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Jules POV

I finally heard the door nob turn and it broke my heart seeing her cry I immediately picked her up by her thighs and she sniffled in my neck.
Once her breathing slowed down I put her down on her feet and cupped her face, I whipped her tears and kissed her forehead wrapping her in another hug
"What wrong"
C: you'll think it's dumb
"It's nothing If it hurting you"
N: damn I knew liked u for her
We both turned our heads
N: Srry I forgot my phone
I just laughed as she walked out
"What is it"
C: I keep trying to change myself to be what everyone else wants me to be, everybody wants something from me, ppl I don't even rlly know from back home it's just exaghsting because I'm either to fat or to bony, I'm too active or not active enough on social media, it's like my personal life isn't mine anymore because everyone thinks they have a right over my decisions and they have a voice in my personality relationships like I'm not posting enough with this person or that person and I'm tired of it but it comes with this job that I'm extremely grateful for but I never asked for it also makes me upset when ppl in my dms tell me to kill myself or also wanna get with u haha"
" oh my well I get the same ones for you plus the death threats although they r very inappropriate u have to ignore them"
C: rlly
"Yes rlly and I'm glade your telling me instead of keeping it in there( I grabbed her head) because talking abt this will make u feel better and you still barley 17 I'm barley 19 we still haven't figured out our lives yet although we're expected to because of who we are, but remember a lot of haters have insecurities of there own so they take it out on u and it's easy behind a phone to be mean but there all lies charli your not bony your not fat don't let them ruin your confidence in your appearance because u are so beyond gorgeous charli ok"
C: ok
"I love u"
C: I love u too"
"Remember saying no to ppl is apart of self care too my luv u can't be there for everyone when you are not happy yourself "
C: god your perfect how did I get so lucky
"Have u seen yourself charli "
C: no wonder ppl r jealous WE ARE THE HOTTEST COUPLE ON TIKTOK!"
" 3.. 2..1-"
"Common bubby let's go"
I threw her over my shoulder and walked downstairs
C: wait until we announce our relationship nikki
N: will still be on top
"Guys dixison 4life tho"
C: uh- juless
"Orrr AA"
N: ahhh she gotta point Anthony and Avani have been together the longest
J: y'all who cares we're all happy in relationships but kourtney and trav are the best couple rn
" agreed alright bye guys
N: bye don't fuck up her legs more
J: already
N: jaden we hooked up before we started dating
C: nikki so disappointed 😪
N: bye now
She closed the door and we headed down to my car and went to charli's place
C: can u stay pls
"Charli I don't wanna overstep"
C: Jules you'd stay over all the time before pls
We went up to her room and cleaned up and went to bed she feel asleep on my chest as I held her tight thinking abt my life, I stared at her for a little playing with her hair it just feels so right with her, I don't wanna fall asleep I'd rather stay at her for hours and I'd still won't believe shes mine
"I love you charli"I said under my breath, I'd do anything for her crazy how much control she has over me . I thought about the first time we met and what I would've done if we never met I can't image what I would've done, the day I met my biggest blessing god this girl. This went on for a bit before I feel asleep

Charli POV
I woke up on Jules chest still and grabbed my phone to check the time 7:38 not that early. I gently unwrapped myself from her grip and headed to the restroom to shower and get ready cuz I have a shoot at 10:30 and then a meeting for my book at 12:30 and YouTube video to film at hype bye 2 . Great here comes the busy again I decided to make a tiktok of me getting ready and my morning runtine I also order Postmates for coffee for me and Jules so it was here by the time I was done and she was still asleep, I don't how much longer after me she feel asleep but I know she never sleeps good so I let her rest and I took a picture of her and then one of me kissing her forehead and her lips and one of me holding her face. I went to my vanity to start curling my hair and doing makeup

Jules POV
I moved around in bed for a little not wanting to wake up and charli wasn't in bed anymore so I rubbed my eyes and sat up and I grabbed my phone and it was 9:17 great 4hours of sleep yay I plopped on my back again facing the ceiling
C: good morning buggy
C: shouldn't tell u but your morning voice is a matter of fact very hot
"Appreciate it princess what time did u wake up "
C: like 7:30 so over an hour ago
"Oh Srry "
C: it's fine you still look tired tho
I sat up and looked at her through the mirror as she did her makeup
"And u look pretty what r u doing today "
C: why thankyou I have a shoot at 10:30, meeting at 12:30 and Thomas wants me to film with him today and j said yes already so I want u to come with me at 2 if your not busy"
"Dang what a schedule you have mrs damelio I only have a virtual meeting for Merch and one for the skate collab I'm doing whatever I don't get either I'm done by 12 "
C: ok
I got showered at her place and she picked something she wanted me to wear so I went with it and I said I'd pick her up to go to hype and I headed home for my meetings

I picked up charli once she was done and she said her meetings went well and we headed into the hype house to film and we finished with Thomas but the. Alex wanted us to kiss like he had had other tiktok couples do
"Just get Dixie and Addison"
C: or jaden and Nikki
A: imm trying to bring it  back and I need the best looking ship
C: see I was right
"I know u were , fine Will do it "
We ended up doing it and charli convinced me to stay with her again but we got chick-fil-a and then went back to hers

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