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6:30 party is staring to get bigger and louder the girls are hiding in there bedroom getting ready while jaden set up the house with the help of some sway boys, the true party boys themselves

Charli POV
Ju: ness is here I'm gonna go downstairs
"Ok be down in a bit"
Ju: alright

She kissed me and than ran down stairs leaving me curling my hair with Addison and Dixie cuddling on the bed, Nikki in the shower.

A: char
A: u look a little nervous what's wrong
"I'm not nervous.."
A: char your hand are shaking Holding the curling iron
D: when she lies her voice her higher too
A: is it abt Jules
"I I mean.. yeah"
D: what's up what's she do
"No she didn't do anything we're fine and all that, I just I don't want her to drown her feelings getting high or drunk at the party, u know she goes harcore with miss Nikki over there the shot gun queen

Nikki had just opened the restroom door her hair in a towel
N: what r we talking abt
D: Jules
N: what abt her what she do
A: damn the both of you just assume she did something
"Ikr thankyou no she didn't do anything it's just well you saw her last night how that was and I don't need her to drown it out with partying
D: what was last night
D: if it was nothing it wouldn't be bothering you
N: look Jules struggles with her mental health which you already knew Dixie leave it, something happened last night and I woke up ok jeez you don't need to know everything
D: dang sorry
A: I can't with u guys
"I'm not gonna stop her from doing anything but I also don't want anything to happen if that makes sense"
N: yeah it does, I get it I know we joked around earlier about how her and Jaden r twins but I think in a lot of ways they are and I know with him I just had to let him figure it out and come to me when he was ready but he puts a lot of that into his music just like Jules does ya know
"Yeah I know i just can't help but to worry about it cuz it hurts me seeing her like that"
A: well Dixie knows her the best out of all of us besides Jaden and ness
D: well I mean we have have a handful of serious conversations but I think with her u can't force her she's gonna do something her own way and she can be hella stubborn about it and you can't take it personally it's just the ways she is she won't let you in unless she cares and trusts you

a: u dont even have to say anything your presence speaks loader than words unless its I love you but yeah

"thank you u dont realize how much that actually helped me I just dont want her to do something stupid, god knows the mistakes she's made intoxicated too"

d: yeah she hasn't partied in a while so we will see

Jules pov:


N: hey bae

I jumped into her arms hugging her and she carried me

N: I saw u like last night jeez

"doest county missed you"

n: u rlly have separation anxiety dang

"I know sorry put me down now"

n: no

"jadennn ness isn't putting me down"

j: well who's the dumbass that ran into her arms

"y'all bully me"

n: we do not

"sure coop help meee"

c: nah thats your problem

"damn y'all hate me or something"

ness put me over her shoulder and just walk around,

Charli  |   I Love You Forever & AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now