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So it's been abt a month since cooper passed, Ness and Jxdn definitely took it the hardest. Ness won't talk to anyone and keeps saying she's fine and Jxdn is just surviving ig I mean I don't blame him he wrote his whole album abt coop. But yeah charli has been asking me how I'm taking it, but
I mean coop was a definitely close friend of mine and he'll always have a place in my heart for just being such the kind person he was and for the biggest heart he always had for caring for others. Coop and I could always talk abt real shit because he just loved to listen it seemed. Coop wasn't perfect but he was definitely going thru his own shit and I guess I'm just lucky to have known him as long as I did.

Anyways Ness realeased a song that was his favorite on her upcoming album. Jxdn released 28 songs abt coop and I'm the last one.Those two were quite hard to follow up tbh but it wasn't hard to get what I wanted to say on paper. I had a lot so say abt my friendship with coop abt the kind of person he was and who he aspired to be so last night my EP songs for coop came out and I haven't checked what ppl have thought abt it cuz it doesn't matter I know what the songs mean something to me so that's all that rlly matters.

Jxdn just performed the songs at his release party we were all at and I was sitting with charli and Dixie and Nikki while Jxdn was finishing his last song

J: so Thankyou to all of you who came out tonight to hear what i had to say and create and sing for coop uh this all I knew what to do rlly and all this will never be enough of what I want to say but it's all I can do, but before we end tonight I'd like a very dear friend of mine to come up here and sing some songs she wrote for coop too, Jules?

I got up making my way to stage as he handed me the mic

J: hi you guys so uh Honestly I don't rlly know what to say up here tonight all my words seem to fall short but I think alot of this music speaks for itself but I'll never be able to fully express how much coop meant to me and to all of us but I mean I never thought I'd be doing this without him here to keep pushing me to do what I love and keep pushing all of us rlly to be authentic to who we are so here we go

J: so I got one last song to perform tonight but this is a song from my new album I've been working on and this was a song that coop I actually we uh we wrote this one together when he was struggling with some stuff and I rlly correlated with him so I remember that night I told him I wasn't good at talking abt my problems so I wrote everything down and if u knew coop u knew he could talk for hours but yeah so we made a song that night and here it is here's 9 lives

I wiped a tear of my face taking a deep breath as the song started to play the intro and It was an audio of coop saying the first two lines of the song

Blow some smoke up to the gods

Aye we're doing this all summer

Alright, lived 9 lives so I guess I got none left
Spent mine fucked up running down sunset
All the same anxiety my stomach got upset aye
But were not done yet

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