Ch. 18

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Charli POV
Fletcher: hey charli hey Jules
Both of us said hey at the same time and I rested my head on her shoulder
F: so Jules some fans sent me some clips of scars they spotted on your stomach's and wrist or something like that they wanna know if your ok
J: I prefer not to touch on that subject rn
That made me sad cuz I honestly don't know the last time she hurt herself she seem so happy all the time for others yet when I look in her eyes she seems so hurt but so caring
F: ok ok no worries where u guys off too
"Jules dragged me here to work out at dog pound with Addison and she's dragging my sister here too"
F: I see so Jules and Addison decided to drag their D'Amelio girlfriends here
"Oh we're not dating only the other 2"
I whisperer in Jules ear "little do they know" and she giggled and whispered back j: "facts"
F: that's not what your guys latest tiktok and Instagram content is showing us y'all seem a little more close and in the back of Avanis tiktok the other day some fans spotted charli on your lap and she's on your back now
J:I don't think u realize all my friends use me as a human chair"
F: oh weird who's the heaviest
"Uhh Prob Blake fs"
F: I didn't know y'all were friends
"Yeah we are I luv Amelie too she's such a sweat heart she's one of the best ppl to go to for advice & she's hella smart makes me feel so dumb"
F: cool cool so seems like u get along with everyone so charli who's your go to friend for advice then
"Good question I usually ask all my close friends together or separately and take each of the 4 opinions into consideration
F: who r the 4
"Madi, vani, addi,&gemma a hometown friend"
F: nice do u miss home
"Well home is where ever your loved ones are so la is my home now but yeah I do but not so much the town I miss it's the ppl I miss"
F:oh I get that

Jules put her wallet in her pocket and wrapped her hand around my legs and we started walking as fletcher followed and we parked a little far now that I think abt it
F: so Jules when's the album coming or are new singles releasing before then?
J: "album is coming along I'm taking my time because I want it to be perfect or the best it can be but I write and make music pretty much every day but yes single is coming and it's a collab so be ready hint is it's a she and she's my ride or die bestie for life and we have manyyyy matching Tattoos we got together" she held up her arm and I know who's she talking about

 F : saying matching tattoos might of been too much info cuz yours is on your left arm and hers is on the right and y'all have the matching sleeve basically so i know fs who your talking about J: haha well that was the point fletcher F: oh cool lo...

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F : saying matching tattoos might of been too much info cuz yours is on your left arm and hers is on the right and y'all have the matching sleeve basically so i know fs who your talking about
J: haha well that was the point fletcher
F: oh cool looking forward to that so charli, the fans wanna know when Jules will be on the D'Amelio podcast"
"Idk she agreed to do bffs podcast before 2 CHIX "
J: hey y'all asked after they did and I go on the pod In 2 days with josh so technically haven't done it yet "
F: haha well looking forward to seeing that but have u guys seen quinten and Cynthia officially announced there break up yesterday they seemed fine 2 weeks ago so u know what happened
J: yeah well it's not my place to talk about it's not my relationship but yeah he told me we're tight but fs a lot closer with jaden
We finally reached the entrance and a guy let us in
"We have to go now so bye fletcher"
J: bye
"Bye guys"
We walked in and Jules put me down as we headed to the back with my sister and addi
"Fletcher rlly has no filter he just asks whatever"
D: well yeah it's his job
J: but he's just straight forward it's like he's says hi and then asks you the most personal questions first"
A:I get that but think abt how much time they actually have like what 5min the most while u go to your car or something"
J: true but recording you crying in your car???
A : yeah that wasn't fun
"Aww poor addi"
A: shut up
We worked out for a good 2 hours the least, we all did abs first then me and Addi did legs then dix &jules did arms we paid for our session and trainer and the headed out and now there were a more paparazzi on. & I held Jules hand has we walked out and my water bottle in the other hand  and then Addison made Dixie carry her
"U guys wanna walk to a cafe or we can drive the urth ?"
D: I kinda want urth
A: that's fine
J: oh I'm fine with whatever u want"
"Ok then we can meet at urth"
We all reached our cars as paparazzi asked us all more questions here and there"
J : we'll see u there
A: bye
D: bye for 10 min
"Can I driveeee"
J: sure
She handed the keys over and we headed to urth cafe and she had her hand on my thigh the whol ride as she took aux and we vibed to juice 🧃 🌍
And I pulled into a parking space
J: yes my luv
"Can u carry me my legs hurt"
J: oh my sure
She ran around the car and paparazzi were already here assuming they followed us and heard the convo and the snapped pictures. She opened my door and picked me up and I clung onto her front
J: charli can u go on my back pls
" no I like when u hold me like this"
J: but paparazzi-"
"I don't care"
J: ok then
We walked for a bit and I kept my head on her shoulder and we walked in and found a table for four and she put me down
"What do you want to eat"
C: uhh not sure surprise me but I want coffee
I stayed at the table and then Dixie and Addison joined me and Dixie went to go order them food as well while me and addi chatted
A: so how r u guys
"Oh haha good"
A: awww your blushinggg
A: u guys official yet I saw u guys on tiktok room
A: yeah
"Oh well we had to figure stuff out with the paparazzi"
A: oh yeah Dixie told me a little she felt bad
"Yeah it's ok but we're gonna announce the relationship Saturday next week
A: good for u but as your friend u know I Have your best interest at heat always and I honestly think it'll be a little fast putting it straight on social media you guys should try to at least keeping it private as long as u can that's what we did but then again me and Dixie knew each other for 2 3 months then starting talking u guys have know each other forever "
"Yeah well that's what I did want to do even tho I know her already but then we made a whole agreement with the paparazzi I mean it's never too late to just pay them out although the internet will find out eventually ya know"
A: yeah well just don't let there opinion get to your head at the end of the day it's your relationship not there's ok
"Ok luv u addi"
A: luv u to chunkin
"Haha Idk if I like that name or not yet"
A: same but what r u guys up to after this well before lunch with your parents
"Idk I should call Nikki so she could come over before but she been with jaden on her free time and being busy all the time but we will prob go back to hers and shower and then head to mine to get clothes and what not
A: speaking of Nikki r u guys r going to j's realease party right? Jules is close with him"
"Uhh yeah we are"
A: u don't sound too happy abt it
"It's not that it's just his producers son is hitting on Jules"
A: who
"Landon like as in Landon barker"
A: ohhh didn't she have a thing with him I swear I've seen him all over her at a party before
"Eww just the thought but yeah they did"
A: well I don't think u have anything to worry abt
"Rlly why do U say that"
A: cuz she's head over heels for you miss girl u can tell by the way she looks at you and speaks about u
"I guess
A: well I know, my girlfriend is her bestfriend
We were interrupted when they came back with numbers for our food
J : hey
I held her hand as she sat down but she moved it to my lap an then I look back to see Addison and Dixie kissing
"Get a room pls"
D: shut up
"Luv u both but it still weirds me out d: I could say the same
J: haha
D: so charliii
" what pixie"
D: I got a call earlier
"From who"
D: yeah
"Aww he's cute with Madison but yeah what abt him
D: he said to just watch out for chase he's being obsessive over u still and is trying to hack your socials
A: jeezuz what a psychopath
J: he's what-?
"Oh my god why I thought we delt with this already" Jules then grabbed my hand and rubbed the back of it with her thumb gosh she give me butterflies
D: because he's weird idk but whatever u wanna do we can tell mom and dad when we see them later on their opinion
J: why don't u just get a restraining order cuz didn't he threaten u last time
"Yeah he did, Jules has a point we should do that"
D: whatever u want char but talk to mom and dad first
" was planning on it"
We continue talking and we got our food and coffee and we got up to leave and we got more paparazzi
J: u guys wanna come to mine before lunch?
D: sure I don't mind what abt u addi
A: I don't have clothes tho
D: will get ready and then head over then
J: alr no problem bye
" bye"
Jules opened my door ash I got in and she drove us back to her place and parked in the parking structure and we went upstairs

Jules POV
C: what shower do I use
C: together
"Yeah if u want"
C: alr let's go then
She picked me up and we went to my room
"Charli damelio put me down"
C: no thankyou
We got to my restroom and she put me down and we turned on the shower and undressed each other and got in
C: maybe this wasn't a good idea
C: I rlly wanna touch u but I don't wanna overstep boundaries
"Baby u can touch me, I'm your girlfriend, I'm yours mrs. D'Amelio I love you "
C: I love u too Jules
She gently grabbed my chin and kissed me and ran her hands from my hair down the side of my body to my legs and picked me up
Our chests were against each other other god I loved that feeling and she back me up to the wall in shower and my heat was against her as my breathing hitched and I grabbed the back of her neck connecting our lips again. I went down to her neck leaving hickies where I wanted
C: Jules-
C: I- i thought u wanted t-to wait
"I did"
C: did
"Yeah but I trust u"
C: so u wanna?
"Yes charli"
C: ok then out of the showerrrr
She put me down and turns off the water and wrapped our bodies in towels
"I like it better when u carried me"
C: then I'll carry you my bad
"Haha" she picked me up and she dropped me on the bed and locked the door
C: u invited Dixie and she has a key so idk how much time me have
I picked up my phone and called
pixie 🧚🏻
Yeah what's up
What time do u think you'll be here ?
Idk 20 min the least
Ok can u pick up redbulls at 7/11
Sure see u later
"Taken care of "
C: mmk

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