ok let's go now imma put your hoodies in the wash because they are just on your floor

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